

Bird Health

Heedful management and feeding of birds assure that sickness is prevented. However, there are times when illness is unavoidable. Set apart the sick bird from its colleagues and the prompt supply of heat is the best available treatment.

500 Questions

What is the colour of blood in a bird?

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Well just a while ago I saw a robin that was dying and the blood was purple. I think it depends on what type though!

What are some signs that your budgies are going to breed?

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The budgie male will try and hop on the females back.

Why do Quails get Diarrhea I have a Quail with diarrhea Is it sick How Can I stop it from having it Why do it have it What can I do to help it?

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Quails most often get diarrhea due to an infection or poor living conditions and food. If one has a quail with diarrhea it is indeed sick. One can help stop this condition by providing the bird with adequate food, plenty of water to avoid dehydration, and a clean and sterile living environment. The mentioned aids are the best way one can help the sick quail.

Why do all birds have a hole in the bottom beak?

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The area of the beak that has a hole in it is called the interramal region. The area is needed to give the tongue a space to connect.

What causes parakeets to suddenly die?

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In order to answer this question properly one needs to know more specifics about the particular bird. In a young bird, perhaps disease brought home from a pet shop could be a culprit. If the bird is a bit older it could be related to diet. Parakeets fed only seeds develop are susceptible to developing tumors and those often are the cause of death in a bird around the age of two. Perhaps the use of non-stick pots and pans in the kitchen, candles, cleaning agents, sprays could all be suspect. A gas leak of some kind possibly.

Birds seldom die suddenly, in the wild a sick bird will be targeted by predators or by the flock, so birds will hide signs of illness until it is to late.

Is it okay to take a bird in the shower with you?

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Answer:Well, it depends. First, make sure the shower head is very light. You don't want to injure it. Next, cover the mirror, if possible, so it doesn't fly into it and hurt itself. In the shower, don't get ANY soap or shampoo onit! Also, make sure it doesn't have too much of a smell to it, that can kill it. Last, when done showering, make sure it's warm so it doesn't catch a cold!!!

I only recommend this for big birds, however. Please, if possible, just use a spray bottle and mist them every few days. It is way less stressful, safe, and enjoyable for the bird. Also, keep it away from any drafts while it's wet. I recommend covering it's cage with a towel.

Have fun and be careful!


I would add - CLOSE THE TOILET!. I had a parakeet that loved to sit on my head while I showered. One time he got thoroughly wet and decided he wanted to leave before I was finished. Birds get heavy and can't fly well when they're wet. He took off and lost altitude before he got to the towel bar over the toilet - yep- dropped like a rock.

Fortunately, I got out of the shower in time to scoop him out of the toilet before he drowned. I could have gotten a broken leg AND a dead bird out of that experience, so that's why I'm adding this advice.

What do you have to do if you find a baby bird?

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Asked by EmzyBabes

no plain and simpil no

-- Additional Info --

First, you should never pick up a wild animal without adult supervision. Skunks like other animals can transmit diseases (like rabies).

If you are going to pick up a skunk, any skunk, you can do so without getting sprayed if you can keep them from putting pressure on their back legs. Skunks must 'set' their back legs to spray from their scent glands. Depending on how old the baby is, it may or may not be able to spray anyhow. The mother certainly would be able to however, and as spraying is a skunk's defense when they feel threatened, you would probably have back luck trying to grab an adult skunk.

Can parakeets eat wild bird food?

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Yes but only for a shot period of time, cockatiel food doesn't have the right kinds of nutrition a parakeet needs to function, also its much bigger and harder for the parakeet to eat it so it might cause weakness and lack of food to the parakeet, hope this is helpful to you!

How do you know if a bird finch is pregnant?

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Birds don't really get pregnant in the typical sense of the term. Female birds periodically produce eggs. We eat chicken eggs, for example. Eggs can be produced even if the bird has not mated. The eggs will be unfertilized, and will not contain a chick.

Birds have the instinct to nest when they lay eggs, even if they are not fertilized. If your pet bird lays an egg, the egg should be removed so the bird will not become attached to it and attempt to incubate an unfertilized egg.

If a bird is producing an egg and about to lay one, the bird will usually spend time on the ground or the bottom of the cage, and perhaps back up against the cage wall to lay the egg. She may seem lethargic or tired, and her abdomen may have a bulge in it.

If your bird seems to be trying to lay an egg, and the egg does not come out in an hour or so, take it to the vet immediately. The bird can die if the egg does not come out.

Why canary died at 2 years?

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Because in the wild, any sick or injured bird will be attacked by others in the flock. A sick bird will act normal for as long as it can so you don't notice it until it is too late. It seems like they die suddenly but they may have been sick for a long time.

