

Epic of Gilgamesh

Recognized as the oldest written piece of literature, the Epic of Gilgamesh is an epic originating from Mesopotamia. It revolves around the adventures of Gilgamesh, the king of Uruk, as he battles monsters and search for immortality.

500 Questions

You had to go away for a business trip you forgot your pills you left on Sunday got home on Wednesday evening you firgured you should doulbe up for 3 days so you did that yesterday then again today?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's not recommended to double up on medication to make up for missed doses. Instead, take the missed dose as soon as you remember, then resume your regular dosing schedule. If you have concerns about your medication regimen, speak with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

What is a thoughtful question to ask an expert about the epic of Gilgamesh?

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How does the Epic of Gilgamesh reflect the values and beliefs of ancient Mesopotamian society?

How does The Epic of Gilgamesh end?

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The Epic of Gilgamesh ends with Gilgamesh accepting his mortality and finding solace in the legacy he leaves behind. He also reflects on his friendship with Enkidu and the importance of living a meaningful life.

Why is it appropriate that a snake rather than some other beast steals the magical plant in the epic of Gilgamesh?

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In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the snake is a symbol of wisdom and renewal. The snake shedding its skin represents transformation and rebirth, linking it with the concept of immortality associated with the plant. Therefore, having the snake steal the magical plant reinforces the themes of mortality and wisdom present in the epic.

What are the Compare and contrast the floods in both the epic of Gilgamesh and noah and the flood?

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Both the Epic of Gilgamesh and the story of Noah's flood feature a catastrophic flood sent by divinity as punishment, a chosen hero who builds an ark to save humanity and animals, and a dove sent to search for land. However, the Epic of Gilgamesh is polytheistic, with multiple gods involved in the flood, whereas Noah's flood is a monotheistic event orchestrated by a single God. Additionally, the motivations and aftermath of the floods differ: in the Epic of Gilgamesh, the flood is caused by the gods' annoyance with human noise, while in Noah's flood, God is motivated by punishing human sinfulness.

The Epic of Gilgamesh is an example of the first what?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Epic of Gilgamesh is an example of one of the earliest known works of literature, specifically an epic poem. It is considered a foundational text in world literature and offers insight into ancient Mesopotamian culture and beliefs.

Who is Enkidu in the epic of Gilgamesh?

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Enkidu is a wild man who is created by the gods to serve as a companion and eventual foil to Gilgamesh in the Epic of Gilgamesh. He starts off as a savage, but through his encounters with Gilgamesh, he becomes more human-like and gains wisdom. Enkidu's death deeply affects Gilgamesh and leads him on a quest for immortality.

Where did Gilgamesh come from?

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Gilgamesh is a legendary ancient king who is believed to have ruled the city of Uruk in Mesopotamia, which is now modern-day Iraq. He is the main character in the epic poem "Gilgamesh," one of the oldest known works of literature. His story is thought to have originated in Sumerian myths and later passed down through Babylonian and Assyrian cultures.

What things are Gilgamesh known for?

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Gilgamesh is known for being the legendary king of Uruk in Mesopotamian mythology. He is known for his epic quest for immortality, as chronicled in the Epic of Gilgamesh, considered one of the earliest surviving works of literature. Gilgamesh is also known for his friendship with Enkidu and his various heroic exploits.

How is the dragonfly symbolic in the epic of Gilgamesh?

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The dragonfly is symbolic in the Epic of Gilgamesh because it represents change and transformation. Just as the dragonfly undergoes a metamorphosis from nymph to adult, the characters in the epic also experience profound personal growth and transformation through their trials and challenges. The dragonfly's appearance and swift movements in the story may symbolize the fleeting nature of life and the inevitability of change.

What was the time period of Noah's ark and the 'Epic of Gilgamesh'?

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The story of Noah's ark is typically associated with the biblical account in the Book of Genesis, which is estimated to have been written around 1446-1406 BCE. The 'Epic of Gilgamesh,' an ancient Mesopotamian epic, is believed to have been written around 2100-2000 BCE.

What do the Mesopotamian deities require of the people in The Epic of Gilgamesh?

