



Atheism is the disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods.

500 Questions

HOW do atheists worship?

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Asked by Wiki User

Since agnostics are not an organized religious group, this can vary a great deal, or it may not take place at all.

Some agnostics may be more atheistic: they may not feel any divine presence, but they refuse consider themselves atheists on the grounds that there is no conclusive evidence that god doesn't exist. This kind of agnostic is not likely to worship any deity in any way.

Other agnostics may be closer to theistic or deistic (a deist believes in an impersonal, distant creator who does not become involved in any way with the creation): these people may feel some kind of undefinable divine presence in their lives, but they refuse to consider themselves theists on the grounds that there is no conclusive evidence that god exists. This type of agnostic may sometimes choose to participate individual or community religious worship.

If an agnostic does worship, which deity do they choose and how do they worship? Since agnostics are not all alike and fall along a broad continuum, the short answer would be "highly variable". It seems that religions with a vaguer concept of the godhead, such as Buddhism and Taoism, are more likely to appeal to an agnostic: but, again, there are no hard and fast creeds or rules for those whose essential religious stance is to take no stance!

Pros and cons of atheistic evolution?

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Atheism and Evolution are two different things that are often miscombined. Atheism is a belief or philosophy that there are no Deities. Evolution is a biological process whereby the structure and genetic code of organisms change over many generations, as particularly unsuccessful organisms die without offspring and particularly successful organisms are likely to have more offspring. The characteristics of the successful organism thus become the norm.

There is no particular reason to link them, other than the fact that atheists are less likely to reject evolution on the basis of their philosophy.

What do atheists think of the Devil?

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The devil is a religious construction originally imagined by the early Christians. Atheist are not concerned with the Devil since they are not concerned with religious matters and believing in supernatural figures.

What is the simalarities between theism and atheism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Theism is the belief in God, atheism is the absense of belief in God, so they are largely opposites. The only similarities is that they are both concepts associated with the philosophy of religion.

What are atheist stereotypes?

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Asked by Mlmlml3

For one thing, some people think they don't have any morals. Well, I'm an atheist, and try to make this world a tiny better place. Just like most people, religious or not, I guess.


I never knew they were stereotyped. Me neither.


When people know nothing about a issue they are generally to lazy to do any investigation into it. To hide their ignorance they adopt an easily learned stereotype (All pitbulls are vicious. All Mexican food is too spicy. All Chinese products are shoddy) and state it with great conviction - as if it is their opinion and result of much study.

How are we stereotyped? Generally we are seen as denying the "truth", afraid or ignorant of the facts, dangerous, immoral, untrustworthy, self centered, unpatriotic, stupid, communists, nihilists, anarchists, a conspiracy ... the list goes on.

Although some showboating atheists (like showboating evangelists) make a lot of noise about their opinions - most are content to in their own knowledge that there is no god - like children who have figured out that there is no Santa or monster under the bed. It is just another fact in a fact filled world. Evangelism is not a big atheist trait.

Atheists in our society have a tendency to hide their opinions - some folks try to convert us, others try to lump us in with Hitler and Stalin, others flat out don't believe our position. Granted this is better than the old response of letting us convert or die. This lack of everyday examples of "normal" atheists leads many folks to have only the stereotype to go by. Since the stereotype is generally so poisonous, many non-atheists would not be seen reading books on, or researching, atheist thinking for fear of being taken for "one of them"

The truth is that many folks you know and respect may well be atheists. We are in all lines of work, come in all colours, both sexes, young, old, grumpy and friendly. Our common bond is that we have independently thought our way through tough questions (Is there a god(s), is there a life after death, is there good and evil) and come to conclusions different from others in our society.


Some people even mix up their stereotypes mixing atheists with satanist. with claiming atheists use the imagery of Satan and 666 as a culture shock to religious people. Obviously ATHEISTS don't believe in SATAN or GOD so it is a very stupid stereotype


They are stereotyped the same way everything else is stereotyped in this country. Through ignorance. I am not an Atheist, but some of the stereotypes i have herd is that they believe in science over God, they ridicule Religious people and things of that nature.

