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Elevated cholesterol levels are an obvious risk factor for the development of Heart disease. Physicians often prescribe patients with high cholesterol a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet. Saturated fats and Trans-fats especially have a negative effect on low density lipoproteins, also known as LDL cholesterol or “bad” cholesterol, so patients are frequently given a list of foods to avoid. However, new research shows that those with high cholesterol should be focusing much more on what to eat, instead of simply what not to eat.

Dr. David JA Jenkins of the Nutrition, Metabolism and Vascular Biology Department at the University of Toronto, found that when patients were given a low-fat diet, their LDL cholesterol reduced by just 3%. However, when they combined certain cholesterol-reducing foods with their low-fat diet, LDL was lowered by more than 13%. The research from Dr. Jenkins study was published in the August 24th issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

The findings do not suggest that patients ditch their grilled chicken in favor of fried, but do recommend that those who need to lower their cholesterol should focus on adding some of the following healthful foods into their daily diet:

Tofu or Soy Milk – The researchers found that those who replaced meat and dairy with soy-based products were among those with the biggest drop in cholesterol levels. One reason why – animal foods contain cholesterol, plant foods do not. The team recommends that patients eat four servings of soy each day. One serving is equivalent to 4 ounces of firm tofu, 1 cup of soy milk, one-half cup of soybeans, three-quarters cup of soy yogurt, or one-third cup of roasted soy nuts.

Nuts– While nuts do contain fat, it is the unsaturated kind which is beneficial to your cardiovascular system. Just one-and-a-half ounces a day of any of your favorite nuts, especially almonds or cashews, is recommended. If you are overweight, pay attention to calories, though. While a handful is good for you, too much can thwart weight loss efforts. Also, for those with high blood pressure or other medical need to restrict sodium, buy unsalted nuts.

Margarine enriched with plant sterols – Cholesterol-lowering brands of margarine such as Benecol or Take Control have been on the market since the late 1990’s. These contain sitosterol, a plant sterol that binds to cholesterol in the intestine, reducing the amount that is absorbed into the blood. Yes, they cost more than regular margarine, but if they help to lower cholesterol, they cost a lot less than statin drugs or open-heart surgery!

Oats, Barley and other Whole Grains – Ditch your habit of eating white rice, breads made with white flour and simple sugars. Trade these in for whole grains, including oats, brown rice, and other interesting grains such as quinoa and barley. Refined grains have much of the fiber removed when they are processed. Fiber, like plant sterols, help to bind cholesterol to help reduce what is absorbed from other foods that you eat. Fiber also has the beneficial quality of keeping you full longer, which can lead to weight loss. Weight loss is also an effective way to lower cholesterol levels.

Fruits and Vegetables – Fruits and vegetables contain fiber as well. But they also contain healthful antioxidants which help prevent free radicals from damaging the cardiovascular system and stop the development of atherosclerosis. The vitamins and minerals in colorful fruits and vegetables may also help to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke. Aim for at least five servings per day – but strive to achieve the new recommendations of nine servings. And while potatoes, green beans, and iceberg lettuce are healthful vegetables, try to incorporate more color into your daily diet and get a variety of dark leafy greens and more rich orange, red, and yellow produce each day.

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Q: Instead of Focusing on What Not to Eat, Add These Foods to Lower Cholesterol?
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Eating fats may lower your bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol thus decreasing your risk of developing heart disease?

unsaturated fats

Fiber has been recommended in the diet for its possible benefits in reducing heart disease by lowering blood cholesterol How is fiber thought to play its role in lowering blood cholesterol?

There's are two types of fibre one being soluble fibre the other insoluble both are good for your general well being in different ways. There's also more than one type of cholesterol, good and bad. Insoluble fibre helps clear out your system and keep your colon healthy. Soluble fibre has been shown to lower bad cholesterol in your system, it being the LDL kind and has no effect on the good brands of cholesterol in your body the HDL and trigycerides kind. I don't know the exact science behind it but I think it has something to do with soluble fibre stopping the LDLs from bonding in your blood and allows the body to process them better.

