


Back Neck and Spinal Pain

Spinal pain and neck pain are commonly experienced. These can be a result of muscle strain or infection, which eventually heal with time. However, prolonged pain may be an indication of a serious health problem.

500 Questions

Can you die from getting hit in the neck?

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The neck has several different easily damaged structures.

A simple punch can collapse the wind pipe and strangle a person.

Should you use rubbing alcohol to help your lower back pains?

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I'm not really sure how that would do much good, since rubbing alcohol would really only cool the skin and back pains are typically muscular or spinal in nature. You might be better off with heat and massage.

Does kidney give back pains?

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Yes, kidney pathology can cause back pain.

Can you take antidepressants with oxycodone I am taking Oxynorm for my chronic back pain and i am very depressed and crying all the time and was wondering if there is anything i can take?

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Asked by Nicnic27

Yes, I have been on oxycodone for approx 8 yrs and taking antidepressants also for the entire time. It may take some time to find the right one and correct dosage for you but it definitely is available. Explain to your doctor what is going on and they can get you started on them. Depression is common among people who suffer from chronic pain. Good luck

What type of shoes do you think would be most likely to cause back pain?

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Most people think of ladies´shoes when they think "high heels", but the truth is that these shoes are worn by men and women alike. We are all familiar with what women's high heel shoes look like, but men's boots and shoes with Cuban heels and supports have exactly the same effect.

What is best solution for back pain?

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Asked by DrToddSinettgp1502

The "Cure for Lower Back Pain" ultimately starts with what is causing your back pain. Here are the most common causes and cures of lower back pain: Subluxation or spinal misalignment: This is the primary condition treated by chiropractors. Spinal bones become stuck causing pain. Doctors of chiropractic move the stuck bones with "adjustments" by hand or hand-held devices. Increased water intake can also help with back pain. Back strain: Over exertion from sports, work and postural stress can cause the muscles of the back to become strained. The result is spasm, pain and stiffness. Treatments that provide relief of spasm, increased mobility and promote strengthening of the muscles after the pain has subsided are: Chiropractic care with physiotherapy modalities, Physical Therapy and Acupuncture. These providers may also recommend specialized exercises like Pilates, Yoga, Tai Chi, etc. Increased water intake can also help with back pain. Degenerative disc disease/arthritis: Long standing stresses on the spine may cause the joints and discs to deteriorate resulting in pain. Common cures are: Chiropractic care with physiotherapy modalities, Physical Therapy and Acupuncture with exercises such as Pilates, Yoga, Tai Chi, etc. Nutritional cures include: Glucoasamine, Chondroitin, MSM, Vit. C, Omega-3 fatty acids, and others. Increased water intake can also help with back pain. Home applications of hot showers and stretching in the morning can relieve AM stiffness and pain. Anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), acetaminophen (Tylenol) and Naproxsodium (Aleve) can be helpful, but can have side-effects if used too often. Herniated or bulging disc: The discs between the spinal bones may protrude and irritate the spinal nerves due to injury or long-standing physical stress resulting in pain that radiates from the back to the lower extremities. Most common cures: Chiropractic adjustments for disc bulges, Physical therapy rehabilitation for disc bulges, DRX9000 or other non-surgical spinal decompression fro bulges and herniation, Minimally invasive disc surgery for bulges and herniations, traditional surgery for herniations. More info at

Are lower back pains normal in early pregnancy?

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Yes, it can be. As the body prepares for the rapid expansion to come, it starts to cramp. Usually it's only around the uterus, but it can spread to other ares including the abdominal, back, and legs. If the pain gets to be unbearable or cannot be relieved by pain medications, showering, or massaging you should see a doctor about it.

How is back pain caused?

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Asked by Wiki User

Back pain is a very common complaint in world wide. According to the doctors openion, USA, approximately 80% of all Americans will have low back pain at least once in their lives. Back pain is a common reason for absence from work, or visiting the doctor's.

bending awkwardly
lifting, carrying, pushing or pulling incorrectly
slouching in chairs
standing or bending down for long periods
driving in a hunched position
driving for long periods without taking a break
overuse of the muscles, usually due to sport or repetitive movements (repetitive strain injury)
Lifting incorrectly
Sleeping on sagging mattresses
Being unfit

Gud Luck.

Is cervical spondylosis with multilevel neural foraminal narrowing most prominent on the left at c5-6 and c6-7 considered an ssi ssdi disability?

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Cervical spondylosis is one of the most common degenerative disc conditions. When multilevel neural foraminal narrowing is most prominent via MRI, this shows where a nerve root is potentially being impinged.

What could cause left side pains in the lower part of the back area?

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Since you don't mention pain shooting [radiating] anywhere else, there are three possibilities... a) muscle pain, b) ligament strain pain, or c) kidney pain. I guess gunshot wound would be rather obvious, eh?!

Why women have back pain during every periods?

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Painful periods in women is recognized as dysmenorrhea or more normally known as menstrual cramps, and can put in plain words in simple as menstruation with irregular pain, dull that happen in the pelvic area or lower stomach. Many women of childbearing age suffer from this type of troubles connected to pain and pain may begin before or throughout menstruation periods in women.

What are some causes of sudden lower back pain?

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If you haven't been working, lifting items, exercising, were bed-ridden for medical reasons or as a personal decision, or have stretched recently; You probably just pulled a muscle. We cannot say for sure, due to a lack of information, but if the problem persists please see your doctor. Your doctor can suggest exercises, give a prescription for pain medicine, or even take x-rays to check the pained area.

Why upper back pain occur at early morning?