AnswerHow are atheists stereotyped? Well, much as any other group of people is stereotyped. They are grouped together, and categorized as believing the same thing. This is not true. There are 6.8 billion people on this planet and just as many individual opinions. There may be similarities between what people believe, but it is impossible for everyone, or even any two to believe exactlythe same thing. The differences of their personal experiences and how those have colored their individual perceptions has precluded that.

It was suggested above that atheists and satanists are often "mixed" together. I suspect that is true. It is a common tenet of any organized religion or school of thought to put those who disagree with their particular brand of thinking into the same pot. Those who are not with us are against us after all. This is natural human behavior. People are paranoid and separatist or exclusionary by nature. We, quite frankly, are cliquish .

One responder suggested that the stereotype is rooted in ignorance. True to a point. Stereotypes like myths spring from some grain of fact. That is not to say that all stereotypes are true, or even any. This is not a defense for stereotypes either. Just an observation. It would be just as accurate to say that stereotypes spring from stupidity (ignorance is the condition of not knowing, stupidity is the choice to not know or to ignore the truth).

To say that an atheist has no morals is, perhaps, an example of what has been suggested in this answer. To say that, could also be an example of defensiveness on the part of one or some who espouse atheistic thought. Perhaps a little of both. Perhaps neither.

What this boils down to is the second part of the question, why. Well, it goes deep to the core of human behavior; call it instinct. If a member of the pack is presented with anything that is alien to his pack, he will fight it or run from it. Humans arepack animals. We group ourselves according to what we think, what we believe, what we know, how we live, how we dress, what we drive, what we do, and an infinite number of other unimportant and superficial things. We focus on what is different. We obsess about it. And, by doing so, we accomplish a couple of things. First, we ingratiate ourselves with the group to which we want to belong, or attempt to. Second, we avoid looking at the things within ourselves that we do not like and want no one else to see, or, again, attempt to. Neither can truly be successful.

Are stereotypes wrong? Maybe, maybe not. How many examples of stereotypical behavior do you see in the responses above? Maybe, stereotypes are just a thing that people do, and it matters less that people stereotype than it does how others respond to it.

One final thought: consider that every time one engages in stereotyping, he is performing a physical act of oxymoronic behavior; placing a stereotype on another person IS in itself stereotypical behavior.

How do atheists show their beliefs?

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Asked by Wiki User

Members of almost any group generally blend in with the "public" behavior of their culture. In the case of atheists we do not seek out Christians to disparage, kittens to bite the heads off, churches to burn, or carry a copy of Marcus Aurelius' work (Meditations) to give us talking points when we start spontaneous street corner meetings. The classic complaint is that atheists fume and sputter at a Xmas carol in a store or a clerk's failure to use the P.C. "Happy Holidays!". This is not the usual case any more than expecting Christians to become apoplectic at the sight of a burkha.

Considering that 10% to 30% of the populations of most European and North American cities are atheists, agnostics or other non-believers it is likely that you witness their public behavior daily - without it ever drawing any attention.

Is the leader of the Script an atheist?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, they are Irish and catholic. Great question..

Why do atheists refuse to believe?

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Asked by Wiki User

In breif, to be an atheist is to not accept any world view that requires the existence of a deity. There is no proof of a deity that can be presented that is testable by commonly applied proofs or by scientific logic. If it can't be proven then it doesn't exist.

Is it a sin to hate atheists?

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Asked by rottenracist

It is to hate anyone

What is someone who doesn't believe in god called?

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Asked by Wiki User

A person who rejects the existence of any God is an Atheist.

A person who is ignorant of the God of Abraham is a heathen.

A person who worships other Gods is a pagan.

A person who doesn't believe in god at all is called an athiest (a- without, theism-beliefs on god).

However, there are also agnostics, people who believe god MIGHT exist, but haven't reached a conclusion.

The above answer is inadequate due to the fact that it is written in only Christian terms (i.e. "heathen" and "pagan"). The question is about the belief in the concept of God in general, not the Christian interpretation. To identify a follower of any religion that worships a god (or gods) other than the God of Abraham as "pagan" is to lump a vast array of diverse beliefs into one category; basically, you're saying that to have religion, you are either Christian or "other."

The simple answer to the question is this: If you believe that there is no god, you are an athiest. If you believe in the possibility of a god but do not believe that humans are capable of knowing for sure, you are an agnostic.
If you're refering to God as the deity in Christianity, then both atheists and agnostics fit in this category.

