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you cook the tomato soup in a pan and slowly pour in the milk while stirring over medium heat

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Q: Do you need to heat milk before adding it to a sauce to prevent that curdle look and How do you prevent tomato soup from the can mixed with milk from curdling?
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Why do vodka paralyzer curdle?

The reason it's curdling is because you have too much coke and not enough milk. Try using more milk If that doesnt work, try not adding vodka, and add ice last

Why would a Never Fail roux recipe you've used for years start curdling?

You are cooking it too hot or it is because you are adding your cold ingredients to the hot to fast Milk is sour Answer Your eggs might not be fresh enough, and again you have heated it to too high a temperature then you need to beat in the cold ingredients with a wooden spoon to prevent curdling I'm not sure I understand the question or the corresponding answers. Roux is simply fat and starch - what is there to curdle? Milk or eggs are not part of the equation... == == == == == ==

Why did your potato gratin curdle?

Gratins will curdle if anything acidic is added to the milk or cream. For example lemon juice and vinegar will make milk curdle, as will some alcohols. Sometimes cooking cheese based dishes on a very high temperature will make the cheese overcook and look slightly odd, but that's different to curdling.

Can substituting butter for high ratio shortening can cause curdling?

yes it will curdle. High Ratio Shortening contains emulsifiers that allow it to hold a large amount of liquid without curdling. do NOT substitute regular shortening or butter into a recipe that specifically says High ratio or emulsified shortening.

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Why should HAc be added slowly to the milk with through stirring?

Is lemon juice or vinegar better for curdling?

I have tried both, they both work to curdle whole milk but I found the lemon juice a better choice as the resulting paneer gets a more complimentary flavoring from the lemons then the vinegar.

Why does milk get clumpy?

If your milk is clumpy is it sour probably by setting out to long. This clumping is called curdling, and is something that happens naturally if milk has been left out in room temperature for too long or if it reacts to some enzyme or bacteria that causes it to curdle.

How do you uncurdle cheese?

It depends what mixture has curdled: -It is not possible to uncurdle milk or cream. In this case, curdling occurs when something acidic (such as lemon juice, vinegar or alcohol) is added to hot milk or cream, which will cause it to split into curds and whey. This is how ricotta cheese is made. - If custard curdles slightly, supposedly cooling it quickly then blending and sieving can salvage it. However this only works for tiny amounts of curdling in the custard. -Sometimes chocolate which has curdled (or "seized") can be salvaged by adding a tiny amount of honey. However this does not always work, and if the chocolate remains grainy it should be discarded.

Is it camels milk that does not curdle?

Yes, Camels milk does not curdle

How do you stop youghurt curdling when cooking it with chicken?

Any time you are adding an ingredient which might curdle, you need to add it at the end of the cooking process, when the rest of the recipe has cooled towards room temperature. And most definitely don't add it while still on the burner. Remove the chicken from the pan, let cool to room temperature, or close to it, then add a little of the cooled chicken juices to the yogurt to temper it a bit, then fold in the yogurt mixture into the chicken.

Does adding vinegar to milk saw that milk so that the milk will curdle cause a physical change wilco don't cause a physical change?

This is a chemical change.

Why does the milk curdle in a oven baked rice pudding?

Bread pudding should only curdle if something acidic was added to the custardy mixture before it was baked. "Something acidy" includes lemon juice, alcohol, juice leaching out of fruit etc... (Milk, when heated and then an acid is added, will seperate into curds and whey. This is how ricotta is made). It is also possible that it is overcooked/cooked on too high a temperature. (Some chefs suggest the bain-marie in the oven method for cooking bread puddings).