

Care Bears

Although the Care Bears were created for greeting cards, they grew into something much larger. The Care Bears were largely popular throughout the 1980s, and still make occasional comebacks. There were toys, games, a show, and movies based off of the characters.

422 Questions

Who were the first 6 care bears?

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favsb hsf yss ysfdy uss

What is the name of the orange monkey on care bears?

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I think it was Playful Heart of the Care Bear cousins.

What do the care bears look like?

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Care bears look like colorful stuffed bears with designs in the middle of their tummy. They also have a heart-shaped nose and heart shapes on the bottom of their feet.

Is a care bear a superhero?

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Negative ghost rider, the pattern is full. Rainbow Brite is a superheroine, however.

What was the origin of the Care Bears?

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They are cute and cuddly soft teddy bears created for children out of the idea that American Greetings created in 1981. The people decided to make a show out the topic when the Care Bears became a hit in the stocks.

When did the Care Bears debut?

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I am not so sure about this but i guess its 2008. or perhaps 2006 or 2007, plus it may be 2009. i guess the latest ones were in 2010. this year...

if this did help make me vip in Barbie girls


Which one of the care bears is an elephant?

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Lotsa Heart Elephant

What are the names of all the Care Bear movies?

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Never mix heavy patterns while creinatg a look for example if ur wearing a heavily patterned jacket, wear it with a plain solid coloured tshirt/top, and definitely with plain bottoms. similarly a bold patterned pair of leggings goes best with solid coloured well fitted basic tunics

What are the ratings and certificates for Care Bears Adventures in Care-A-Lot - 2007 Grizzle-ized Share and Share Alike 1-10?

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Care Bears Adventures in Care-A-Lot - 2007 Grizzle-ized Share and Share Alike 1-10 is rated/received certificates of:


How much would a care bear cousin be worth?

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I was looking for the same question and I saw the care bear cousin cat for $140

What is the value of the 36 inch tender heart care bear?

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It all depends on the condition, the age, and the scarcity of the plush.

What are the mad green care bear stare lyrics?

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With itchy fur

And curly hair

I make good friends most everywhere

I hug and smile

I skip and share

Feel the love my care bear stare

What is care bears family name?

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The family itself is known as "Care Bars".

If you want the list of all of them, follow the attached link.

What are the release dates for Care Bears Welcome to Care-a-Lot - 2012 Care Campout 1-26?

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Care Bears Welcome to Care-a-Lot - 2012 Care Campout 1-26 was released on:

USA: 8 December 2012

When was Cremation of Care created?

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Cruse Bereavement Care was created in 1957.

Is Care Bear gay?

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No. It's for kids, its supposed to be happy and "gay" for kids, so it may seem "gay" to adults.

What are all the care bears names?

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10 of the care bears names are Bedtime, Birthday, Cheer, Friend, Funshine, Good-Luck, Grumpy, Love-Alot, Tenderheart, Wish

Can you use the care bear picture in my day care name?

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It depends on the copyright. You need to research the company that owns care bears (American Greetings I think) as you could get prosecuted for unlawful use of their image.

In December 1983, American Greetings and CPG Products lost a lawsuit against Easter Unlimited, importers of a line known as "Message Bears". According to New York City judge Leonard B. Sand, those toys lacked the "heart-shaped 'toushee tags'" used to identify the Care Bears so I would say that you probably can't.

What are the symbols of the 10 original care bears?

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The first 10 Care Bears ever made are:

Bedtime Bear

Love A Lot Bear

Tenderheart Bear

Wish Bear

Grumpy Bear

Funshine Bear

Cheer Bear

Good Luck Bear

Friend Bear

Birthday Bear

Their tummy symbols are:

Bedtime Bear - A moon with a star hanging off of it

Love A Lot Bear - Two interwined pink hearts

Tenderheart Bear - A heart

Wish Bear - Three little stars, one big one with a yellow rainbow

Grumpy Bear - A dark blue raincloud with raindrops and hearts coming out

Funshine Bear - A yellow sun

Cheer Bear - A colorful rainbow

Good Luck Bear - A dark green four-leaf clover

Friend Bear - Two interwined sun flowers

Birthday Bear - A vanilla cupcake with a candle

Their fur colors are:

Bedtime Bear has light blue fur

Love A Lot Bear has dark pink fur

Tenderheart Bear has dark brown fur

Wish Bear has light green fur

Grumpy Bear has dark blue fur

Funshine Bear has yellow fur

Cheer Bear has pink fur

Good luck bear has dark green fur

Friend Bear has peach fur

Birthday Bear has yellowish fur

What are characteristics of a husband whose only purpose to stay married 9 years is to take care of children yet continues to profess love but most of the time shows hate and continuous verbal abuse?

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Unless he has verbally told you he is just staying for the children's sake then I wouldn't second-guess his thoughts. Hate is a harsh word and if your husband is angry (usually at himself and it's nothing to do with you or the children) he is probably dealing with one or more of these things: 40+ men do go into a menopause and just like women they can actually get hot flashes and become moody and depressed. They use to call this "the midlife crisis", but it finally noted in the medical journals as plain old menopause although it's not as severe as far as what some women go through. At this age men can feel they haven't done what they set out in life to do, and often wonder if the opposite sex is still attracted to them. Let's face it, women feel the same way. If he is on medications then look up the side effects of those medications as sometimes they can cause moodiness, vast changes in personality and depression. Medications for heart, depression or even thyroid medication that need adjusting can cause these problems. It's time he went for a good check-up by your doctor. Before he gets there (don't let him know) phone the doctor's office and have the girl there tell the doctor about the moodiness and abuse. The doctor will consider this confidential on your part. Try talking to your husband to see why he is so unhappy. If he has actually said he is still there just for the childrens sake then tell him not to do you any favors and you'd rather get a divorce and he can have visitation rights. Explain to him that by the two of you arguing all the time it isn't good for the children. It's obvious something is bothering him. Ask him if he thinks a nice trip with just the two of you would make him feel more at peace. You could leave the children with grandparents or a trusted friend. If he is going to continue with the verbal abuse then you have to decide what is best for your children (that should always come first) and also if you want to continually put up with this. No one wants to walk around on egg shells. Have that talk with him and then try to get him to the doctors. Good luck Marcy My ex husband would do the same thing. One day he loved me and would never find another woman like me, to the next day of hating my guts and im the most disgusting so and so. I never knew how he felt as it always changed. I was either all good or all bad. Im glad to not live that way anymore. It was terribly exhausting and brought down my self esteem.

How many Pizza Hut care bear glasses were there?

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There were six different Care Bear glasses which were released in 1983.

Did a Jonas brother had a care bear pillow?

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No, he still hsas his care bears pillow ;]

What are the ratings and certificates for The Care Bears - 1985 Gram's Cooking Corner A Care Bear's Look at Food Facts and Fables 4-17?

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The Care Bears - 1985 Gram's Cooking Corner A Care Bear's Look at Food Facts and Fables 4-17 is rated/received certificates of:
