


The capital of Israel, Jerusalem is situated in the Judean Mountains between the northern edge of the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. It is a holy city to the three major religions –Christianity, Islam and Judaism. The city has a population of 780,200 as of 2009.

500 Questions

How many miles in 600 feet?

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There are 5280 feet in one mile. Therefore, 600 feet is equal to 600/5280 = 0.1136 recurring (that is, 0.11363636...) miles.

What was the dispute over the council of Jerusalem?

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It is the holiest city for Jews and 2nd most holy for Muslims and both believe that the city should be under there respective control. It is currently part of the Jewish country of Israel but is claimed by the partially recognized Muslim country of Palestine.

How did Jerusalem get its name?

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A:Jerusalem is believed to be named after the Canaanite god Shalem.

The word Jerusalem was originally given as 'Urushalim' or 'Urushalem' and is a word of Canaanite derivation. The prefix uru means 'founded by', and the suffix salem or Shalem was the Canaanite god of dusk. The name Urushalim is first found on Egyptian statues from around 2500 BCE. This evidence is reinforced by tablets found in Elba, Syria, dating back to 3000 BCE, on which the god Shalem being venerated in a city called 'Uruksalem' is mentioned.

Jerusalem more recently is often assumed to mean founded in peace, or 'city of peace' (Hebrew: 'ir shalom), but there is no evidence for this interpretation.

What was in the holy of holies in Jerusalem?

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The Ark of the Covenant was kept in the Holy of Holies.

What do Muslims do in Jerusalem?

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Muslims must make a pilgrimage to Mecca (The Hajj) at least once in their lives. The Hajj is required of all able bodied Muslims if they can afford it. Although the Hajj is associated with the life of Mohammed, it is also part of traditions stretching much further back in time.

As part of the Hajj, each pilgrim in Mecca:

* walks counter-clockwise seven times about the Kaaba a cube-shaped building which acts as the Muslim direction of prayer (qibla)

* runs back and forth between the hills of Al-Safa and Al-Marwah

* drinks from the Zamam well

* goes to the plains of Mount Arafat to stand in vigil * throws stones in a ritual stoning of the devil

Mecca also spelled Makkah (in full: Makkah Al-Mukarramah Arabic: مكّة المكرمة‎, literally: Honored Mecca) is Islam's holiest city and home to the Kaaba shrine and the Masjid al-Haram (The Sacred or Grand Mosque). The city is known for the annual Hajj pilgrimage, which being one of the Five Pillars of Islam, attracts close to 3 million pilgrims every year. Islamic tradition attributes the beginning of Mecca to Ishmael's descendants. In the 7th century, the Islamic prophet Muhammad proclaimed Islam in the city, by then an important trading center, and the city played an important role in the early history of Islam. After 966, Mecca was led by local sharifs, until 1924, when it came under the rule of the Saudis.[1] In its modern period, Mecca has seen a great expansion in size and infrastructure. The modern day city is located in and the capital of Saudi Arabia's Makkah Province, in the historic Hejaz region. With a population of 1,700,000 (2008), the city is located 73 km (45 mi) inland from Jeddah, in a narrow valley, and 277 m (910 ft) above sea level.

When do Christians visit Jerusalem?

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In what context? I do not know of any denomination of Christianity that believes you should pilgrimage to Jerusalem but I don't know much. More details would be helpful to other answerer's who are cleverer than me

Where is bethelehem?

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The city of Bethlehem, located about six miles southwest of Jerusalem, also known as the City of David. Bethlehem also means House of bread.

Was Jerusalem in Canaan?

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It's complicated, see below.

In 1948, there were (and still are) two parts to Jerusalem, the Old City, which is relatively small and surrounded by walls, and the New City which stretches out more to the west of the Old City than to the east. In the Armistice ending the Arab-Israeli War of 1948-9 between Israel and Jordan. Israel controlled only the Western part of the New City of Jerusalem. Jordan controlled both the Eastern part of the New City of Jerusalem and the entire Old City of Jerusalem. In 1967, Israel won the Six Day War and extended its control over the entire city. In the UNSC Resolution 242 which ended the conflict, Israel would hold any conquered Jordanian territory (including, but not limited to the Old City and Eastern New Jerusalem) in trusteeship pending a final peace agreement. In 1994, Jordan and Israel did enter a final peace agreement, but instead of taking back all of the conquered territory, Jordan decided to cede its right to claim that territory to the Palestinian Authority. Since there is no lasting peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Israel still maintains trusteeship over the city. However, in contravention to international law, Israel passed the Jerusalem Law effectively annexing the Jordanian/Palestinian-entitled areas to its own territory.

