


Produced by Hoffman-La Roche, Valium is a drug used to treat insomnia, anxiety, seizures including muscle spasms, restless legs syndrome, status epilepticus, alcohol withdrawal, Meniere’s disease and benzodiazepine withdrawal. It is also used to reduce tension.

500 Questions

Can you mix Valium and pain killers?

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It is not recommended to mix Valium with painkillers, as both can depress the central nervous system and increase the risk of side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, or difficulty breathing. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before combining these medications.

Does Klonopin and Valium show up as the same drug in a drug screening?

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they both fall under the category "benzodiazepines" which is a category on most drug tests, but a lab can easily figure out what drug triggered the benzodiazepine reaction.

most drug test will be testing for the ingredients of the benzodiazepines, not the drug it came from. a much more advance and expensive test would be required to determine if it came from xanax, koltipin or Valium because they are all benzodiazepines. This came from a doctor.

Is there 100 mg Valium?

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ANSWER:No, Valium (diazepam) does not come in doses nearly that hight. Most countries, including The US, Canada, and most of Europe have 2, 5, and 10 mg tablets of Valium. Normally the maximum dose of Valium is 40 mg/day.

100 mg of Valium is a huge dose, something a doctor would never prescribe with a possible exception of use in hospital, normally for alcohol, benzodiazepine, or barbiturate detox.

Is zepose-10 same as 10mg Valium?

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Can Valium harm a cat?

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NO!!! You should never, EVER give your cat ANY medication unless your vet says it's okay. Many human medications can permanently injure, or even kill, a cat. If you have any concerns about your cat's health, the best thing to do is always to take the cat to a qualified veterinarian.

Furthermore, Valium isn't even a painkiller to begin with. It is an anti-anxiety medication. It does not relieve pain. So, even if it were safe to give to a cat, it still wouldn't relieve the cat's pain.

Could you pass a drug screen on xanax if your prescribed valiums?

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Nope - both contain Benzodiazepine, which is what the drug test keys on.

I disagree with above you will test positive for benzodiazepine which both have they will not be able to tell the difference.

Is clonazepam stronger than Valium?

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Clonazepam is 20 times stronger than Valium. Both are benzodiazepines which are extremely addictive and lead to dependence in as little as 10 doses of each.

Can smoking Valium on foil get you high?

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Benzo and Thienodiazepines are a wide class of sedative hypnotic GABAergic positive allosteric modulators acting at the Gamma Amino Butyric Acid alpha subunit site, being eithers agonists, mixed agonist antagonists, and antagonists at this site. It's hard to classify unless one specific drug is named, for example, Flunitrazepam is known to be much more effective than alprazolam when smoked, snorted, used rectally, or orally, by mechanisms of both potency and bio-availability.

Can you take Valium and claritan?

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Yes, Valium can safely be taken with the antihistamine Claritin.

Is Valium an addictive anxiety treatment?

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Valerian is generally belived to be non-addictive. However, there have been some reports of withdrawal symptoms after long-term use, so the short answer is that it isn't really definitevely known yet. It is, however, a better alternative to other drugs with a similar effect such as Valium, even though it isn't as potent.

How much Xanax is equivalent to 5mg of Valium?

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xanax is Alprazolam

Valium is diazepam

There clearly isn't an equivalent.... what are you asking exactly?

Can you drive a commercial truck or bus while on Valium?

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It is extremely dangerous to drive any vehicle, when you are on diazepam (Valium). The driver can go to sleep without his knowledge and can cause serious accident. Once some body is stabilised on Valium on prolonged use, he can safely drive the commercial truck or bus. Provided he had his quota of sleep previously. Valium does not prevent sleep, if the person did not have it for prolonged period. The anxiolytic effect do not get lost with time. The drowsiness caused initially, is not there after prolonged use. Valium looks to be safe for long term use. Long half life makes it to be best anxiolytic drug available as on today.

How can diazepam show up on urine drug screen when you don't take it?

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Drugs tests are not 100% accurate and can give false positives and false negatives for various reasons. To prove that you have not taken diazepam, ask to take an alternative form of test.

Can i take Oxycodone advil cold and sinus Valium and Klonopin?

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No. Narcotics (oxycodone) benzodiazepines and barbiturates are sedating where as Advil cold will have hardly any effect. Do not mix so many sedative drugs unless prescribed by your physician to do so

Can you take Valium with atenolol?

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Can Flexeril and Atenolol be taken together

What pill is the same as Valium?

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It is sort of a xanax but not as powerful

Can you mix Valium and neurontin?

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Hi my name is Nicole and the only medication that works for me pain wise is an extreme strength of neurontin and today I was given soma to take with it. It doesn't make you pain free or high like some people like but there is relief!

Are the ingredients the exact same in diazepam and valium?

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The active ingredient Diazapam is. the inert ingredients may vary.

If your out of Xanax can you take Valium?

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It is certainly not recommended to change medications without consulting a doctor.

However, Xanax and Valium have Cross-tolerance. So if there is not an alternative then substituting Valium for Xanax is medically acceptable. And because Xanax can not be stopped "cold turkey" drug substitution is important.