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There are glucose carriers in the plasma membrane

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1mo ago

Glucose passes through the membrane faster than mannose and galactose because glucose is the primary energy source for many cells and is recognized and transported more efficiently by glucose transporters present on the cell membrane. Mannose and galactose have different transporter proteins with lower affinity and therefore pass through the membrane at a slower rate.

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Q: Why does glucose pass through the membrane faster then mannose and galactose?
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Humans make glucose, fructose, and galactose, as these are monosaccharides that our bodies can produce. The others listed are not made by humans but are consumed through diet or supplementation.

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The enzyme that converts galactose into glucose 1-phosphate is galactokinase. This enzyme phosphorylates galactose to form galactose 1-phosphate, which can then be converted into glucose 1-phosphate through further metabolic pathways.

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facilitated diffusion - a solute binds to a specific transporter on one side of the membrane and is released on the other side after the transporter undergoes a conformational change. includes glucose,urea,fructose,galactose,and some vitamins.

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Examples of monosaccharides include glucose, fructose, and galactose. These are simple sugars that consist of a single sugar molecule and are the building blocks of more complex carbohydrates.

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The absorption rate of galactose is higher than glucose because galactose is transported into enterocytes by a secondary active transport mechanism that involves a carrier protein, which allows for faster absorption. In contrast, glucose is primarily absorbed through facilitated diffusion, which is a slower process.

Cellulose is formed by?

Cellulose is primarily formed by linking together glucose molecules in a linear chain through beta-glycosidic bonds. These glucose molecules are connected through dehydration synthesis reactions, resulting in a strong, fibrous structure that makes up the cell walls of plants.

Monomer of Carbohydrates?

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