

Aquatic Mammals

This section is for questions about those mammals that live most, if not all of their lives in the water. With specially adapted breathing abilities, these swimmers are some of the most intelligent creatures known.

500 Questions

How many seals are there in antarctica?

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7: elephant seals,harp seals, cabeater seals, ross seals, leopard seals, wendell seals and hooded seals

What is being doine to help the Hector dolphins?

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they are giving them homes stopping people from hunting them and protesting about dolphins there you go jimmy you happy?

How whale have blue blood?

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The colour of all whales' blood is red, not blue.

What type of body do marine mammals to help them move through the water easily?

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What? your question makes no sense. Byt usually marine animals have fins or flappers to glide them through water.

Why do testes in mammals descend into scrotum?

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The production of sperm requires a lower temperature than body temperature (in mammals) therefore it is necessary for the testies to be removed from the general mass of the body.

What was the manatee population in 2000?

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i dont know but i know it was high then now adays

What has caused the harp seal to be endangered?

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There are 28 subspecies of Seals listed by the IUCN Red List. Their status ranges from "data deficient" to critically endangered" with the population trends decreasing.

However, the Harp Seal is listed, but not as "endangered". It is posted with a status of "least concern", and it's listed population trend is "increasing". They are posted with a species review requested for reassessment within the next 10 years, mainly due to environmental factors.

The Harp Seal is not listed at all, on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Species Endangered Species List. For more details, please see sites listed below.

There are increasing concerns, however, that harp seal pups have suffered mass mortality due to global warming.The List of endangered Species is not set in stone; it is dynamic, Constantly changing due to animal populations that increase or decrease over time.

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Why are drift nets illegal?

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They are killing thousands of animals!

Do crabeater seals eat fish?

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A crabeater seal is a slender, gray Antarctic seal that mainly feeds on krill. It is not considered as an endangered species, although commercial seal hunting is banned in the Antarctic region.

What are the breeding areas of the Weddell seal?

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Weddell seals breed in the northern parts of Antarctica near the water so when the pups are born the father doesn't have to travel the far to collect the food.

Weddell seals breed in the northern parts of Antarctica near the water so when the pups are born the father doesn't have to travel the far to collect the food.

Weddell seals breed in the northern parts of Antarctica near the water so when the pups are born the father doesn't have to travel the far to collect the food.

How big is a whale throat?

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A humpback whale's blow hole is 8 to 10 inches in diameter. A sperm whale's blowhole is shaped like an "S" and is about 20 inches long.

Do Bull elephant seals eat other seals?

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Some seals arecannibalistic...

Yes. Although seals mostly prey on fish and small mammals , many species of seal, such as the leopard seal, have been known to eat other seals as part of their diet.

There have been National Geographic films about how seals will eat other seals. Mostly the males will try to eat the young of other males; this is due to territorial claims of the female rather than hunger.

What is a seals defense mechanisms?

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A seal's first line of defense is flight. They have a physiological defense mechanism which is an outer coating of several inches of blubber that make it difficult to bite into a seal to kill it. It takes a large animal, so they have few predators. Because they can be on land and in the water, they can jump into the water and out maneuver land predators and can return to land when attacked by water based predators.

Where is the location of a harp seal?

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The harp seal lives in the Arctic Waters. There are three destinct populations. The most comon one is the coasts off of Labrador Newfoundland.

How did harbor seal got its name?

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live neer or in harbors DUUHHHH!! anyone wood no that! im so smat! they allso live in bays to. any Moore facs pleese pos tham heer becase i ned some. :)

How many babies do crabeater seals have each year?

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1-3 a year

Weddell seals can have 1 -2 pups, as this species can give birth to twin pups.

What are some sea creatures that begin with the letter s?

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The spinner shark is a sea creature. It is found worldwide in tropical waters.

Did dolphins used to be land animals?

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Scients believe that over a million years ago dolphins used to live on land because they can walk on their flukes in the water.But sharks didnt.

How deep can a killer whale dive?

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Orcas can dive upto a 1,000 feet (304.8m).

How long do sea lions stay with their mothers?

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Depending upon the species/type of the sea lion, sea lions babies usually stay with their mother for an average amout of 6-12 months.

Is a manatee called a sea cow?

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No. A manatee is an entirely different creature.