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Asked by Ashishshar

It can be many things...if it is in the morning, I would suggest testing your bed. Try sleeping in another bed for two nights and see if the stiffness continues. If not, you'll know it is your mattress. Buy a new one, and ask the salesperson what mattress is good for sore backs. It can be a certain muscle you've strained. If the irritaion persists, make an appointment with your doctor. They can check and see what's going on below the surface. Meanwhile, be gentle with it. Don't bend and lift too much, and be careful when working out, or doing outdoor activities. Purchase a few heating pads for your back such as IcyHOt patches.

What causes upper back muscle spasms?

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You need to go to your doctor. Blocked cardiac arteries can cause this as well as pain being referred to these areas from other organs such as your gall bladder. Any time you are experiencing upper back pain in combination with abnormal feelings in the chest, you consult a doctor immediately.

What disorders cause neck pain?

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Asked by GaleEncyofAltMed

A sore neck can be caused by muscle stiffness perhaps due to stress. More serious conditions such as goiter or tonsillitis can occur. There are lymph nodes under the jaw that can become swollen and sore due to an illness elsewhere in the body as well. A cold or flu may make the lymph nodes swell and become tender to the touch After the cold has passed, the nodes will return to their normal size.

Meningitis can make your neck very painful and sore. this is a serious disease that needs immediate attention.

Does the thoracic vertebrae move?

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yes the thoracic vertebrate move at limited distance .

Are frequent urination sore nipples morning cramps missed period nausea with no vomiting and mild lower back pain signs of pregnancy?

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Probably not pregnant. Pregnancy rarely happens after tubal. You might have a couple of different ailments that happened to come up at the same time. Your symptoms most likely aren't from being pregnant. You might have a bladder or urinary infection. That can cause frequent urination, cramps & lower back pain. These aren't symptoms of pregnancy. Missed period could be early menopause. Sore nipples are just something that happens once in a while.

What causes muscle pain in your neck?

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The muscle that cause pain in your neck is the sternocleidomastoid

What helps back pain?

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I found sitting in the correct posture when at work or when driving can help alleviate back pain. Your body really wants to be in the correct balanced position so when it is out of balance you get pain.

What can cause sudden belly swelling and discomfort lower back pain?

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could be from bowels and or could possibly have IBS-constipation-uterine polyps-uterine fibroids-endometriosis-pregnancy etc there is so much involved in all this i would just need some more information from are you bleeding? are your bowel movements normal do you have any swelling that you can feel or see? etc

Why do you have pain in the back of your mouth by your gums?

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The most common causes are related to third molars (wisdom teeth) which may be erupting, causing trauma to the gingiva (soft tissue), or developing, but impacted, putting pressure on the bone or other teeth. If one is impacted, but exposed to the mouth, infection of the surrounding gingiva (pericoronitis) is common, and can become a very serious problem. Caries (decay) or periodontitis (gum disease) commonly cause pain around the other molars (back teeth). There are numerous less common causes: cysts, tumors, soft tissue or bone diseases, etc. See your dentist.

How does a tummy tuck help back pain?

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For serious chronic back pain, a Tummy Tuck won't help anything but the mindset of the patient, and the HMO getting the money for it. For minor back pain, it can be of some help though. However, I've never considered it a viable fix for any back pain, nor do most doctors.

Back pain is lessened if the patient's abdominal area is stronger, and this is one effect of the operation. However, having been a long term chronic back pain sufferer for many, many years, if there is structural or real tissue / nerve damage involved, then a Tummy Tuck is just a band aid - it doesn't solve the problem, and for any back or neck pain, getting at the root cause of the pain is the only real path to any relief. Also, if the procedure isn't done correctly, the patient could wind up with other problems besides the back pain the surgery was intendedto help with in the first place.

Surgery should not be taken lightly - I was shocked to learn during my 3rd major spinal operation that my first 2 spinals had been done improperly, resulting in the cause of most of my pain for over 10 years now (see my Bio page if you're curious). The problem had previously never been detected, and my pain cause had been mis-diagnosed for years. Having experienced virtually every back therapy and procedure available, I am often asked what I think about surgical intervention of any kind. My answer is always this: Only submit to surgery when there's absolutely, positively, NO OTHER OPTION LEFT. In every case, I had absolutely no choice left but to take the surgical option. When faced with a wheelchair or walking, or partial paralysis, the choice is a no-brainer, for most anyway.

Also, you may be subject to things you'd not considered either. Though my second operation went apparently well, an hour after surgery a nurse failed to properly account for how much morphine was in my system. Her error nearly cost me my life - had my family not been with me and seen that I had stopped breathing due to a massive dose of morphine (well above even my tolerance level, which is extreme) I would not now be around to tell you to avoid surgery whenever possible.

What does mri results mean when they say Spondylotic changes at l3-4 and l4-5?

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It refers to undesirable changes in the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs in your spine. When their quality and alignment deteriorates, your spine's stability and flexibility decrease. These can be caused by injury and aging and can be faster or slower to show up depending on level of physical activity, genetics, nutrition, etc. Usually they are associated with disc compression which may lead to pinching of nerves in your spine.

What is a small soft lump on back of neck on the spine accompanied by general soreness in area?

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Since you've described it as "next to" the spine, I'll presume you mean "off to one side"... Most likely: Sebaceous cyst fatty tumor [benign] If it's up by the hair-line and half-way between the ear & the spine, and is very painful and causes headaces: could be Occipital neuroma If it isn't growing and has been there a long time, I'd put my money on the Sebaceous cyst. If it IS growing, you ought to get it checked...!!