


Children's Books

This category is for questions and answers about literature directed towards younger age groups.

500 Questions

Why did gene not enlist?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gene did not enlist in the military during World War II because he was academically ineligible due to his poor grades and also felt guilty about avoiding the war by staying in school. Additionally, Gene struggled with feelings of rivalry and jealousy towards his friend Finny, which may have made him hesitant to join the military.

How old is Cassie in roll of thunder?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cassie Logan is 9 years old in the book "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry" by Mildred D. Taylor.

How old is Cassie Logan in roll of thunder?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry Cassie Logan is 9 in the beginning. Little Man (Clayton Chester Logan) is. Christiphor John is 7 and Stacey is 13.


Rochelle Gawel

Gull Lake Middle School!

What do you do when your bag runs out of wind?

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Asked by Wiki User

When your bag runs out of wind, you can refill it by blowing more air into it or using an air pump if available. If you are outdoors and it's windy, you can also try holding your bag open to catch more wind.

How many books has David Schwartz written?

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Asked by Wiki User

David Schwartz, known as the author of How Much is a Million?, has written approximately 50 books. From his website, it appears that he has written 48 books, however, the website is not perfectly up to date. According to Random House's website, he has published "over 50" books.

What does Gene decide to do after working on the railroad?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gene decides to head westward and explore the frontier. He yearns for adventure and a chance to experience life outside of the structured environment of the railroad.

What happens in Power of the Three Sunrise?

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Asked by Wiki User

In "Power of Three: Sunrise," the final book of the "Power of Three" series in the Warriors book by Erin Hunter, the descendants of the original ThunderClan cats must come together to face a new threat that threatens the peace of the Clans. Brambleclaw, Jayfeather, and Lionblaze use their unique abilities to confront this danger and ensure the survival of their Clans. The book culminates in a fierce battle that determines the fate of the Clans.

What is Echo Sounder primary task?

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Asked by Wiki User

The primary task of an echo sounder is to measure water depth by sending sound waves to the seafloor and recording the time it takes for the sound waves to reflect back to the sensor. This data helps create depth profiles and maps of underwater terrain.

If elisabetta dami is alive why doesn't anyone know about her?

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Asked by Wiki User

Elisabetta Dami is an Italian children's book author with over twenty years of experience in the publishing Industry. She ghostwrites the popular series Geronimo Stilton. She is part owner in the Italian Publishing firm Piemme, which recently was acquired by Mondadori. She regularly attends the Bologna Book Fair, and is currently traveling (Kilimanjaro, Sahara Desert, Sedona, Nepal, etc...), and gathering ideas for new Geronimo Stilton Adventures.

Did the Author Avi ever get married?

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Asked by Wiki User

Avi married his first wife Joan Gabriner, who was a weaver, on November 1, 1963. They had two sons, Shaun, who was born in 1966, and Kevin, who was born in 1968. Avi married his second wife in 1983. His present wife's name is Coppelia Kahn. She has a son named Gabriel from a previous marriage.

Did Almanzo Wilder die?

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Asked by Zora Daniel

He died at Rocky Ridge Farm in Mansfield, Missouri on October 23, 1949 at the age of 92, after suffering 2 heart attacks.

Where can you find information on ration books?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can find information on ration books in historical archives, libraries, museums with collections related to wartime history, and online resources such as digital archives and historical websites. Additionally, books and documentaries on wartime rationing often provide valuable information on ration books.

Who is mr Watson in cow called boy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mr. Watson is a store keeper. HE is fat around the waist and hamarmed, he has a solid apron covering his entire front,and his face is as round as a frying pan.

In a pilgrim household the adults sat down to eat What did the children do?

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Asked by Stevenx50

In a pilgrim household, after the adults sat down to eat, the children would be expected to help serve the food, clear the table, and then eat separately.

2003 Pontiac Sunfire book?

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Asked by Wiki User

For the 2003 Pontiac Sunfire, you can refer to the owner's manual for detailed information on maintenance, features, and specifications. You can also check online forums and websites for user experiences, troubleshooting tips, and common issues related to this specific model year. Additionally, contacting a Pontiac dealership or a certified mechanic can provide you with professional insights and guidance tailored to your Sunfire.

How did Claudia and Jamie become a team in the book 'From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E Frankweiler'?

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Asked by Wiki User

Claudia and Jamie became a team when Claudia decided to run away to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, and Jamie decided to join her. They worked together to plan their escape, navigate the museum, and solve the mystery of the statue of Angel. Their shared adventure created a bond between them as they faced challenges and discoveries together.

How to write an children's book in the 18th century, 19th century or 20th century?

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Asked by Telek Ganes

First, be inspired by history, then let your imagination run wild.

How many books are there in the Sweet Dreams series published by bantam and written early 80s to mid 90s?

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Asked by Rebecwcroft

The Sweet Dreams series, published by Bantam Books from the early 1980s to the mid-1990s, consists of a total of 233 books. This popular young adult romance series featured diverse storylines and characters in each book, capturing the hearts of readers. Each book in the series tells a standalone story with new characters and their romantic adventures.

What is Julilly's promised land in the book Underground to Canada by Barbara Smucker?

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Asked by Wiki User

Julilly's promised land in the book "Underground to Canada" is Canada, where she hopes to escape slavery in the United States and live freely. She dreams of finding a new home where she can be safe and enjoy the rights denied to her as a slave.

What was the fourth M thing Jack and Annie Needed From Magic Tree House?

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Asked by Wiki User

The fourth "M" thing that Jack and Annie needed from the Magic Tree House was a medallion.

What does it mean when Kenny says dad decided to cut up in the book Watsons go to Birmingham?

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Asked by Wiki User

When Kenny says his dad decided to "cut up," he means his dad has decided to act silly or do something out of the ordinary for entertainment or to lighten the mood. In this context in the book "The Watsons Go to Birmingham," Kenny's dad is trying to make a difficult situation more bearable by injecting humor.

What is the falling action in to the wooden bowl?

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Asked by Wiki User

The falling action in a story is the series of events that occur after the climax, where tension decreases and the story starts to wrap up. In the context of a wooden bowl, the falling action could involve the bowl hitting the ground, rolling, or breaking depending on the situation.

Who Are The Horrid Henry People?

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Asked by Wiki User

Horrid Henry is a young, 10 year old who is real horrid. He loves Killer Boy Rats!! He has a 'perfect' brother named Peter and terrible mother known as 'mum' and an okay ish dad.

Hope it answered your question? ;)

Thank yoou all, love you, khoshish kari heh ;) x

Is Laura Ingalls Wilder single?

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Asked by Darwin Hudson

No, Laura Ingalls Wilder is not single.