

Civil Cases

Civil law involves disputes between individuals or groups and usually results in monetary compensation for the injured party.

500 Questions

What happends if you dont pay a civil judgment?

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I sense that someone has filed a bogus claim against you and that either one of two things happened afterward. (1) A default was entered against you or (2) After trial the judge or jury ruled against you. Either way there is a judgment against you that you believe to be false.

There is a matter of collection as a result. Be the judgment good or bad, simply sitting by and doing nothing may result in your wages being garnished, your assets and bank acounts attached or any inhereitence attached, perhaps other things depending on your state.

You need to seek legal counsel about whether the judgment against you is legally void and if so, how get relief from it, if such relief is available in your state.

What can happen if a defendant never appears in court after receiving a summons in a civil case?

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The court can rule in favor of the plaintiff. This is not an unusual occurrence. The plaintiff usually gets everything they asked for, which may be money, injunctions and compensation for court costs.

What kinds of claims are heard by the court of appeals for veteran claims?

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This court hears cases in which individuals claim that the Department of Veterans Affairs has denied or otherwise mishandled valid claims for veterans' benefits.

How do you file an answer to a civil lawsuit in Kentucky?

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The answer to a civil suit is known as a "first pleading". The defendant answers each charge as a denial or an acceptance. Example: A first defense and the best defense would be that "The plaintiff fails to state a claim against the defendant which could be granted relief under existing statutes" (meaning the debt itself is not valid/owed). The next best defense would be "If the defendant is indeed indebted to the plaintiff for reasons stated in the complaint, he/she is indebted to them jointly with_____" (meaning the plaintiff did not bring suit against all parties who owe the debt). An so on and so forth. It is not necessary for the defendant to concern themselves with the use of "legalspeak" (legal terminology), but conciseness is the best choice. The defendant should always bear in mind that they are presumed to be under oath and should under no circumstances impart any information that is not truthful. Please be advised, failure to appear at the trial (or hearing) can result in a default judgment being entered against the defendant/debtor Copies of your response should be sent to the plaintiff's legal counsel and to the office of the clerk of the court where the summons was issued. The contact information can be found on the summons. The correspondence should be sent by certified mail with a receipt requested.

For most pleadings in Indiana, you have 20 days after you receive the complaint to respond with your answer; as defined by Indiana Trial Rule 6(C). However, some specific types of pleadings require a response within 10 days (see T.R. 6).

It is always advisable for the defendant to retain legal counsel or at least seek legal advice to be assured that all his or her rights are protected.

What does it mean when the case status reads closed on a disposed by default civil case?

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The case was closed. someone didn't show up to support their claim or didn't answer the claim against them.

What is the person being sued called in a civil case?

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A person charged with a crime is being brought to the CRIMINAL courts by the state. If convicted that person may be fined or sent to prison.

A person being sued is being brought to the CIVIL courts by another legal person. The side which loses the case will have to pay costs and perhaps make restitution to the person who wins.

How long can a civil lawsuit in Pa last?

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what is the statue of limitations on civil judgment as a result of DUI, including the this was filed 11 years ago and i was never notified of refiling

Can you sue someone for mental distress?

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I think the term you are looking for is "Mental Anguish and Distress". In the litigious society we live in, it is possible to sue for nearly anything. (Personal opinion: if there has truly been significant damage done to your health, mental state, or general well-being, a suit may be in order. But don't be frivolous.)

What does case status restored mean?

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If a case was "stayed" for some reason - it is usually only a temporary event - if/when the judge rules that the case can resume he "restores" the case to whatever its status was prior to the stay being ordered.

What does worker's compensation cover?

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Primary benefits include PART of lost wages (it doesn't pay 100% and has a maximum limit, depends on state), medical costs, and can pay to retrain you if you can't perform your old job anymore.

How do you apply for a default judgment?

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In Florida, when a party against whom action for affirmative relief has been filed (Defendant) fails to file an answer or serve any paper in the action within the time frame permitted by the rules of civil procedure, the party seeking relief (Plaintiff) may have the Clerk of the Court enter a default. The Plaintiff files a Motion for Default with the Clerk and provides a proposed Order. The Clerk will review the file and if it is found no answer was filed by the Defendant, the Clerk will sign the Order entering the Default.

Is possible to file a personal Lawsuit against a Realtor in regards to hisher personal and professional actions towards to a client's issuses with represtenation before and after a home is bought?

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Asked by Wiki User

Absolutely! You need to find a litigation specialist that knows real estate. Realtors must be held responsible for negligence or misrepresentation based on a fiduciary responsibility to their client, and fair dealing with all others in all actions related to their practice. If you have been wronged, even if it was accidental, you must seek restitution and punish the offender. They have malpractice insurance to help you. Do not throw idle threats; sue now!

How does a civil case begin?

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File a motion to appear in the Family Law Branch of the Civil DIvision of your local Circuit Court. When your hearing is granted be well prepared with good sound legal resasoning as to why the custody of the person you are challenging should be ended or altered, and custody awarded to you. It would probably be best if you retained an attorney to assist you with any such action.

Can you sue some one that promised you money and didn't follow through?

