



Atheism is the disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods.

500 Questions

How do secular humanists view family?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most Secular Humanists and other Atheists view family as one of the key institutions to creating a functional society and engendering peace and tranquility among people. Family bonds are based in love, trust, hope, and reciprocal good treatment. These are things worth nourishing and protecting. However, Secular Humanists and other Atheists see families as worthy of dissolution in those cases where family members cannot, after persistent attempts, have a cordial or functional relationship. They support divorce or estrangement in these unfortunate circumstances.

Who has the highest suicide rates atheists or theists?

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Asked by Wiki User

Atheists don't have a particularly high suicide rate, but it is higher than in religious societies; it's likely because most religions consider suicide wrong and that acts as a deterrent.

When developing data of this nature many researchers ignore the composition if the population being studies. As an example Scandinavia's have high rate of suicide and are generally prone to be atheist. This fact is seized on as proof of atheist suicidal inclinations. Other effects such as the lack of sunlight during the brutal winter, or the problems sleeping during the continuous light of summer are never mentioned in the popular press.. Reasons given for suicide seldom rank "lack of religion" as a cause.

Do atheist believe in heaven or hell?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no such place. That's simple.

Atheism-Where do you come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

Religion. Atheism is a single position on a single issue. Without religion there is no position to reject and therefore no reason to identify oneself as an Atheist. 'A' being not and theism basically meaning religion. I.E. nonreligious.

The question as posed can mean any of several things. Keeping in mind that atheists have no uniting positions except the absence of a deity, potential answers include:

  • Atheism is the original state of human society before mankind invented gods and religion
  • Modern atheism results from rational thought and a disenchantment with religion
  • Atheist feel the human race rose from evolutionary pressures from earlier life forms
  • Atheists feel the "ego" or self is a result from our brain structure
  • The Universe arose from the "Big Bang"
  • Life arose from natural process
  • There is no meaning to lifr other than the continuation of the species

Where are the headquarters of atheism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Atheists don't have a religion. People who say. "Atheists Have a religion because they have a belief" Need to get a dictionary and look up the meaning of Atheist. The meaning generally given is a lack of a belief in a higher cosmic power. [thats a general definition]

Just because someone believes in social equality, doesn't mean that beleif = religion. [just a example]

I'm not a atheist. I'm just answer a badly asked question about Atheists.


Atheism United Headquarters on Facebook or


There is no "world headquarters" for atheism (for that matter no secret handshake, discount at KMart, leaders, password, code of behaviour, style of dress, etc.) Atheism is simply the realization that there are no deities or supernatural forces. Each atheist is simply their own person. There are atheist blogs, discussion groups and such but no shadowy tong or conspiracy that unites them all.

What are Richard Dawkins beliefs?

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Asked by Wiki User

Richard Dawkins wrote a whole book to answer that question; it is called "The God Delusion". I would suggest that you read the book if you really want to know. However, I will offer a brief summary. Viewed as a scientific hypothesis, the existence of God is not adequately proved by any reliable or objective means, and it raises many serious questions for which believers do not have good answers. Everything that religious people explain as an act of God can also be explained more simply as the working of the laws of nature.

Is Ana Kasparian an atheist?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, she is an agnostic.

What percentage of US teens are atheists?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are no scientific surveys that would provide any definitive answer to your question.

Some estimates from contributors:

The present estimate of people 15 to 19 in the USA is 29 million people. According to, there are about 9% of the population who claim to be atheists (although getting good data is difficult and this may include some agnostics and non-religious people). Running this together at 9% it would seem that there would be on the order of 2.5 million atheist teens.

According to certain studies, atheism is more popular among the younger population. In the U.S., 55 percent of atheists are under age 35, while 30 percent are 50 and over (compared to 37 percent of the total population). As a group agnostics are older than atheists, though still younger than the general population. Comparing this 2001 data with the 1990 National Survey of Religious Identification (NSRI) provides evidence of a trend towards secularization among the younger American population. See related link.

What are the atheist traditions?

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Asked by Wiki User

Atheism is just a lack of belief in a god or gods, rather than a movement or organisation, and therefore has no traditions. Individual atheists may observe traditions, but these are determined by other factors.

What does Islam have to say about atheism?

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Asked by Beepboop

Islam sees rejecting Islam and becoming an atheist as apostasy with its associated punishments. Atheism in non-Muslims is of no concern as all non-Muslims are equally seen as nonbelievers.

Answer 2

Argue them about God. please read the book "Tradition of Mufaddal"

What is the sacred text of atheism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Since atheism is not a religion or a belief system but an absence of those things, it has no sacred text, no tenets, no dogma. In addition the term "sacred" implies "handed down by a god". In atheism there is no god, therefor no handing down, therefore no text

What do you call a person who believes only what he sees?

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Asked by Wiki User

A person that only believes what he/she sees cannot rule out the possibility of seeing God in the future and would probably be called agnostic. == == You could refer to such a person as a skeptic. A skeptic is one who is likely to question very many things. A person who does not believe in the supernatural, but only believes what can be proven is a Bright.

Here is probably what you are looking for:

em·pir·i·cism or em·pir·i·cist n. # The view that experience, especially of the senses, is the only source of knowledge. # ## Employment of empirical methods, as in science. ## An empirical conclusion. # The practice of medicine that disregards scientific theory and relies solely on practical experience.

Where would an atheist be buried?

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Asked by Wiki User

In a cemetery if they're dead. Hopefully not at all if they're alive.

