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you cant, your hamstrings run into your butt. You have to be born with the right genes, or a Swiss bank account. (plastic surgery)

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Q: How do you keep your butt big and get it firm and lose weight in your hamstrings and make them smaller at the same time?
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How do you get a nice round jiggly butt?

The best way to get a tight, firm butt and strong thighs is through weight training. Cardio exercise does not tone and sculpt your muscles the way weight training does. In my exercise routine, I use 5 different weight machines for my lower body. I start with the Leg Press machine, which targets your quads (your front thigh muscles) and glutes (your butt). Next I use the Glute machine, where you face forward and push your leg into the air behind you. This targets your butt and hamstrings (your back thigh muscles). Then the hamstring curl machine, because I find that the Glute machine does not do an adequate job on my hamstrings. Then the inner thigh machine, and the outer thigh machine (which also targets your glutes). These 5 machines will give you a firm, perky butt and curvy, shapely hips and thighs.

If you have a big butt that is not firm can you make it smaller if you start doing squats and similar exercises?

excerise is only half of the process of losing weight. if you want you want to lose weight in your butt, then your diet has to be altered. eating right and excercising will increase your chances of firming your butt. also, there are creams you can buy from supermarkets, chemists, k-mart, big-w etc. that were designed to help firm the skin. you could rub some of these creams into your butt and you should see results within a couple of weeks.

Do guys prefer a squishy butt or a firm butt?


Will donkey kicks make your butt bigger?

They will make your butt firm and perky.

How do you keep a firm butt with no cottage cheese?

Run 45 minutes a day. It will firm up your butt. =P And eat alot of fruit and vegetables.

What is a honed butt?

Are you sure you don't mean toned butt? A toned butt or buns of steel are buttocks that are firm.

What exercises can a 13-year-old do if she has large thighs and a large butt?

Answerhmmm... is there anything even wrong with that? oh well, beaty is in the eye of the beholder. do lots of cardio like jogging, step climbing, and bicycling if its fat. if its muscle, well, then DON'T exercise that part of your body at all, and gradually your muscles will get smaller from lack of exercise. its also a good idea to do leg stuff at the gym if its fat. if you don't go to a gym, lie down on your stomach on an elevated board or something so that your legs are suspended in mid air, put something like dumbells or some kind of weights near your feet on the back of your legs, and curl them up a couple of times. that's all i kno.AnswerThe best way to get a tight, firm butt and strong thighs is through weight training. Cardio exercise does not tone and sculpt your muscles the way weight training does.In my exercise routine, I use 5 different weight machines for my lower body. I start with the Leg Press machine, which targets your quads (your front thigh muscles) and glutes (your butt). Next I use the Glute machine, where you face forward and push your leg into the air behind you. This targets your butt and hamstrings (your back thigh muscles). Then the hamstring curl machine, because I find that the Glute machine does not do an adequate job on my hamstrings. Then the inner thigh machine, and the outer thigh machine (which also targets your glutes).These 5 machines will give you a firm, perky butt and curvy, shapely hips and thighs.

How can you get a toned butt?

Scoot on your butt around the house. One cheek then the other as if your butt is walking. That is the best way to get a firm and shapely behind.

When you exercise your butt will it lose weight?

Yes if you target train your butt it will downsize it. I was a size 8 and 122lbs. I bought Claudia Shiffers old buns video and in 4 months (with no cardio) I was a 113lbs and a size 5 with a nice firm butt. I threw in 30 min. of cardio and now I am 110lbs and a size 1.

How can a 11 year old girl get a firm butt?

Umm squats

Do guys like a firm butt or a more cushiony butt?

Oh yeah the guys love prefer chunky over bony.

How many lunges should you do a day to make your butt smaller and how long would it take?

Lunges will not make your butt smaller,but,they will tighten and build muscle in the butt and legs.Start with 10 and do three sets.(30 total)Start without weights,and do these every other day.When this becomes easy,add some weight with light dumbbells and continue the 3 sets every other day.Squats are also a wonderful way to firm up the rear.Do these the same amount and sets as lunges.It wont take long and you should notice a vast improvement.Also,walking 30 to 45 minutes at a moderate pace every day or as much as possible,will help alot.Good Luck.