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There is only either a King or Queen at any one time (chess is misleading). In recent years though the person who runs England is the prime minister. The Royal family do not have any power over England and have not "ruled" since 1700. England, Wales and northern Ireland (Scotland also but it is more complicated) or the United Kingdom as these counties are collectively known, are currently run from the Houses of Parliament by the Prime Minister and his supporting party and voted for by the general public in elections. Parliament began around the 9th century but was called "Witengamot". Originally, it was there to advise the the Monarch (king or Queen) but gradually it gained power and paved the way for modern democracy long before America had been discovered. It also greatly influenced the early American democracy. It is for this reason that the modern parliament of the United Kingdom is sometimes reffered to as the "The mother of all parliaments". It is not strictly true that the Royal Family do not have any power over the UK (NOT England as stated above). Although the Prime Minister and his government run the country on a day-to-day basis, all laws must go to a second chamber called the House of Lords which consists of aristocracy, bishops, and people such as former prime ministers of all parties (e.g. Margaret Thatcher - who is now Baronet Thatcher), which acts as a buffer amending laws that they feel are not appropriate. And amend they do. As they are not bound by a party agenda, they often throw out laws that they feel overstep a mark or go against the wishes of the people. Finally every law in the UK has to be passed by Her Majesty the Queen who takes the affairs of state very seriously indeed. Having met Her Majesty she is a remarkable woman who, although now in her eighties, has her finger very much on the pulse of British politics, and who works incessitantly reading and signing government documents and laws. Although republicans in the UK regard her as a 'figurehead' and nothing more, she is very much involved and nothing can take place in the UK law without her permission. That even goes for the appointment of Prime Minister. After a democratic election, the leader of the elected party has to make an appointment to visit the Queen at Buckingham Palace, to ask her permission to form a government. Although her disagreeing with the British people's choice has never happened since she came to the throne ( and, knowing Her majesty's commitment to her subjects probably never would) , the UK monarch still holds the right to veto that choice of government and any law passed by the government if she felt it went against all that the UK stood for. As for 'higher rank', at her coronation Her Majesty, as well as being given the crown, orb and sceptre as marks of her royalty and governance, was also presented with a copy of the Holy Bible with the words: "Our gracious Queen:

to keep your Majesty ever mindful of the law and the Gospel of God

as the Rule for the whole life and government of Christian Princes,

we present you with this Book,

the most valuable thing that this world affords. Thus, the Queen, and any monarch gf the UK, is subject to God alone. For the complete transcript of the Coronation service I suggest you have a look at Answer The Queen is actually one of the most powerful rulers in the world. She alone can pass laws, declare war, sign international treaties, dissolve parliament etc. Even compulsory purchase orders are a modern evolution of the powers that allowed the monarch to confiscate the land of troublesome nobles. However, all these powers are today are used under the advise of ministers. As such, the Prime Minister uses theses powers in the name of the people (in theory). The Queen could turn round tomorrow and sack the Government and put one of her friends in place before declaring war on France. She does not do so because it would create a constitional crisis that would probably lead to a republic. The exception to this rule is if the Governemt of the day is so rotten in some way that she acts in the name of the people and calls an election. It would have to be pretty extreme circumstances to warrant such a reaction obviously, and not very likely to happen any time soon, but its a vital safeguard against tyranny. It was only in the 60s that the Queen, undoubtedly to her relief, was no longer responsible for personally selecting the leader of the Tory party (and therefore potentially PM).

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Q: Who is higher rank the queen or king in England who runs England?
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One level under a queen. The Duke of Windsor had been King of England until he married Mrs Simpson and gave up his throne. She became then the duchess of Windsor. Not a queen. One big impossible jump away from that rank.

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What chess piece is placed in the middle of the first rank next to king?

The Queen of course!

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