


Bishops refer to a level of leadership within a religion. In some religions they are appointed by the highest authority, in others they are elected.

500 Questions

Who were all of the bishops in the Catholic church?

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There are just too many to list.

What does a bishop head?

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In the Catholic Church most Bishops head a diocese.

Who was the first Bahamian Bishop of the Catholic Church?

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Michael Hartley Eldon (1931-2011) was an Anglican bishop in the 20th century. Born on 8 August 1931 and educated at St Catharine's College, Cambridge he was ordained in 1955. After curacies in Nassau he spent nine years on Grand Bahama, becoming archdeacon of the island.

What is the word for a bishop's diocese in the Greek Orthodox church?

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eparchy EPARCHY

We couldn't answer that question in this week's crossword either.

Nic Eastern Orthodox view:

A bishop's diocese in the Eastern Orthodox Church is called an "Episcopy" in Greek, or a "Bishopric" in English.

An eparchy is an ancient name for the area administered by an Eparch, but these offices no longer exist. Today, the word eparchy or "eparchia" in Greek, means a province.

What do you call a bishop's wife?

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Call her Sister.

What is the real name of The Archbishop of Canterbury?

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The current archbishop of Canterbury, as of May 2014, is Justin Welby. The link below is his website.

Who was murdered in his cathedral in Canterbury England in 1170?

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St. Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, was martyred in his Cathedral. You can read the entire account here:

Where was the Bishop's Wife filmed including town and house?

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The movie was filmed largely on the studio backlot. However, some location filming was done in Minneapolis.

What does a diocesan bishop do?

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In the Catholic Church a Diocesan Bishop confirms, ordains Priests, administers a diocese, preaches the Holy Gospel, performs visitations of monasteries, convents, and seminaries, instructs the faithful in sound doctrine, and performs other Priestly duties as well.

An auxiliary Bishop of a diocese does whatever work he is instructed to do by his diocesan ordinary (the Bishop of the Diocese).

Bishops directly in the service of the Holy See serve in the offices of the Roman Curia, oversee certain Apostolic works, or can be employed in diplomatic service, such as Nuncios of the Holy See to various countries.

Who is archbishop david bell?

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Archbishop David Bell was consecrated a Catholic Bishop by His Beatitude; Patriarch Luis Fernando Castillo Mendez; Patriarch of Brazil for over 62 years; he in turn was consecrated in 1948 as a bishop by the Roman Catholic Archbishop Carlos Duarte Costa of Brazil who resigned to the Holy see to Pope Pius XI in 1937. He was appointed as titular bishop of Maura by Pope Pius XII. Before Vatican II was established.

The Roman Catholic Archbishop Duarte Costa then some 8 years later that is in 1945 founded the Brazilian Catholic Church which has flourished and flourishes today.

David Bell was also appointed by Patriarchal Bull by His Beatitude as Secretary of Doctrine and Faith of the Brazilian Catholic Church. He is the first ever non Brazilian bishop to be appointed to such a position from the established church in its existence.

He was also elevated by His Beatitude; Patriarch Castillo Mendez as a "Cardinal" of the Igreja catolica apostolica Brasileira. its first ever Cardinal for the United Kingdom in a Patriarchal Bull; which is on his website

A position that Patriarch Mendez holds David Bell in great esteem for his knowledge understanding and wisdom. There is no question that David Bell and any bishop consecrated by him is a valid Catholic Bishop in a pure Roman Catholic Apostolic Succession.

David Bell only uses the Tridentine Rite and the Roman Pontifical Pre Vatican II.

His Beatitude; Patriarch Castillo Mendez was a Roman Catholic Priest before being consecrated by the Roman Catholic Archbishop Duarte Costa.

What does a bishop have to do with a diocese?

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A bishop is head of the diocese in which he practices. He is the chief minister or pastor within the region or diocese. Often a bishop is the one to administer certain religious sacraments such as Confirmation.

What is the religion of bishops?

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Depends on what faith they believe in. There are Bishops in the Anglican Church, Catholic, Orthodox, Episcopalian, Methodist etc.

Can a married priest become a bishop?

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In the Roman Catholic Faith, any Priest may be chosen to become a Bishop. A Pastor is the title used to designate a Priest who has been assigned to a parish with full spiritual and fiduciary resposibility

How many priests and bishops are paedophiles in the world?

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Another answer from our community:

The only fair way to compare is to use percentages. If you have a group of 1000 people and 100 are pedophiles, and you have a second group with only 100 people and 50 are pedophiles, it would SEEM that the first group has fewer pedophiles, when in actuality, the first group has less - 10% compared to 50%.

So, comparing percentages to the general population, there are slightly FEWER pedophiles in the group known as "Catholic priests" than there are in the general public. I'm sorry- I don't have comparisons of other denominations or religions, or occupations.

It doesn't seem possible, does it, that there are roughly the same amount pedophile priests than there are in society-at-large. One would think, with the persecution the Church has faced over this issue, that the vast majority of priests are pedophiles, but this is simply not true. They are VERY MUCH the MINORITY.

What is the difference between an Archbishop and a Cardinal?

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An archbishop is a bishop but he is in charge of an archdiocese. A Cardinal can be a pope if chosen to be one. A Cardinal is usually a Bishop or Archbishop who has the additional responsibility of voting for the next pope.

What is the bishops territory called?

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Cathedral. The Cathedra is, in effect the Bishop"s seat or throne. Normally a Bishop is the chief ecclesiastical officer of a major city or community=-a diocese, Bishopric ( rarely used in US) or Archdiocese. Bishops correspond to Mayoral level officials- if the Cardinals are the (general staff).

Archbishop of Canterbury 1991-2002?

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George Carey

Who is Justus?

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He was a Jew. Possibly the same Justus mentioned in Acts:

Act 18:7 And he departed from there and entered the house of a certain man named Justus, one who worshiped God, whose house was next door to the synagogue.

How many times was bishop Charles mason married?

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Bishop Charles Harrison Mason was married 3 time. tegmason

What is a meeting of bishops within a country?

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The Bishops meet in a collective body called 'The Episcopal Conference' or 'Conference of Bishops'.

What is bishops hat called?

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Mitre also spelled Miter. A bishops headwear is called a mitre

What is the name of the bishop's red hat?

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The box-like caps are called biretta ( singular birettum)

Bishops wear purple ones.

Cardinals wear red.

There is a red brimmed hat the cardinals may wear called a galero.

The skullcap worn by bishops, cardinals and the pope is called a zucchetto.

Which protestant churches have bishops?

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Catholic, Orthodox ( who are of necessity celibate), Episcopalian, and in some cases Methodist and even some Lutheran churches. the State churches in say, Denmark are both Lutheran AND Episcopal being both Lutheran in doctrine and episcopal in church government. These Bishops have specific clerical costumes. In the Us, more businesslike terms as ( diocesan superintendent , or superintendent of Ministry are used. There are thus no Bishops or Cathedrals in American Lutheran churches, generally.
The Roman catholic churches have bishops. They normally live in Bishop's house.

I believe the Church of England also has bishops.

And the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints also has bishops; they are lay members.