

Best Answer

If the wheels are metal, replace them with plastic. Most likely not the vac or wheels.

Are you sure its the vac ?

New answer: Are you sure it is the vac? Do you have a lawn fairly near the pool? Have you or your gardener fertilized lately? The rust could be from pellet fertilizer - it has iron in it. Or iron could be coming from your pool heater if it has cast iron headers.


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Q: Your pool vacuum is causing tiny rust spots on your pool floorHow can you fix this?
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What could be causing rust spots in an inground salt water pool?

Grass fert. -- if they are small BB sized -- it has iron in it. k

Which pool vacuum can handle acorns?

Any pool vacuum can, including the Polaris.

How do you vacuum a doughboy above ground pool?

How do I vacuum an above ground doughboy pool?

What pool vacuum is better for a vinyl pool?

A vacuum head that has a brush on the bottom - no wheels.

Should you run the pool pump with a pool vacuum?


How does the pool vacuum work?

The same as the floor vacuum inside the house but instead of it sucking air it sucks water through the filter. Just run the pool hose from the pool vacuum to the vacuum plate over the top of the leaf basket. then turn on the pump and runi t along the floor of the pool.

How do you vacuum a pool?

Like any other above ground pool, maunally with a hose, pole and vacuum, or with an automatic cleaner.

How do you remove diatomaceous from your pool?

If your filter is repaired then you can just vacuum the pool.

Pool filter looses vacuum when you attach vacuum hose?

submerge the hose in the pool first to get all of the air out, then attach to the skimmer.

Is it ok to vacuum the pool right after shocking it?

If the pool is shocked give it a scrub down with a pool broom / brush leave it for a day then vacuum the rubbish of the bottom. If there is a lot of algae present Vacuum to waste

Can you put chemicals in the pool while the vacuum is in?

You should not put chemicals in the pool while the vacuum is in. Put the chemicals in and give them a chance to work first. Then you can vacuum and backwash the filter as needed.

How do you vacuum a dough-boy pool?

Like any other above ground pool, maunally with a hose, pole and vacuum, or with an automatic cleaner.