What are 5 foods that are beneficial to the heart and 5 foods that are harmful to the heart and Why?

5 Foods that are beneficial to the heart are: 1. Oatmeal: (fiber) traps bile acids the liver needs to manufacture cholesterol, slows production of proteins that promote blood clotting, (which we know if the arteries get clogged, they put undue strain on the heart and cut off nutrients and oxygen to the areas that are in the surrounding area of the arteries)interferes with the absorption of dietary fat. 2. Fish: (omega-3 fatty acids) reduces clotting, inflammation abnormal heart rhythms, lowers triglycerides. 3. Broccoli (sulforaphane) potent anticarcinogens that help protect against chronic diseases. 4. 2% Fat free milk: (calcium) may help prevent hypertension and possibly stroke by reducing insulin resistance and platelet aggegration. 5. Fruits: provide more nutrients and have a lower glycemic index than refined grains and starchy foods. (weight gain has a strain on the heart as well as all systems of the body)

Can diet unclog arteries?

banana stem, carrots radish and onions taken raw. sathya Drinking alcohol in moderation reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, according to the U.S. government. Some of the reasons are that it reduces the buildup of plaque in the arteries, it reduces the risk of clotting, and it improves the viscosity of blood.

What can prevent heart disease?

Nothing can prevent heart disease but Cardiovascular exercise such as running, cycling and swimming, can help to reverse it or decrease your chances of being diagnosed with it. Exercise helps to reduce your risk because it helps to lower cholesterol levels and increase the strength and efficiency of the heart.

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What foods can help in cholesterol management that can actually lower a person's cholesterol level?

Foods that can help you lower your cholesterol include oatmeal, fish, nuts, whole grain foods, beans, whole fruit, garlic, and papaya. So yes it is true foods can help lower your cholesterol.

What are some foods or a diet plan to lower cholesterol?

Cholesterol is partly influenced by family history but you can help lower your cholesterol numbers by eating whole grains instead of white bread and pasta, load up on veggies and eat fruit instead of sweet snacks. Fried and fatty foods can increase cholesterol even right after you eat them so stay away from those as much as possible.

what are foods that lower bsad cholesterol?

There are many foods that can help lower bad cholesterol. Mostly because having a high cholesterol is a major health concern. Honey Nut cheerios has been proven to help lower cholesterol. Nuts, and foods that have whole grain in them also help. There are more examples in the link below.

Are there recipe sites of healthy foods that help lower cholesterol?

Healthy cholesterol is vital to our health. On these websites are lists of foods to help lower your cholesterol.

What foods are proven to lower cholesterol?

A list of foods that lower cholesterol are ones that are low fat. You eat foods that are like that, then you are taking a step towards the goal you have in mind for your health.

Is there a low fat diet to lower cholesterol?

Foods that lower cholesterol are usually whole grain foods. I know that foods like oatmeal, and cheerios are good to eat as well.���Diets/���low-cholesterol-diet.aspx

Best foods that lower cholesterol?

The most popular foods that have been known to lower cholesterol are the foods which are high in whole grains. Cheerios is a great source of whole grains, and one bowl every day for 3 months has been proven to lower cholesterol.

How can I lower cholesterol naturally?

You can lower your cholesterol naturally with certain foods . You can go see a doctor about this problem and they should be able to tell you with foods will help you with this problem .

Are there foods that can effectively lower high cholesterol?

Whole grains such as oats, will greatly help lower your high cholesterol. Also foods high in fiber will help, as they seem to go after the bad cholesterol to remove it from your body.

Is lowering cholesterol hard?

No, lowering cholesterol is not that hard. You just need to eat foods with lower levels of cholesterol.

What are some good foods that lower cholesterol in the body?

Some foods that can lower your cholesterol in your body are foods that are high in fiber, low in fat, and high in vitamins. Fruits, vegetables, and oatmeal are very good sources of food that lower cholesterol.

Which foods do you recodmend to lower cholesterol?

Grains such as oats and barley, lentils, beans, and almonds are examples of foods to lower you cholesterol. Vegetables are also a wise choice when trying to lower your cholesterol. Try to stay away from saturated fats as much as possible.