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Q: How can I fix an oil leak between the engine and the transmission?
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There's a coolant leak at the back of the engine in my 92 topaz is this a common problem and is this expensive to fix?

could be core plugs between engine and transmission(freeze plugs)

How do you fix a transmission leak?

depends where around the tranny the leak is

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To fix a standard transmission leak on a 1993 Ford F250, simply take it to a mechanic.

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How to fix leak in front of manual transmission?

Remove transmission and replace front seal.

How much to fix crank shaft oil leak?

$150 to $600 depending if the transmission or engine has to be lowered/removed or if it can be changed through crankcase removal.

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replace O ring

How do you fix coolant leak between engine and transmission on a 95 Taurus?

there are two freeze plug between the engine and tran. have to separate the trans from the engine. I just replace mine took me a few hours. . did not have to take the engine or trans out... just had to loosen the trans mount and took out the axles and starter..need two jack...good luck

Is there something you can add to the transmission to stop it from leaking?

No, thay have never made anything in a can that will fix something. If you add stop leak to your transmission it will mess up the seals and you will have to have the transmission rebuilt. It would be best to just fix the leak and a whole lot cheaper.

Antifreeze leak from top of engine?

Find source and fix it.

How do you fix an oil leak under the front of Tigra?

We need to know where it is coming from before we can help you fix it. It could coming from several locations such as the engine, transmission, halfshaft axle seals, power steering, etc.

How do you fix awater leak between the engine and transmission for a 2001 3.8 v6 engine?

First isolate location. the only thing that might leak in there is a freeze plug on the block but I don't know that engine. Search for plug locations on that engine and locations to see if any are at the back of the block. If so it could be one of them or running down from the heads. If it is a plug, the fix is cheap and easy-but a lot of labor. They just tap in, but you have to get to it-which could mean removing the trans. A place to start at least-good luck.