Simple Answer:

Internationally - Legally divided between the two with the Old City belonging to the Palestinians.

De Facto and According to Israeli Law - Controlled entirely by Israel as a unified city.

Who built the temple and transformed the city of Jerusalem?

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King Solomon, the son of King David (of David and Goliath fame). It was rebuilt again much later by Herod (of the baby Jesus/Magi fame).

Is Ramallah the capital of Palestine?

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Palestinians claim East Jerusalem to be their capital, however, as Jerusalem is entirely in Israeli jurisdiction, this does not function as a de facto Palestinian capital. Historically, before 1967, Palestine did not have a capital.

Currently Palestine is split between two separate factions. The Palestinian Authority, which controls sporadic areas in the West Bank has its administrative offices and facilities in the city of Ramallah, to the north of Jerusalem. However, in support of their claim that Jerusalem is their future capital, they have designated Abu Dis (the closest area under their control to Jerusalem) as their official current capital. Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, similarly claims Jerusalem as its capital, but has its administrative facilities in Gaza City and its organizational offices in Damascus, Syria.

Why does Israel have two capitals?

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Israel does not have two capitals. Jerusalem is the only capital of Israel, pursuant to Israel's Jerusalem Law which united the Israeli West Jerusalem with the Occupied East Jerusalem to create one united capital city.

However, because of the Jerusalem Law being ruled illegal by the United Nations Security Council Resolution 478 and the fact that Jerusalem was not envisaged as being Israeli in 1947, no country outside of Israel puts its embassies in Jerusalem and instead recognize Tel Aviv as the capital of Israel (even though all government functions happen in Jerusalem).

Why is Jerusalem considered to be such an important to many people?

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Jerusalem is the capital city of Israel, like how Washington D.C. is America's capital. Jerusalem has been attacked many, many times over the centuries, even being burned to the ground several times! The Arabs hate the Jews, and Jerusalem is on the top of their bombing list, as they believe that the more Jews they kill, the better their chances of getting the Jew's land, which just won't happen, for some odd reason. ANSWER: Jerusalem has a long History. It was first captured by David from the Jebusites and turned into the capital of Israel. The Jews built their Temple to G-D within its walls. As this was the Only Temple for Jews Jerusalem became a focal point for all spiritual matters for the Jews. To Christians it is an important site as Jesus was crucified outside its walls and later ascended to heaven in Jerusalem, so you can see why it is a holy site to them. To Muslims, The prophet Mohammed also ascended to heaven within its walls, hence the dome of the Rock, Jerusalem is known as "Al Quds" to Muslims. Though it is not regarded as Holy as other Muslim sites. The Jews have always longed for Israel and Jerusalem. For two thousand years after their eviction from Israel they have every year uttered the prayer, "Next year in Jerusalem" Also when a Jewish couple Marry part of the liturgy is for the Groom to say, "If I forget thee O Jerusalem may my right hand lose its Cunning" For Jews, Jerusalem is their spiritual and cultural Capital, part of their ancient temple still stands and they prayer at this wall 24 hours a day.

Where can you send a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu?

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I would like to send a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to show my support for his leadership and to also let him know he has my support and prayers for Israel.

Which is the southernmost capital city in Israel?

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Israel has only one national capital: Jerusalem. The southernmost regional capital in Israel is Beersheba, which is the capital of the Southern District of Israel.

When and why was the state of Jerusalem established?

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If you are referring to the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the Crusader State, it was established in 1099 as a result of the First Crusade. It was conquered in 1187 by Saladin and the Islamic Forces.

If you are referring to the Modern State of Israel (for which Jerusalem is the capital) it was established in 1948 in order to be a Jewish State.

How did the Israelis gain control of Jerusalem?

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After the Muslims lost Jurusalem,they failed to fight back for many years. But the Turks were not only at odds with the Egyptans,but also divided among themselves

How big is the old city of Jerusalem?

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The city area of Jerusalem is about 125 km2/48 sq mi.

Jerusalem's metropolitan area is about 652 km2 / 252 sq mi.

