


These flat-bodied fish are a member of the group of fishes known as cichlids. They are a popular breed of fish for a clean freshwater aquarium. Find questions about these fish here.

500 Questions

Is the angelfish endangered?

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The angelfish species overall is not considered endangered. However, specific species of angelfish may be threatened or endangered due to factors such as habitat loss, overfishing, and pollution. It is important to protect their habitats and regulate fishing practices to ensure the conservation of these species.

Do angelfish have scales?

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it is a known fact that all angler fish have scales however there types are diff rent colours fresh water angler fish prefer to eat Hana Montananz the others type eat joblesdead beats like the person who ashed this question i am an angler fish expert,scientist and marine angler fish geologists so u can trust mi

What do angelfish eat in the wild?

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Angelfish in the wild typically feed on a diet of small crustaceans, insects, algae, and plant matter. They are opportunistic feeders that will consume a variety of foods depending on what is available in their natural habitat.

What type of climate does an angelfish live in?

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Angelfish typically live in tropical climates that have warm water temperatures ranging from 75-82°F (24-28°C). They are commonly found in freshwater rivers and streams in South America, where the water is warm and slightly acidic. The angelfish prefers stable water conditions with plenty of vegetation and hiding spots.

Are angelfish herbivores carnivores or omnivores?

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They are omnivores. I have seen them eat live brine shrimp and herbivore flake food.

There are 86 different species of Marine Angelfish and 3 species of Freshwater Angelfish.

While most Angelfish species are omnivorous; some Angelfish species are completely herbivorous (algae eaters), and some are completely carnivorous (zooplankton eaters).

Most angelfish are omnivores.


Are angelfish and dwarf gourami compatible?

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No... the angel fish as babies will be fine with guppies, but as they get older and bigger, the will become more aggressive and will eat anything that it can get to.

Is an angelfish a scavenger?

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How large do angelfish grow to be?

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A reasonably well grown angelfish used to be over 6 inches high. Many of those "fancy types" available now are so badly inbred that they are lucky to reach 4 or 5 inches high.

What fish can live with a 4 inch angelfish?

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Angelfish are compatible with:

  • Other angelfish
  • Barbs
  • Cory catfish
  • Danios and minnows
  • Gouramis
  • Loaches
  • Mollies
  • Platies
  • Plecos
  • Rainbowfish
  • Rasboras
  • Sharks
  • Swordtails
  • Tetras

They can usually live with eels, crab and, shrimp but not always.

The size of the Angelfish does not matter.

Similarity between goldfish and angelfish?

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There are many similarities between angelfish and goldfish- to name one angelfish and fancy goldfish (especially the oranda) both have several long delicate fins.

Does a stingray eat a angelfish?

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well yea it freakend hurts

What is the thing on a angelfish head?

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a gigantic hairy boob

Are saltwater angelfish edible?

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Marine angelfish are perciform fish of the family Pomacanthidae. They are found on shallow reefs in the tropical Atlantic, Indian, and mostly western Pacific oceans. The family contains seven genera and approximately 86 species. They should not be confused with the freshwater angelfish, tropical cichlids of the Amazon Basin.

What type of symmetry do angelfish have?

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radial because you can split up its body any way and it will be the same

When do angelfish mate?

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angelfish mate in early summer

Why do angelfish have scales?

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Scales act as a kind of armor, helping protect the skin of fish. Scales also help water move more smoothly over a fish as it swims. Even so, some fish, such as catfish and lampreys, have no scales.

How many bones does an angelfish have?

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Most "regular" fish, such as the angelfish, have a skeleton made of bone (class osteichthyes, I think). Fish such as sharks, skates, and rays have a skeleton made of cartilage (class chondrichthyes). Even bony fish, though, such as your angelfish, have some cartilage for flexibility. I believe that the baby bony fish, like a human fetus, has pure cartilage until the bone forms. DL

Are angelfish boneless?

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All Sharks are boneless. But they do have a type of skeleton, called cartilage. But they are not bones.

How many babies does an angelfish have?

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there are a lot of different types of angelfish but the best are the cool beauty angelfish