


Academic Writing

Academic writing is a writing form that is usually serious, and intended for a critical and informed audience. It typically has an objective stance, a clear statement of the significance of the topic, and correctly utilizes formal academic rhetoric.

500 Questions

Who invented the transit level?

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Asked by Wiki User

The transit level was invented by William J. Young in the mid-1800s. He developed the device to accurately measure angles and elevations for surveying and engineering purposes.

What is the definition of nature essay?

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Asked by Wiki User

A nature essay is a literary composition that focuses on describing or exploring the natural world, including plants, animals, landscapes, and their interactions. These essays often emphasize the writer's personal experiences, observations, and reflections on nature and its significance. Nature essays can also convey themes related to environmentalism, conservation, and the interconnectedness of living organisms.

What is the difference between coherent and non coherent precipitaion hardening?

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Asked by Wiki User

In coherent precipitation hardening, the precipitates have a similar crystal structure to the matrix, leading to better strengthening. Non-coherent precipitation hardening involves precipitates with a different crystal structure, which can cause more dislocations and reduce strength.

How do in text citations work?

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Asked by Wiki User

In-text citations are used to indicate when you have borrowed information or ideas from another source within your written work. Typically, the author's last name and the publication year are included in parentheses at the end of the sentence where the borrowed information appears. This helps readers trace the source of your information back to the reference list.

What is the source of herbicides?

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Asked by Wiki User

Herbicides can be synthetic chemicals or natural substances derived from plants. Synthetic herbicides are typically manufactured in laboratories, while natural herbicides may come from sources like vinegar, citrus oils, or plant extracts. Herbicides work by targeting and killing unwanted plants, helping to control weeds in agricultural or landscaping settings.

Is spruce a softwood or a hardwood?

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Asked by Wiki User

Spruce wood is soft and light, it is marketed with pine and balsam fir as lumber because they are similar in hardness and strength. When you see 2x4 lumber in house building it is usually spruce, it warps easily.

How can a 5 paragraph essay on photosynthesis be written?

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Asked by Wiki User

To write a 5-paragraph essay on photosynthesis, you can follow this structure:

  1. Introduction: Briefly introduce photosynthesis and its importance in the ecosystem.
  2. First body paragraph: Explain the process of photosynthesis, including the role of sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide.
  3. Second body paragraph: Discuss the importance of photosynthesis for plants and other organisms in the food chain.
  4. Third body paragraph: Explore the environmental benefits of photosynthesis, such as oxygen production and carbon dioxide absorption.
  5. Conclusion: Summarize the key points of the essay and emphasize the significance of photosynthesis in sustaining life on Earth.

Do they still make pencils out of led?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, pencils are not made out of lead. They are made from a combination of graphite and clay. Lead was used in early pencils, but its toxic nature led to the transition to graphite.

What are the sources of flurine?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fluorine can be sourced from minerals like fluorite (calcium fluoride) and cryolite (sodium aluminum fluoride). It can also be produced through the electrolysis of hydrofluoric acid or through the reaction of hydrofluoric acid with other chemicals. Additionally, fluorine can be found in some groundwater sources.

A list of softwoods?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hard wood
BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, HICKORY, TEAK, ash, elm and mahogany

Soft Wood

PS.technically BALSA is a hardwood

if you don't believe me then Google it :P

How do you refill a Bic Velocity pencil?

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Asked by Wiki User

To refill a Bic Velocity pencil, simply pull off the eraser and refill with Bic Velocity Lead or any 0.7 mm lead. Then replace the eraser and you're ready to write again.

What are two primary sources for the materials that comprise the dissolved components in seawater?

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Asked by Wiki User

The two primary sources for dissolved components in seawater are weathering of rocks on land, which releases minerals into rivers and eventually the ocean, and gases released by volcanic activity. These sources contribute ions like sodium, chloride, calcium, and magnesium to seawater.

What are the sources of oxybenzone?

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Asked by Wiki User

Oxybenzone, also known as benzophenone-3, is a chemical compound commonly found in sunscreens, cosmetics, and other personal care products. It can also be found in some plastics, such as food packaging materials. Additionally, oxybenzone can enter the environment through wastewater discharge from recreational activities in water bodies.

What is a short summary of physics history?

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Asked by LJVentanilla

Physics is the study of matter, energy, and the interactions between them. It has a long history, with contributions from ancient civilizations such as the Greeks and Egyptians. Modern physics emerged in the 17th century with the work of scientists like Galileo, Newton, and Maxwell, leading to groundbreaking discoveries in mechanics, electromagnetism, and quantum theory. Today, physics continues to advance with research on topics such as particle physics, cosmology, and quantum mechanics.

What does longhand mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Longhand" refers to the process of writing by hand using complete words and sentences, as opposed to shorthand or typing. It is a method of writing that is generally done more slowly and intentionally compared to shorthand or typing.

What happens if you write in pencil in an exam?

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Asked by Wiki User

Using a pencil in an exam is generally acceptable, but it's always best to check the exam rules or with the invigilator. Pencil can be easily erased, which may be an issue if the exam requires permanent markings. If the exam needs to be scanned and processed electronically, pencil markings may not be read accurately.

How do you write Al3NO3?

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Asked by Wiki User

The correct chemical formula for aluminum nitrate is Al(NO3)3. It consists of one aluminum (Al) atom and three nitrate (NO3) ions.

What is the primary source of oxygen?

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Asked by Wiki User

The primary source of oxygen on Earth is photosynthesis, a process carried out by plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. During photosynthesis, these organisms use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. This oxygen is released into the atmosphere as a byproduct, which is essential for the survival of many organisms.

7 steps in a lab report?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Title: Clearly states the purpose of the experiment.
  2. Introduction: Provides background information and outlines the objectives.
  3. Materials and Methods: Describes the procedures and materials used in the experiment.
  4. Results: Presents data and findings in an organized manner (tables, graphs, etc.).
  5. Discussion: Analyzes and interprets the results, relates them to the objectives.
  6. Conclusion: Summarizes key findings and implications of the study.
  7. References: Cites all sources of information used in the lab report.

What do you do if you are getting chased by a pencil?

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Asked by Wiki User

Stay calm and try to create distance between yourself and the pencil. Keep moving and try to find a safe place to take cover. Remember that a pencil is not a dangerous object, so there is no need to panic.

How to write a lab report?

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Asked by Wiki User

When writing a lab report, start with an introduction that provides background information and states the purpose of the experiment. Then, describe the materials and methods used in the experiment, present the results in tables or graphs, and analyze the data. Finally, conclude with a summary of the findings and their implications. Make sure to cite any references used in your report.

What does fulminate mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Fulminate" means to express strong disapproval or protest in a forceful manner, often with anger or intensity. It can also refer to a chemical compound that is highly explosive or volatile.

What are the most commonly available grades for softwood plywood?

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Asked by Wiki User

The most common grades for softwood plywood are A, B, C, and D. Grade A is the highest quality with a smooth surface, while Grade D has more imperfections and is suitable for structural use where appearance is not critical.

What are the letters that stand for the type of electrical current commonly used in households?

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Asked by Wiki User

AC, which stands for alternating current, is the type of electrical current commonly used in households.

What is an analytical question?

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Asked by Wiki User

An analytical question is one that requires critical thinking and analysis to answer. It often seeks to understand why something happened, how it works, or what impact it has. Analytical questions help to uncover underlying patterns, relationships, and insights within a topic or issue.