There are secular (often municipal) cemeteries which do not differentiate on faith baed preferences. Even military cemeteries have specific "Atheist" symbols for head stones. Many probably would opt for cremation as burial is pointless, creates pollution and takes up land. These would opt for cremation followed by dispersal. many might offer their bodies for scientific study prior to cremation.

Was Archimedes an athiest?

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Asked by Wiki User

Archimedies, b.287 BCE,d212BCE, was a mathematician most famous for his invention of the screw pump. Not alot was known about his personal life.

Was Abraham Lincoln an athiest?

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Asked by Wiki User

"The Bible is not my book nor Christianity my profession. I could never give assent to the long, complicated statements of Christian dogma."

- Abraham Lincoln, American president (1809-1865). Nobody knows for sure. As the above quote shows, Lincoln certainly didn't consider himself to be a Christian. But he may have held other views which would exclude him from atheism. He never said that he did so, and repeatedly referred to Christianity is poor tems. But I don't think there are any cast iron quotes which would exclude all religious belief.

see link "Six Historic Americans Abraham Lincoln"

A moral theory that focuses mainly on how to be not on what to do?

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Asked by Wiki User

Virtue ethics

The idea is to focus on developing the most virtuous character, rather than on what to do and what not to do. It's what you are on the inside that counts.

In what area of the world is atheism practiced?

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Asked by Wiki User

Atheism is not practiced anywhere. It is not a practice. It should not be viewed in religious terms. Atheism is the lack of, or the absence of belief in gods and that can happen anywhere in the world.

Think of it this way- not playing golf is not a different sport. Following that example, atheism is a lack of religion and not a different religion.

Which famous sportspeople are atheists?

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Asked by Wiki User

AnswerIt is hard to cite many examples, because most atheists in public life choose not to discuss their lack of religious beliefs.

One famous atheist sportsperson is Jonathan Edwards, triple jumper (Olympic gold medallist, world champion and world record holder), who is quoted as saying, "When you think about it rationally, it does seem incredibly improbable that there is a God." Others are: the mountaineer, Joe Simpson; the former American football player, Robert Smith, the American-born martial arts practitioner and actor, Bruce Lee. The cyclist, Lance Armstrong is an agnostic.

What is the ideal symbol for Agnostic?

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Asked by Wiki User

Neither agnostics or atheists have a symbol. Some atheists use a "Scarlet A" the US gov't uses an stylized atom on atheist/agnostic military graves. There is no approving body for symbols of this nature.

Where do atheists go when they die?

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Asked by Wiki User

Either a) no where or b)it is impossible to answer the question because all knowledge is gained through experience (see empiricism).

AnswerThey know where they go: into the ground or up in ashes. The belief that people "go somewhere" when they die is a religious fabrication to help people accept death.

Is van persie an atheist?

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Asked by Wiki User

Never heard one way or other.

Was Mao an athiest?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mao Zedong may have been raised in the Buddhist tradition, but he rejected all forms of religion for the atheistic socialism of Marxism-Leninism, which sees organised religion as the 'opiate of the masses'. Mao Zedong's own thoughts, while rooted in dialectical materialism, also contain elements of Confucianism and Taoism.

Why do people believe in magic not in God?

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Asked by Wiki User

Many people still believe in magic. In western culture, they cannot use that belief openly and directly to impact society or government. Many people find that science has removed the need to believe in magic as a way to interact with the universe.

Magic, the real magic, not the fictionalised magic of movies, books and games, not only still exists but is an integral part of many pagan spiritual paths.

Magic is in every birthday candle wish, sign against the evil eye, wish upon a star, good thought sent out, crossed fingers, candle lit for someone, good deed done in secret, and blessing of a person who has sneezed.

These things are still practiced to some degree in most of the world and therefore, admit it or not, most of the world believes in magic.

Why are there so many atheists on reddit?

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Asked by DerekHead

The answer is that you probably know an atheist or two and not even know it. There are more atheists in America than believers assume, most just keep their atheism quiet. But unbelief has been growing in America and more people classify themselves as "others" or "non-religious" on religion polls. A few atheists began to come out of the closet on their atheism and bravely voice their philosophy and arguments for their non-belief on the internet. It has slowly grown to an enormous number. About 93% of the elite scientists at the National Academy of Sciences are atheists or "others", and they have begun to become less accommodating to religious belief than in the past. At least one scientist of the Royal Academy follows this line also. Collectively they have come to be known as the New Atheists. Below is a link.

You should also keep in mind that atheism is not an organized entity. Atheists are individuals. There is no umbrella organization under which they can meet and share information or access articles by the leading atheist intellectuals. There is no single leadership under which they are obligated to adopt any particular dogma or worldview. They are generally more intelligent than the average religionist and are more likely to seek out information on their own to expand their understanding of the world and humanity. Those aspects of atheism make atheists more likely to utilize the internet for research, information and support.

When will religion fade away?

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Asked by Knmurphy


-When people are no longer afraid of the answer "I don't know."

-When people no longer rely on the "God did it" answer for things we don't know yet.

-When people no longer rely on unproven beliefs simply because they say they have an answer for the unanswerable questions like "what happens after you die?"

-When people no longer rely on unproven beliefs because they are comforting.

It's already happening. Atheists are increasing faster than any religious group is. Even in the United States, of younger people (18-35), the figure show upwards of 30% are non-believers. It's higher in other countries.

As science continues to discover new things, god will continue to be pushed further and further back because people can't attribute those things to him anymore.