Jerusalem is the capital of the state of Israel and its largest city.

Who was the Israelite that captured Jerusalem and made it the capital of the kingdom of Israel?

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King David.

David's accomplishments:

  • 1) King David authored/compiled the book of Psalms and gave it to us in its present form (Talmud, Bava Batra 14b). The Psalms (Tehillim), which we might call the soul of the Jewish people, express the yearning of King David and of the entire nation to be close to God. They are one of the foundations of our prayerbook to this day.
  • 2) King David was the one who finally succeeded in subduing all of the surrounding nations (see 2 Samuel ch.8 and ch.10) plus the entire territory of Israel, something which no one else did previously or subsequently. He succeeded in all his endeavors (1 Samuel 16:18).
  • 3) He secured from the prophet Nathan a promise from God that his (David's) son Solomon would build the Holy Temple (2 Samuel ch.7). The First Temple is actually considered the accomplishment of David himself (Rashi commentary, Berakhot 18a), since it existed in his merit ("Torat Chaim," commenting on Talmud, Shabbat 30a).
  • 4) He set the blueprints, with Divine inspiration, for the Holy Temple (1 Chronicles 28:19). Together with the prophet Samuel, he located the spot where the Temple would be built (Talmud, Zevachim 54b); and he dug the foundations for the Temple (Talmud, Sukkah 53a).
  • 5) He amassed vast amounts of material and precious metals for the construction of the Temple (1 Chronicles ch.29).
  • 6) Together with Samuel, he instituted the 24 groupings of families of Kohanim and Levites (Talmud, Taanit 27a).
  • 7) He served God all the days of his life (1 Kings 11:38); and God was with him (1 Samuel 16:18).
  • 8) He was without peer in clarifying and applying the halakhot (laws) of the Oral Tradition (Talmud, Sanhedrin 93b).
  • 9) King David serves as the archetype of the effectiveness of repentance (Talmud, Avodah Zarah 4b).

What year was the temple in Jerusalem rebuilt?

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The Second Temple was constructed on the site of the first in 516 CE by Ezra, Nehemiah, and Zerrubabel. It was then substantially improved by Herod the Great in from 19 BCE all the way to 63 CE, which was long after his death and only seven years before the Romans would destroy it in 70 CE.

How are relations between Israel and Turkey?

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Answer 1

Not so good as the public reaction to the atrocities commited by Israel are becoming clearer. The Vatan daily newspaper reported that Mr. Erdogan said that "God will punish Israel" regarding the offensive in GAZA also calling for Israel to be expelled from the United Nations. "Israel will get no free ride from Ankara anymore."

Answer 2

Historically, Israeli-Turkish relations have been relatively strong. From 1949-2008, there was a strong Israeli-Turkish military and political alliance since both countries saw themselves as Secular and Westernized Republics in a sea of Arab autocracies. However, the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdoğan has begun to embark on a plan of creating a New Ottoman Empire through strong imperialist foreign policy. He has capitalized on popular sentiment within Turkey to paint Israel as an obstructionist entity in the Middle East and used farcical operations such as the Mavi Marmara incident to "highlight" Israeli actions that most Turks disagree with. In doing so, he has strengthen his support with the predominantly anti-Zionist Turkish electorate.

However, if only the numbers are consulted, Israeli-Turkish trade and other non-personal relations have only continued to increase since the suspension of the formal military alliance. This is likely because Erdoğan is wise enough to realize that as much as Turks publicly hate Israel, Israel is likely to be Turkey's only ally in a contest with other Middle Eastern regional powers like Egypt, Iran, or Saudi Arabia and needs to keep the lines of communication open.

Where is Jerusalem located City Country Continent?

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Jerusalem is in Israel, a country on the continent of Asia.

What city is Jerusalem's Dome of the Rock located in?

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The Dome of the Rock is located in the city of Jerusalem.

This strikes me as "What color is George Washington's white horse?" question.

Jerusalem is the city wherein the Dome of the Rock is located.

Why do Muslims make pilgrimages to Jerusalem?

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Jerusalem is the third holiest city in Islam, after Mecca and Medina. Judaism and Islam have their differences, but they also have their similarities which are not shouted loudly. For instance, Abraham is especially important to both faiths, although they disagree on which son he offered as a human sacrifice to God. Jews say Isaac, and Muslims say Ishmael.