An Atheist denies the existence of a supreme being.

An Agnostic is someone who believes that there might be a God, but this and the essential nature of things are designed to be unknown.
An atheist is the opposite of a theist.

The theist believes there is evidence for the existence of their favorite god.

The atheist does not.

It would be illogical for the atheist to "deny" the existence of something for which there is no evidence. Atheism is merely the lack of a belief.

Knowledge is absolute. Since nobody can know with absolute certainty no gods exist, everyone is agnostic. So the so-called "agnostic" has the same lack of knowledge as the atheist or theist has. It's just commonly accepted that an agnostic does not commit either way.
Atheist: The conviction that there is definitely no God.

The belief that one cannot know for sure if there really is a God.

Indifference to the subject of God, or one who can't be bothered to think about whether or not God exists.

someone who does not believe in God is not necessarily an atheist, because there are many other religions that he or she may belong to, although these generally will have a God or gods as part of their system, with the possible exception of Buddhism. But, someone who does not believe in any God or gods at all, is an atheist.
Someone who doesn't believe in gods is called an atheist.


If you don't believe in any kind of God, you are an atheist. If you believe in some kind of omnipotent deity but do not believe that man has any way of knowing the nature of this being, you are an agnostic.

What is the atheist view on war?

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Asked by Wiki User

As there is no central organisation or church for atheism, there is no central doctrine on the atheist attitude on matters such as war. Every atheist has made a personal decision that there is no god and likewise has personal views about war. However, one thing that all atheists would have in common is their opposition to wars based on religious differences.

When did Heracles live?

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Asked by Wiki User

Heracles never lived. He was a mythiological character in Greek and Roman stories.

What does the pantheist worldview think about sexuality?

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Asked by DainneNeal

Atheism is not a unified system of belief and as such the views on sexuality vary from atheist to atheist. Most atheists would say they believe in Evolution and so humans have evolved with sexuality for reproduction, the pleasure being a side effect to make the urge to seek out a mate desirable. As for ethics in sexuality these vary. But the individual thoughts about everything else regarding sex (sex without commitment, homosexuality, abortion) vary.

AnswerThere is no general "atheistic" view on sexuality. The only "given" that can be said about atheists and their general view of sexuality is that it is not influenced by religious rules, religious doctrines or religious dogma.

How does atheistic existentialism compare to Christianity?

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Asked by Wiki User

Christianity beleives that there is but one "correct" God out of the thousands that mankind has worshipped; Atheists believe that there is one less than that.

While no comments can be applicable to an entire group, the following points about the level of lifestyle and interactions with other people of :Atheists: and "Christians":

  • Atheists follow an internal moral code - Christianity follows a moral code imposed on them.
  • Atheists are individuals, Christians are a community of people which, more or less,t think the same.
  • Atheist do not try to convert others, Christians often try to convert others
  • Atheists do not impose their practices on the public, Christians have public prayers and so on
  • Atheits do not wage religious wars on other nations

What theory do most atheists believe about the creation of the earth?

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Asked by Wiki User


Cosmologists and astrophysicists (people who study such matters) explain the creation of the Earth (the ball of solids, liquids and gases we live on) as the result of the mutual attraction and accumulation of matter created (either after the "Big Bang" or in process of continual conversion of matter into energy) through gravitational attraction and the pressure of light. The view is not the view of atheism but of science. As atheists have no supernatural belief to explain the existence of the Universe, the opinions and findings of science must, by default, be theirs.

What are the differences between atheism humanism and secular humanism?

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Asked by RosalieK

Humanists believe that the way in which one lives one's life should be dictated by common human principles and reasoning, and that one's actions should be directed toward the betterment of mankind, independent of any religion.

Atheists believe that there is no God, and therefore (by extension) that how one lives one's life must be dictated by secular (or non-theistic spiritual) principles instead of rules handed down by some deity. Atheists are often humanists of some form, but do not necessarily have to be (many sociopaths, for example, are atheists but are also definitely not humanists)

Agnostics do not claim to know whether God does or does not exist: there may be some deity or there may not be. Humanist agnostics go one step further to claim that they do not know whether God does or does not exist, but the question also should not matter in how one lives one's life (that it should be lived by humanist principles in either case).

