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Not having enough brine (juice) from the cabbage itself to start a fermentation can cause your batch to fail. If you have to add mostly salted water to your cabbage to make the brine, there is a good chance your batch won't ferment. Slice your cabbage thin enough to create brine easily and add enough sea salt - I suggest around 1 tablespoon per quart (based on preference), mixed well (use a wooden sppon, neer metal) with shredded cabbage until you have enough brine to have at least 3/4 of an inch of it at the top of your jar after packing the cabbage down tightly and topping it off with a couple of folded cabbage leaves. Having an airtight container is important -- use a glass mason jar (with rubber ring) that clamps down, or a jar with an airlock, etc. Another reason for failure can be using a mixing bowl that is not glass or earthenware; metal, unless it is a very high grade of stainless steel, will react with the fermenting cabbage and turn your batch into a mess. Best to avoid metal altogether. Another cause of failure can be a temperature that is too low. I suggest no lower than 70 degrees F

. And keep everything very clean.

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