How do you care for a pet bird that has a hurt leg?

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my first action would be take it to the vet and do what they tell you

Can budgie live in air condition room?

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Parakeets can be in airconditioning as long as its above 73 and its not directly under any open vents.

How long after ducks mating are the eggs laid?

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Most ducks will stay on the nest and incubate their eggs for 27 days. They will not start incubating until the last egg has been laid, usually laying one egg per day.

Is it normal for a bird to shed?

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Haha yes. It's called molting. They do it often so they can get new feathers. ALL birds do it. Have a nice day!

How can i help sick sparrow?

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Get a bird cage to put it in and put something on the bottom of the cage like news paper then give it a water dish. if its a baby song sparrow try to buy it some bird formula at a local pet shop. If it is hurt it is best to get it to a vet right away

Hoped this helped!

What to feed a baby finch?

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Baby sparrows are to be feed by strictly insect diet. All of them requires high protein consumption and less fluid. Never feed them with liquid directly into the mouth for it may cause them pneumonia.

Do birds eat dried fruit?

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A sugar glider can eat dried fruit, but should noteat dried fruit. The fruit sugars are too concentrated, without any natural water to dilute the high levels.

Sugar gliders are not made to be pets, and if one mustkeep one of these delicate creatures in a tiny cage, restricting its freedom, one should at least endeavour to keep its diet as natural as possible.

Do birds vomit?

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== == I dont no a lot about this subject . but i do know that some birds do. but it depends on the type of bird :D GEORGE
Yes. Some birds regurgitate to feed their young. And yes, I imagine geese and ducks could vomit if something was stuck in their throat. I have never seen one do this. I have, however, seen a Canada Goose sneeze.

How often do you feed baby robins?

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Baby robins need to eat every 10-20 minutes from dawn to dusk, with a 2-3 hour break around midday. Feed them bits of sweet fruits like melon, apple, berries, etc. You can also give them bits of grain bread soaked in clean water.

Do not feed wet cat/dog food as this very easily clogs the breathing holes on the inside of the beak.

I recommend a pair of fine tipped tweezers and very carefully dropping each bit into the open beak. The bird should have a bowel movement each or every other feeding.

How can you find out the gender of a bird?

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Most love birds are androgynous meaning males and females look identical. The only way to tell for sure if you have a boy or girl is to take it to your local board certified avian vet and have it DNA tested.

Can you house 2 male zebra finches together?

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you can but they may fight and seriously injure each other or one may be picked on by the other some more serious results of bullying are broken jaws and the bullied finch may pluck its feathers out ect. i would advise housing two females instead although they may not look as good they will get along better than two malezs

I have two male zebra finches that have been together for a long time and they are best friends. They occasionally fight, but they make up quickly and they have neever hurt each other.

What is the longest life expectancy for a bird?

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The question of the longest lived bird on earth is one that has titillated the curiosity of many ever since Bacon recognised that birds are much longer-lived than similar-sized mammals in the seventeenth century. The trend Bacon found is actually much stronger than he recognised because birds in the tropics, Australia and Southern Africa are much longer-lived than birds of the Enriched World (temperate Eurasia, North America, New Zealand and southern South America).

The exact identity of the longest-lived bird species is unclear. Large raptors (such as vultures), cockatoos and ground hornbills can probably live as long as most humans and a study of the Southern Ground Hornbill suggests its average lifespan in the wild is around thirty years. Parrots damage most bands so that longevity records in the wild are difficult to estimate, and few usable data exist from large raptors.

Seabirds, as a group, are noted for their longevity, with estimated average lifespans of even the tiny storm petrels being around eleven years. It is estimated that the average lifespan of a Wandering Albatross is around thirty-five to forty years, though because of this exact results from banding studies will take a long time to see whether they can live longer than the Cacatuidae or Bucorvidae.

How many eggs does a parakeet lay a year?

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It depends on your parakeet.

If the parakeet is a female over about 4 months old, they are capable of laying eggs

If it does not have a mate, it usually will not lay any eggs, however its possible. Obviously these eggs will be infertile and will not hatch

If she does have a mate, they will lay eggs as long as they have access to a nest box and breeding stimulus (such as extended daylight)

It is healthy for a parakeet to lay up to 2 clutches of eggs a year. A clutch is usually 4 eggs. Any more than this and the birds health is endangered. Egg-laying uses up the calcium in the female bird (hen), so you will need to provide her with cuttlebone.

Dont attempt breeding your birds unless you have thorougly researched it first.

good luck

How do you know if a sun conure is pregnant?

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They don't get pregnant, exactly. They'll lay an egg that could be unferilized or could be fertilized. Generally, if it doesn't hatch after two months, then I would say the eggs are not going to turn out to be baby birdies.