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The Mesopotamian deities in The Epic of Gilgamesh expect humans to respect their authority, offer sacrifices, and seek their favor through prayers and rituals. They play a crucial role in shaping the outcomes of events and influencing the lives of mortals.

What is the denouement in Epic of Gilgamesh?

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Asked by George Tangan jr

The denouement in the Epic of Gilgamesh occurs when Gilgamesh comes to accept his mortality and learns to appreciate the beauty of life. Through his journey and experiences, he gains wisdom and understanding, ultimately finding peace and contentment in his own mortality.

In your opinion, is Gilgamesh more or less heroic for slaying Humbaba and angering Enlil?

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Asked by Bendy The Gamer

Gilgamesh's act of slaying Humbaba can be seen as heroic because it demonstrates his bravery and willingness to face challenges. However, angering Enlil, the god who appointed Humbaba as guardian, may be viewed as reckless rather than heroic, as it ultimately brings about negative consequences for Gilgamesh and his companion, Enkidu.

What is the first of the two tests Gilgamesh fails?

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The first test that Gilgamesh fails is with the demonic forest creature Humbaba. Gilgamesh and Enkidu kill Humbaba, despite the monster begging for mercy and offering them gifts. This act angers the gods and plays a role in the subsequent trials faced by Gilgamesh.

What does Gilgamesh say to the man scorpion when he warns him about the rough journey ahead?

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Gilgamesh tells the man scorpion that he is unafraid of the journey ahead and is determined to accomplish his goal of seeking immortality. He asks the man scorpion to open the gate and allow him to pass through.

How is Gilgamesh a myth hero in do or die?

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Gilgamesh can be considered a myth hero in a "do or die" situation because he faces intense challenges and dangers in his quest for immortality. He demonstrates bravery, resilience, and determination in confronting these obstacles, making difficult choices, and ultimately accepting his mortality. Despite the possibility of failure, Gilgamesh continues to push forward in pursuit of his goal, embodying the heroic qualities of courage and determination in the face of potential death.

What kind of ruler was Gilgamesh at the beginning of the story?

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At the beginning of the story, Gilgamesh is portrayed as a tyrannical ruler who oppresses his people through harsh and arbitrary actions. He is known for his arrogance and abuse of power, which leads to dissatisfaction among his subjects.

What effect does Humbaba hope his words will have Gilgamesh?

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Why do you think that Enkidu rather than Gilgamesh is marked for death by the Gods and dreams about the uderworld?

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Asked by Wiki User

Enkidu is marked for death by the gods because he and Gilgamesh killed the demon Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven, which angered the gods. Enkidu dreams about the underworld as a foreshadowing of his imminent death as a consequence of defying the gods. Gilgamesh, being part deity, is not marked for death in the same way as Enkidu.

What is Gilgamesh's legacy in the world?

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Gilgamesh's legacy in the world is primarily as the protagonist of one of the oldest known works of literature, the Epic of Gilgamesh. This epic poem explores themes of friendship, mortality, and the search for immortality, and has influenced many other works of literature and art throughout history. Gilgamesh is also remembered as a symbol of human ambition and the quest for wisdom and meaning in life.

Did Gilgamesh ever kill anyone?

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Yes, Gilgamesh killed Humbaba, the guardian of the Cedar Forest, and the Bull of Heaven in the Epic of Gilgamesh.

How did gilgamesh many adeventures change him?

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Gilgamesh's many adventures helped him grow from a selfish and arrogant ruler into a wise and compassionate leader. Through his encounters with Enkidu, Humbaba, and the Bull of Heaven, Gilgamesh gained a greater understanding of friendship, mortality, and the importance of leaving a positive legacy. Overall, these experiences transformed him from a tyrant into a hero who valued the well-being of his people.

Who was the boatman that ferried Gilgamesh to the netherworldnetherworld?

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The boatman who ferried Gilgamesh to the netherworld in the Epic of Gilgamesh is named Urshanabi. He is a character who plays a crucial role in helping Gilgamesh navigate the waters of death to reach the home of Utnapishtim.