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There is nothing to stop you from suing. However, it can be a long drawn out, and expensive procedure depending on the circumstances. Unless the money was borrowed with a statement to that fact, it sounds like a lose-lose situation for both sides. However, you should check with a lawyer for appropriate direction. Depending on the amount, you might be able to take them to small claims court. This will depend on what your state has for the Max amount. Most are different, but average between 3 thousand and 5 thousand dollars. Then you come to evidence, do you have any? Having a signed contract would be great, especially in small claims court. Also you can have a contract for, say 6 thousand dollars, but decide that you will still go to you local small claims court, even if you can only sue for part of the money in your contract. This is done because it is quicker, you don't need an attorney, you represent yourself, and you won't have to spend lots of money trying to get your contract paid. Now if the amount is alot over small claims, is it worth a fight and do you have some evidence? Then you may want to try to fight them in court. Talk to several attorneys before you decide for sure. If you are going to court, be ready, it can take a long time and get messy.

What happens if the defendant wins a civil case?

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The loser pays for both sides' legal expenses.

What happened to the Donna j somerville civil suit?

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the correct answer is that she lost the civil case and had to hand over the house on the hill. the jury there found the preponderance of evidence showed she had killed her husband unlike the first criminal trial.

Do you have to report a suicide?

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Definitely a moral responsibility. Legal with certain jobs, not sure entirely.

Who bring civil law cases to court?

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The "Plaintiff" brings a civil suit by filing a complaint, hence the word plaintiff or sometimes "complainant."

Meaing of pretrial conference?

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The purpose of a pre-trial conference is to look at the totality of the evidence to be adduced in the trial together with the pleading. That would ensure that the issues are considered and condensed in pre-trial conference minutes. ( Smith v Min Sik Pak [2008] FJHC 354 )

What is the verdict for civil case?

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The verdict is 'Guilty.' The finder of fact (usually a jury) has to feel that the evidence proves guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

How do you file a quiet title lawsuit in Washington state?

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Asked by Rasta5

In non-judicial states such as Washington an action to quiet title can be used to challenge lenders or trustees who no longer own an interest in a borrowers property. It is an extremely complex legal action and is costly to pursue. You need to consult with an attorney who specializes in that type of lawsuit. The attorney needs to perform preliminary research to determine whether or not you have a legitimate cause of action. If so, further research in public records, and possibly non-public records, must be performed to document your case.

What were the main events of the revolt 1857?

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1. Lord Dalhousie caused widespread resentment among the Indian rulers and their subjects by aggressively expanding his state and annexing native Indian states

2. He annexed states of satara nagpur and jhansi by applying the doctrine of lapse

3. NANA SAHEB was denied a pension after his father's death. He was the son of Peshwa Baji rao II

4. Bahadur Shah's successor was denied the right to live at the red fort

5. He annexed Awadh, accusing the government of maladministration and shocking the nawab who was a faithful ally and the people of India

6. The British did not obey the treaties sometimes and they were broken according to the need of the British and the nawabs at that time could not trust any treaty at all.


The policy of economic exploitation by the British and widespread destruction of the traditional economic structure caused widespread resentment among Indian society.

1. The zamindari(land lord) system was introduced by the British and the peasants were exploited by them. They were often tortured or jailed when the peasants failed to pay the taxes

2. The landlords also were insecured and jagirs(lands) were confiscated when the taxes did not match the assigned goals. 3. The interests of India were not the first priority of the government. They came in India for economic profit, which was the main priority. The traditional industries collapsed under the pressure of industrialized fields. No measures were taken to improve the conditions of the peasants and the artisans. 4. The annexation of Indian states was followed by large scale unemployment and economic distress as a large number of court officials and other lost their means of earning. All the poets, artisans etc working under these rulers lost their jobs.


1. Social reforms by the Britishers were hated by the Indians who took it as a mark of British interference in the political affairs of India. 2. The efforts of missionaries t convert people to Christianity also angered the Indians. 3. The introduction of western education undermined the position of the traditional teachers and teaching methods in India. 4. The introduction of railways, telegraphs and posts, though good for he society, gave birth to doubts and fear among the poorer and illiterate section of the society. 5. The British judicial system introduced the principal of equality which undermined the presence of caste system in India. 6. The British looked down upon Indians and followed a policy of racial discrimination and separated themselves as 'superiors' from the Indian society. Lord Wellesley described Indians as vulgar, ignorant, rude, familiar and stupid.

Military causes

1. The Sepoys had helped the British to establish their empire in India but were not awarded or promoted at all. On the contrary, they were treated with contempt. 2. There was a discrimination between the Indian and the British soldiers. 3. An Indian soldier got much less salary as compared to a Western soldier. 4. The senior British officers did not pay any respect to the Indian soldiers at all. 5. The act passed in 1856 that made it compulsory for all troops to serve overseas hurted the feelings of the soldiers as hindus believed that overseas travel would lead to a loss of caste. 6. After Awadh's annexation, the army was disbanded and a lot of soldiers lost their livelihood which led to general anger against the British 7. The Indian soldiers were much more in number as compared to the British soldiers. In 1856 the number of Indian troops was up to 5 times as compared to the British troops. This also encouraged the Sepoys to rise against the British.