

California Gold Rush

The California Gold Rush was a time period between 1848 and 1855 in which about 300,000 people traveled to California to strike it rich. The gold seekers were known as forty-niners (after the year 1849).

500 Questions

How much did bread cost during the California Gold Rush?

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12000$ per ten pounds of butter

Coffee is 18$

How did the California gold rush help the westward expansion?

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Elementary, my dear Dr Watson. They've gathered tonnes of gold.

What was a major effect of the California gold rush?

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Shifts in fortunes and population and statehood were major effects of the California gold rush. The event in question, from 1848 to 1855, led to the consolidation of English-speaking control over California as well as the fantastic fortunes of some and misfortunes of many during the scramble for gold.

What was the nickname for those seeking gold in California in 1849?

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Gold was discovered at Sutter's Mill January 24, 1848. People from the surrounding areas started heading for the gold fields that year. By the time the word spread east and over seas, it was already too late in the year to travel (winter had set in) so the real rush didn't occur until the next Spring and the subsequent rush of people to the area to stake their own claims and get rich on gold finds occured in 1849 - hence the name "49'ers".

How did you stake a claim in the California gold Rush?

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they just staked a stake in the ground around the area and then filed paperwork

What did Levi jeans do to help the California gold rush?

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He was a tailor and tent maker until he began making jeans.

Which groups made huge huge profits during the California gold rush?

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The merchants were the ones who grew rich. The suppliers of the equipment and other goods used by the miners. They were often paid with the gold.

What kind of shelter did they use in the gold rush?

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they would build it or they would stay in hotel.

True or false the California gold rush of 1849 occurred after the US Civil War?

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False. The California Gold occurred before the American Civil War of 1861- 1865. The Klondike Gold Rush occurred after the war, beginning in 1896. This rush is sometimes called the Yukon Gold Rush.

Who discoverd gold?

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Gold was known from the most ancient times. We wouldn't know who discovered the first nugget, or even where it might have been found.

Did children go to school during the California gold rush?

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Very rough. The gold towns were full of miners and were a rough bunch. There were bars with prostution , streets where muddy and dirty. Some businesses started in tents, and the sidewalks were wooden planks. Prices were high for the most simple things. In many gold camps Hispanic miners were taxed if they wanted to stay and often their claims were jumped. There was nothing romantic about the gold camps.

What brought thousands of people to California in 1848 and 1849?

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The event that stands out the most as one looks back on US history was the gold rush started by the Sutter Mill striking gold. Thousands of Americans and others as well rushed to California. They sought to strike it rich. Even today, the NFL football team called the 49ers, has this tag to remind the US of the gold rush so long ago.

How did the settlers get to California during the gold rush?

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Miners would often travel to California in the 1800's by horse or wagon. It could take up to a year for them to travel that far.

Who made pants during the California Gold Rush?

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Levi Strauss (1829-1902) set up a store in San Francisco in 1853, during the Gold Rush, selling dry goods and clothing. But it was not until 1873 that his famous brand of "blue jeans" (riveted denim trousers) was patented.

What Gear did miners use in the gold rush?

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Diggers in the gold rushes (Australian and American) used the following equipment and methods to find gold:

  • Panning involved the use of a solid pan. An amount of potentially gold-bearing dirt was placed in the pan with some water, and gently swished and shaken around, a process which would bring the smaller particles of gold to the surface.
  • Cradling involved a wooden box loosely resembling a cradle. The cradle was used for sifting through larger amounts of sediment to find gold, and was popular from the early times of the goldrushes. It required at least two men to work. The cradle had a grate and a sieve. The dirt and sediment to be sifted through was emptied onto the grate in the cradle. The cradle was rocked quickly back and forth (in the action of a cradle) while water was poured over the sediment to help work it through. The grate stopped coarser stones from going through, while the fine material was sifted out the other end. The gold would be left behind for easy collection.
  • Sieves were also popular. They were like a pan but with a mesh base through which the water would drain, to help separate gold from similar sized particles.
  • Windlass was one of the slower methods of mining for gold. Two people were required to operate it, one at the surface and one in the mine shaft. The person in the shaft filled a bucket with potential gold-bearing soil and rocks, and the person on the surface operated the windlass to wind up the bucket. The contents of the bucket were then sorted through, perhaps in a cradle or a pan.
  • Long Toms were like cradles, but they used paddlewheels to make sure there was a continuous flow of water. This method was used in America, but rare in Australia.

