


The United Republic of Tanzania is a country located in East Africa. It is the 31st biggest country in the world at 364,898 sq mi. Tanzania is home to Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa.

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Which is an African country -Thailand or Tanzania?

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Tanzania it is located in Africa named after the combination of the names Tanganyika (referring to the mainland British colony) and Zanzibar (referring to the island archipelago off the coast).

What is the historical background of Tanzania revenue authority?

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Historically, Tanzania has focused on increasing revenue as opposed to improving efficiency. During the mid 1980's, all export taxes were removed in an attempt to increase exports. Income taxes were consistently reduced in the 1980's with the minimum rate raising since then.

What is quota system in Tanzania education and their aim or usefull?

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The quota system is the system of selecting the students who completed standard seven and passed their exams to join the public school in tanzania the aim was to reduce the region disparity in accessing education, at that time some region have no school while the others have so the children all over the country they get chances of education through this sytem.

What continent does der es salaam Zanzibar belong to?

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Zanzibar is a small island off the coast of Tanzania, which is just south of the equator in East Africa.

Island off the coast of Tanzania?

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the small island of the coast of tanzania is alvinopeia

What is the lake on the western edge of Tanzania?

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There are actually several lakes in western Tanzania. They are Lake Natron, Lake Tanganiyka, Lake Nyasa, and Lake Rukwa. However I suspect the lake you are wondering about is Lake Victoria

Who was the richest man in Tanzania?

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I think mama getrude rwakatare tops the list! Together with Jacqueline Mwita

What the most famous mountain peak in Tanzania?

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Serengeti is actually the largest and most famous national park in Tanzania.

Do you need yellow fever vaccination for travelling to zanzibar?

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Yes and no, yellow fever vaccinations may or may not be required to enter Aruba. Proof of a yellow fever vaccination is required to enter Aruba only if a traveller is coming from a country where yellow fever is present. Yellow fever is found in tropical and subtropical areas of South America and Africa.

Six South American countries are affected completely by yellow fever: Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago. Seven South American countries are affected partly: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela.

Twenty-seven African countries are affected completely: Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Somalia, Tanzania, Togo, and Uganda. Five Afriican countries are affected partly: Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, and Sudan.

What obstruct the effort to promote full gender inequality in Tanzania?

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One of the constraints of gender mainstreaming in Tanzania is the longstanding incidence of misogyny, which is a hindrance to gender mainstreaming in most cultures. Another are the cultural traditions that lend credence to the separation of the sexes as far as ability and equality.

What is Anglican Church of Tanzania's population?

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Anglican Church of Tanzania's population is 2,500,000.

What is the name of the mountain in the African country of Tanzania?

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The tallest mountain in Tanzania in Africa is called Kilimanjaro

How much is 5000 Tanzanian shilling?

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it like 2p

Is our president a freemason member?

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No. President Obama is not a Freemason. The last two Presidents who were Freemasons were Gerald Ford and Lyndon Johnson, although Johnson never advanced beyond the first degree and was dropped from membership. Before Johnson, Harry Truman was the last President who was a Freemason.

Is Tanzania communist?

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What is the capital of Zanzibar?

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The official capital city of the United Republic of Tanzania is Dodoma and has been since 1996. However, aside from the legislature, much of the government is still located in the old capital, Dar es Salaam.

Dar es Salaam is the largest city and the principal commercial city, and it is also the major seaport for the country and for Tanzania's landlocked neighbors.