So in summary, an atheist believes there is no God (and believes that is an important distinction to make). A humanist agnostic believes he/she doesn't know whether there is, but that it shouldn't matter in any case.

Victorian religious beliefs?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Victorian" implies the UK. Religous beliefs in Victorian UK were varied, and the period was 50 years or so, which is quite a time span.

Most people were Christian, there were some Jews, and probably a few Muslims and Hindus. Spiritualism was big at one point. There were also atheists, such as Charles Bradlaugh, who founded the NSS.

If you want any more details, then please ask a more specific question.

Is it possible to describe God?

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Asked by Wiki User

Certainly not, part of worship is having a go at a full description of God's qualities. It would be wrong to think that you've ever fully described God though, as soon as you think you've got a clear picture of God he tends to blow you away with some new aspect you've missed.

Is Jon Stewart an atheist?

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Asked by Wiki User

Jon Stewart is a Reform Jew or Atheist Jew. He does not practice most Jewish customs.

What makes the naturalistic secular humanistic and atheistic existentialistic world views differ from the Christian world views in regard to family?

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Asked by Wiki User

One significant difference is that the Christian world view is male centric with the man recognized as the authority. No matter how much the religionists preach respect for women, the men dominate the household. An atheist family is likely to be more egalitarian. They are more open to different experiences and different views. They are more accepting of other lifestyles and less intrusive in the lives of others.

Do only atheists believe in evolution?

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Asked by Wiki User

You are an atheist simply if you do not believe in any god(s).

Most people who do not "believe" in evolution have that opinion because they have been misinformed or mislead about what evolution actually is and what that scientific theory states. Evolution is a fact, and is used by the Theory of Natural Selection to explain how diverse and complex life arose. It does not require nor it depends on faith or belief in a religious sense.

Most people who criticize evolution and Natural Selection don't actually understand them. People who understand them almost always consider them a fact because all the evidence indicates that they are true. Also, there is no evidence to indicate these scientific theories are false. Any Search Google for any evidence that evolution isn't true will almost certainly yield Creationist propaganda which either misrepresents the theory, or is flat out untrue.

A great resource for all that information is: http ://

Another answer:

Many Christians believe in God as well as understand and accept the scientific theory of evolution. Evolution just means "change over time" and is not antithetical to beliefs in higher powers.

How do secular humanists view family?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most Secular Humanists and other Atheists view family as one of the key institutions to creating a functional society and engendering peace and tranquility among people. Family bonds are based in love, trust, hope, and reciprocal good treatment. These are things worth nourishing and protecting. However, Secular Humanists and other Atheists see families as worthy of dissolution in those cases where family members cannot, after persistent attempts, have a cordial or functional relationship. They support divorce or estrangement in these unfortunate circumstances.

Who has the highest suicide rates atheists or theists?

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Asked by Wiki User

Atheists don't have a particularly high suicide rate, but it is higher than in religious societies; it's likely because most religions consider suicide wrong and that acts as a deterrent.

When developing data of this nature many researchers ignore the composition if the population being studies. As an example Scandinavia's have high rate of suicide and are generally prone to be atheist. This fact is seized on as proof of atheist suicidal inclinations. Other effects such as the lack of sunlight during the brutal winter, or the problems sleeping during the continuous light of summer are never mentioned in the popular press.. Reasons given for suicide seldom rank "lack of religion" as a cause.

Do atheist believe in heaven or hell?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no such place. That's simple.

Atheism-Where do you come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

Religion. Atheism is a single position on a single issue. Without religion there is no position to reject and therefore no reason to identify oneself as an Atheist. 'A' being not and theism basically meaning religion. I.E. nonreligious.

The question as posed can mean any of several things. Keeping in mind that atheists have no uniting positions except the absence of a deity, potential answers include:

  • Atheism is the original state of human society before mankind invented gods and religion
  • Modern atheism results from rational thought and a disenchantment with religion
  • Atheist feel the human race rose from evolutionary pressures from earlier life forms
  • Atheists feel the "ego" or self is a result from our brain structure
  • The Universe arose from the "Big Bang"
  • Life arose from natural process
  • There is no meaning to lifr other than the continuation of the species