Other tools included utensils for digging and carrying gold-bearing soil. They included basic equipment for survival, for constructing some sort of shelter, or simple protection. These included:

  • shovel
  • pick
  • rope
  • saw
  • axe
  • pick
  • wheelbarrow
  • knife
  • gun

If you found a large gold mine, the tools and equipment above are not enough. You should break the rock or stone, and separate the gold from others. The tools and equipment are crusher, ball mill, flotation cell and others.

How did women contribute to the gold rush?

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Women worked the saloons, did laundry, or were a seamstress. The Hispanic and Chinese populations were discriminated against.. Many were required to live in the worse part of townss, taxed to live there, claim jumped, and beaten or killed. Only in recent history has the contributions of these populations have been recognized.

How did travelers in the 1840s know about the california gold rush?

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They didn't in 1840.The gold rush began at Sutter's Mill in Colima, CA. John Marshall discovered gold in the traces of the mill in 1848. Once the gold was discovered the rush was on. A newspaper headline stated "Eureka, Gold Found". The average pay was about 10.00 a month, but a man could make 50.00 a day if he found gold. Within months over 10,000 a day were coming into the area any way they could. Sutter lost in the gold rush. He lost his fortune , mill, and ended up a broke unhappy man. By 1850 CA became a state on Sept. 9, 1850.

What did the California gold rush do to the world's supply of gold?

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It provided the state with an almost instant population influx.

Map of the three main routes in the California gold rush?

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They took the either the shortest way which is sailing to Panama, goin through the jungle and getting a ship to CA. Another is going around Cape Horn but it was really dangerous. Lastly u could go across the Oregon Trail.

What diseases did miners get during the gold rush?

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The sickness was brought from the east acholorha epidemic that struck many women and children and men.

What tools did the gold rush miners use?

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Diggers in the gold rushes (Australian and American) used the following equipment and tools to find gold:

  • Panning involved the use of a solid pan. An amount of potentially gold-bearing dirt was placed in the pan with some water, and gently swished and shaken around, a process which would bring the smaller particles of gold to the surface.
  • Cradling involved a wooden box loosely resembling a cradle. The cradle was used for sifting through larger amounts of sediment to find gold, and was popular from the early times of the goldrushes. It required at least two men to work. The cradle had a grate and a sieve. The dirt and sediment to be sifted through was emptied onto the grate in the cradle. The cradle was rocked quickly back and forth (in the action of a cradle) while water was poured over the sediment to help work it through. The grate stopped coarser stones from going through, while the fine material was sifted out the other end. The gold would be left behind for easy collection.
  • Sieves were also popular. They were like a pan but with a mesh base through which the water would drain, to help separate gold from similar sized particles.
  • Windlass was one of the slower methods of mining for gold. Two people were required to operate it, one at the surface and one in the mine shaft. The person in the shaft filled a bucket with potential gold-bearing soil and rocks, and the person on the surface operated the windlass to wind up the bucket. The contents of the bucket were then sorted through, perhaps in a cradle or a pan.
  • Long Toms were like cradles, but they used paddlewheels to make sure there was a continuous flow of water. This method was used in America, but rare in Australia.
Other tools included utensils for digging and carrying gold-bearing soil. They included basic equipment for survival, for constructing some sort of shelter, or simple protection. These included:
  • shovel
  • pick
  • rope
  • saw
  • axe
  • pick
  • wheelbarrow
  • knife
  • gun