

Hera (Juno)

In Greek mythology, Hera was an Olympian goddess. Her Roman equivalent was Juno. She was the goddess of women and marriage.

500 Questions

What was hera's importance?

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In Greek mythology, Hera was born on an island to her parents, Rhea and Chronos. Like her siblings, Hera was swallowed by her father since he was afraid one of his children would overthrow him.

What were greek goddess Hera's flaws?

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Here as you know was married to Zeus. But she was very jealous. And she had every right to be. Zeus would constantly cheat on her with thousands of mortal woman. One time Zeus was doing his thing with, yet another one of his mistresses. But Hera had caught wind of it this time. She went down their herself. Zeus Saw her coming and in attempt to save her life he turned he into a calf. Hera understood it was a trick, and cleverly asked for the calf as a gift. Zeus reluctantly said yes. Hera Kept the calf under heavy guard, she had a monster watch it, but the monster had eyes all over his body. So Zeus sent down a helper. The helper went down and started telling the most boring story ever. And He made the monster sleepy. Slowly, eye, by eye, the monster fell asleep. and died. He was bored to death. The calf was set free and it ran away.

Another thing about Hera was that she hated Hercules. As it shows in the movie by Disney, Hercules is attacked by Hates while in love with another character named meg. But the truth is, Hates like Hercules and Hera Hated him, and Meg isn't Even an actual goddess or even mortal in mythology. Strictly made up. OK so, now I'm saying all this confusing stuff. But listen.

In the movie:- hates = enemies

- meg = real

- Hera = good


- hates = good

- meg = fake

- Hera = enemies

So, this is what happened. Zeus had an affair, and had Hercules, and kept him. Hera hated Hercules, because every time she looked at him she was reminded of Zeus being unfaithful. So She had to get rid of him. So she mad his mind wacko out, and he went in sane and killed his sons. Then he had to go pay of his crime by doing the 10 labors. But he had to do two more because Hera claimed that Hercules didn't do two good enough.

so i hoped this helped

How was Hera related to Hercules?

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Zeus this a player and he cheats on Hera all the time - Hera is Zeus's wife and sister- Zeus cheated with her on a mortal woman and that mortal woman gives birth to Hercules. Hera is jealous of Hercules and try every thing in her power to kill Hercules bu she can not because is says that Hercules will became immortal one day and live forever. she does some bad thing such as making him mad and killing his family when he awakes he has to do 12 labors and they are suppose to kill him but each labor just makes him stronger.

What is Hera favorite food?

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her favorite food is the snow cone flavor wedding cake since she IS the goddess of marrige as well as heaven and women

Who is Hera spouse?

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Hera didn't have any other real husbands. Although most of the gods had husbands they usually had kids with other people.

Was the goddess Hera jealous and vain?

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Zeus's lovers and offspring and any mortals who crossed her.

What is Hera's personality?

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Hera's personality traits were:

- vain

- jealous

- brave

- very successful

- defender of marriage

Hera also did many horrible things to the women zeus was with.

Where was hera birthplace?

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I think the Goddess Hera was born at Mount Olympus. they say she lived there at least. Her father was Kronos and her Mother Rhea. She has six siblings: Hades, Demeter, Zeus, Poseidon, Hestia & Chiron. She had six children: Enyo, Ares, Hebe, Eileithyia, Hephaestus & Eris. She was queen of the Gods, Goddess of Marriage and Birth, also she was every woman's rolemodel, like Oprah today.

What was Hera mad about Zeus for?

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Yes when Hera, Posiden, and Athena betrayed Zeus he was mad and first attacked Hera, then his son Apollo, and final Posiden zeuses brother.For their punisment he made them build the wall of troy

What does Hera the Greek goddess mostly think about?

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my guess is wondering about Zeus. she doesn't like it when he goes down and marries mortals.

Does Hera deserve being a god?

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It depends on how you view her, and what myth. In most of the stories including Zeus' many affairs, she is the antagonist, vehemently pursuing his lovers. I've always felt sorry for her, though, so I'm reluctant to automatically dismiss her as the bad guy. In the Iliad, she is portrayed as being a champion of the Greeks' cause, and bent on the destruction of Troy. Also, it depends on how you view this. I've always rooted for the Trojans, even though they lose, and I see her support of the Greeks as jealousy and petty vengefulness against Paris. Answer 2: To understand the answer above you should follow the link below and find out about the word 'protagonist'.

Where did Hera come from?

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Hera is a Goddess from Greek mythology. She was the wife and sister of Zeus and is known as the Queen of Gods. Her other siblings include Hades, Poseidon, Demeter, Hestia, and Chiron. Her children are Eris, Ares, Hebe, Enyo, Eileithyia, and Hephaestus

Did Hera try to kill Zeus?

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Hercules. Also it wasnt Zeus, it was just Hera because she was jealous that Zeus had another child with a mortal

Who was Juno the Roman?

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Protector and special counselor of the Roman state and queen of the gods, she was the Roman form of the Greek goddess, Hera.

What was Hera's strengths?

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Mostly how she was wise about marriage and family, she was actually quite intelligent as she often outwitted her husband Zeus.

If you want her weaknesses as well:

Zeus was also her weakness as he often cheated on her. Hephaestus i guess is also Hera's weakness. Hephaestus was an ugly child so Hera threw him out of Olympus, that's why he was a cripple. So as horrible as it sounds an ugly child would be her weakness as well. Hera being goddess of marriage and family would want a perfect family, apparently an ugly child doesn't make a perfect family.

What did the goddess Hera give?

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Hera caught Echo with her husband, Zeus. She let her off with a warning the first time but the second time she put a curse(not a gift) on her. It was that she could only repeat one word over and over again. Hence the term 'echo'.

Who are Hera's friends and allies?

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  • One of her enemies was Hercules, but they settle their differences when Hercules told Hera that he would marry her daughter Deianira.
  • All of Zeus' other lovers that he had sex with were destroyed or left to get away from hera


How old is Greek goddess Hera?

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Hera is a mythological goddess. Mythological goddesses never reveal their ages.

Why did the Jews hate the Romans?

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The Jews did not hate the Romans. It was the other way around.

Answer 2

During the roman empire one of the many things that set the Jews apart from the Romans and other nations was monotheism, the belief in ONE god. becuase of this, the Romans eventually singled out the Jews to destroy them.

Was Zeus heras brother?

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zeus was heras brother... heras brother is zeus.. also she was married to him which means hera married hes sister

Who were Hera's siblings?

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Zeus, her brother and husband.

Hades, king of the underworld.

Poseidon, king of the sea.

Hestia, virgin goddess of the hearth.

Demeter, earth goddess of the harvest.

By Cronus and Philyra, she is half-sister to Chiron the centaur god, and the Bythos and Aphros the Ichthyocentaurs.

What are Hera's good qualities?

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Being a Greek goddess, thus immortal, ageless, shape shifting.

Where is the Greek goddess Hera usually found?

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In the antique sculpture department of a large museum such as the Metropolitan or the Louvre.

Who was Narcissus?

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AnswerNarcissus was a handsome, vain young man, was the son of the river god Cephisus and the nymph Liriope, or of Endymion and Selene (Moon).

He was so cruel that he disdained those who loved him. As divine punishment he falls in love with a reflection in a pool, not realizing it was his own, and perishes there (an other version says he drawns trying to reach his reflection), not being able to leave the beauty of his own reflection. He turned into a flower, which blooms by the side of streams and ponds, but faces downward at the water's surface.

Several versions of his myth have survived.