



Questions and information about the structure and history of legislative systems and ruling empires of countries other than the United States

500 Questions

Why did hobbes believe that only a powerful government could ensure an orderly society?

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Hobbes believed that humans were naturally self-interested and competitive, leading to a state of anarchy without a strong government to impose order. He argued that a powerful government was necessary to maintain social stability and prevent individuals from descending into chaos and conflict.

Who did Plato believe should be at the top of society and government?

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Plato believed that philosopher-kings, who possessed wisdom and knowledge, should be at the top of society and government. He argued that only those who had undergone rigorous intellectual and moral training were fit to rule and make decisions for the well-being of the community.

Why did Hobbes believe that people needed a strong government?

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Hobbes believed that people have a natural tendency towards self-interest and conflict, leading to a "state of nature" where life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. To avoid this chaos, individuals must give up some freedoms to a strong government that can maintain order and security through the rule of law.

According to the enlightenment philosophes government could be changed when?

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According to Enlightenment philosophes, government could be changed when it no longer served the interests and rights of the people. They believed in the principles of popular sovereignty and that individuals had the right to overthrow a government that oppressed them. This idea influenced revolutions such as the American and French Revolutions.

What is the only step that matters in areas where one party is the dominant party?

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The most crucial step in areas where one party is the dominant party is focusing on building consensus. This involves reaching out to all stakeholders, listening to their perspectives, and finding common ground to move forward together. By prioritizing collaboration and inclusivity, even in a one-party dominant setting, it is possible to achieve more sustainable and effective outcomes.

Which greek philopher was sentenced to death for his teachings by the governments of Athens?

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Socrates was the Greek philosopher who was sentenced to death by the government of Athens. He was charged with corrupting the youth of the city and impiety. Socrates chose to drink hemlock rather than flee Athens or compromise his beliefs.

Who does plato believe should fill the role of governing?

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Plato believed that a class of philosopher-kings, or guardians, should govern society. He argued that these individuals were the most rational and virtuous and therefore best suited to make decisions for the benefit of the entire community.

Do you capitalize Heads of Government?

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Yes, the title "Heads of Government" should be capitalized when referring to specific individuals in their role as the leader of a government. For example, "The Heads of Government agreed to the new trade deal."

Why do you need to have term paper?

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Term papers are typically assigned to help students demonstrate their understanding of a specific topic or subject through research and critical analysis. They also help students develop their writing and critical thinking skills, as well as their ability to communicate ideas effectively. Term papers can serve as a way for instructors to evaluate students' knowledge and skills over the course of a semester.

Did families receive aid from the federal government or state governments during the 1800s?

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In the 1800s, most financial assistance and aid to families came from local charities, churches, or community organizations rather than from the federal or state governments. Social welfare programs as we know them today were not as developed during this time period.

Why do you think it is important for government leaders to have knowledge of the law?

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Government leaders need knowledge of the law to understand the legal framework within which they operate, make informed decisions, and uphold the rule of law. This knowledge helps them ensure that policies and actions are lawful, and can help prevent conflicts or legal challenges. It also allows leaders to effectively communicate with legal experts and advise their constituents on legal matters.

How does having a high suicide rate affect a country?

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Having a high suicide rate can have various negative impacts on a country, including loss of workforce, economic productivity, and human capital. It can also lead to increased healthcare costs, strain on mental health services, and have a detrimental effect on social relationships and community well-being. Additionally, high suicide rates may contribute to a sense of despair and hopelessness among the population.

Which place is Home of the first Known written code of law is it Egypt Or Mesopotamia?

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Mesopotamia is the home of the first known written code of law, known as the Code of Hammurabi. It was written around 1754 BC in ancient Babylon.

What is the social science dealing with the rights and duties of citizens?

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Political science is the social science that deals with the rights and duties of citizens, as well as the study of political behavior, institutions, and systems. It examines how power is distributed and exercised in society, and how policies are formulated and implemented.

The afto form 43 for a contractor todo account must be approved by?

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The AFTO Form 43 for a contractor todo account must be approved by the unit commander or designated authority before any work can be performed. This form is used to authorize contractors to work on specific tasks or equipment on military installations. The approval ensures that the contractor has met all required safety and security procedures before starting work.

Factors outside an organization that influence the effective management personnel?

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External factors that can influence the effective management of personnel include economic conditions, market competition, government regulations, and technological advancements. These factors can impact hiring practices, retention efforts, training programs, and overall employee morale within an organization. Additionally, social trends, cultural shifts, and demographic changes can also play a role in shaping how personnel are managed.

The differences in voting patterns between men and women have been shown to be?

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Women are more likely to vote than men, and they tend to vote for different political parties and candidates. Research has also shown that women are more likely to prioritize certain issues like healthcare and education, whereas men prioritize issues like the economy and national security.

Is esparonto the international language?

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Esperanto is not considered the official international language. It is a constructed language created with the goal of fostering communication and understanding among people of different linguistic backgrounds. However, it is not widely used on a global scale.

Is bounty hunting legal in the UK?

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Bounty hunting is not legal in the UK. There are strict laws regarding the apprehension of fugitives and bail enforcement that do not permit private individuals to engage in bounty hunting activities. Only authorized law enforcement officers have the authority to apprehend fugitives.

What event occurred in 1928?

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In 1928, the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming revolutionized medicine by introducing the first antibiotic to treat bacterial infections. Additionally, the world's first television broadcast for entertainment purposes took place in this year.

Does state government receive all their money from federal government?

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No, state governments receive revenue from various sources such as taxes, fees, grants, and investments in addition to funding from the federal government. Each state has its own budgeting process and revenue streams to fund its operations and services.

What is the oldest current government in the world?

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The San Marino Constitution, established in 1600, is considered the oldest surviving constitution. San Marino also has one of the oldest continuous governments in the world, with its republic tracing back to 301 AD.

When will the next census be taken?

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2020 because they only census every 10 years