


Cold Sores

Cold sores, also known as oral herpes or fever blisters, are common worldwide among teens and adults. The infection is caused by the virus HSV-Type 1.

500 Questions

If you have herpes will your un-born baby get them too?

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If you have herpes 3 months prior to getting pregnant, you body has developed antibodies and it is less likely that you would pass it to the fetus. If you get infected while pregnant you could pass it to the fetus.

It is important if you have herpes that you let your doctor know. Herpes is typically transferred to the baby during labor through the birth canal. If you have an outbreak during labor they will do a C-Section.

Herpes and period?

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Many women notice that they are more likely to have herpes outbreaks at the time of their periods. For women looking to avoid pregnancy, using hormonal birth control with constant hormone levels may decrease the number of outbreaks.

Is there progress towards a herpes cure?

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We can only hope research will one day come up with a cure.

What if you dont show symtoms of herpie but were tested positive?

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If you have a positive herpes test but no symptoms, you are lucky. The next step depends on the type of test you had. If it was a blood test, there may be no changes required in your life. If it was a genital swab test, you should use condoms when you have sex and avoid sex during an outbreak.

Who does herpes affect the most?

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Herpes affects women the most.
only affects monkeys only!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which skin disorder is caused by a type of herpes virus?

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Some common names for the skin diseases of herpes are cold sores, fever blisters, genital herpes, shingles, whitlow, wrestler's herpes, and ophthalmic herpes.

Can herpes zoster cause herpes simplex?

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No genital herpes and herpes zooster are slightly different types of herpes. Herpes zooster causes chicken pox and it can cause shingles later in life. If you contracted chicken pox (herpes zooster) when you were younger then you have the virus that causes shingles.

The only other type of herpes that can affect the genitals is oral herpes (what causes cold sores). If you receive oral sex from some one that has cold sores then you could end up with cold sores on your genitals.

Will rubbing alcohol heal herpes?

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While it's true that there's no _cure_ for herpes once contracted, the herpes virus is an enveloped virus, and is therefore susceptible to deactivation by alcohols. Normal 70-something or 90-something percent isopropyl or ethyl rubbing alcohol should inactivate the virus within about 30 seconds or so.

"Besides drying, the virus is also sensitive to acids, detergents and organic solvents as might be expected for an virus with a lipid envelope."

How do you raise your pH level of 5.75?

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That would depend on what fluid system you are testing.

Blood has a normal ph around 7.41; a ph of 6.5 would be potentially lethal.

The body fights very hard to maintain a blood ph at it's required range and will sacrifice vital nutrients at the expense of the health of other systems to maintain that blood ph.

Other systems of the body fluctuate based on what you eat and when. Acidic foods will lower the ph of saliva and urine. Urine often hits a ph level of around 6.5 after sleep as the body dumps excess acids from the body.

You should not be trying to lower most body systems ph levels without consulting a doctor first.

Most systems in the body function better when in balance or slightly on the alkaline side rather than leaning towards acidic.

What are herpes lesions?

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Primary skin lesions are variations in color or texture that may be present at birth, such as moles or birthmarks, or that may be acquired during a person's lifetime, such as those associated with infectious diseases

What's better for cold sores blisters or Carmen?

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Anbesol is really a great medicine for cold sores.

How can herpes affect couple?

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* It's probably gonna end up with a break up after having oral sex. * Genital herpes is an infection caused by either of two viruses, called the herpes simplex virus type 1 or more commonly the herpes simplex virus type 2. These viruses are "ancient " living forms that infect most animal species. However, HSV-1 and HSV-2 are uniquely adapted to humans. The HSV-1 virus is the cause of cold sores or fever blisters. The HSV-2 virus is the major cause of genital herpes. The two viruses have many similarities, but it is their differences that are perhaps most important. The only sure-fire way to avoid getting genital herpes is to abstain from sex or have sex only with someone who is also herpes-free. Short of that, a latex condom offers some protection if it covers the infected area. Remember, you can get genital herpes by receiving oral sex (fellatio, cunnilingus, analingus) from someone with a cold sore on the mouth. Likewise, you can get oral herpes from someone's genitals by way of oral sex. If you know that a sex partner has genital herpes, you can reduce your risk by having sex (vaginal, anal, or oral intercourse) only when he or she has no symptoms. Nevertheless, genital herpes can be contagious even when there are no visible symptoms, so you should always use a latex barrier, such as a condom or a dental dam.

Can you carry herpes without having it?

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You can not carry herpes without having it.

Could you get cold sore from allergies?

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Yes, they're contagious. If someone has a cold sore and you drink out of their cup you could easy be contaminated.

Can you get herpes if it touchs your chest?

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Yes it's possible. I went to a dermatologist for a recent outbreak in the middle of my chest. It was Herpes Simplex Virus 1 or "fever blisters" that initally appeared as a red inflamed spot that felt warm to the touch and very sensitive. The area eventually spread into multiple bumps and turned pus-filled. I even experienced a slight fever lasting a day or two. This outbreak reoccured three times in the same area and when I showed pictures to my doctor, and with another doctor culture, they confirmed the infection was "fever blisters."

I don't want to scare you, cause I'm not a physican, but having these blisters apppear 3 times, the visit answered questions about having fever blisters in areas other then your oral cavity. Symptoms to this infection can also resemble a staph infection, so that's why it's always best to see a doctor. But if it is HSV 1, a very common cold sore virus, don't worry about it's relation to genital herpes. HSV 2 is the strain related more to genital herpes. Both forms are highly transmissible during an outbreak so it's possible for HSV 2 or HSV 1 to end up on other parts of the body. HSV 1 is more frequent above the waistline with HSV 2 being more prevalent below the waistline.

Keep researching. Don't take this as a diagnosis. I hope this may answer your question plus more :-)

Can you get cold sores from kissing a dead person?

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You won't get cold sores from kissing a dead person.

Can you swim with a cold sore?

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Asked by Mommy2girls

Its not suggested by doctors to swim with any kind of open sore. Coat it with vaseline if you have to, but swimming with a cold sore in a public pool is considered horribly rude and inconsiderate. You might be asked to leave.

How do sore throats happen?

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This is a sign of an infection. Go to the doctor if swelling or soreness doesn't go away after a week or two.

you can have soar throats from sour or to sweet foods or dry throats, avoid to many sweets and sour candys and all!

What are serious symptoms of congenital herpes?

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More serious symptoms of congenital HSV infection include a skin rash with small fluid-filled blisters; eye and skin infections; cataracts; widespread infection affecting many organs; and, a life-threatening brain infection called herpes encephalitis.

What causes a cold sore on the eye?

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i have had a cold sore in my eye since i were 2 years it comes up every now and again . i do regualy take cold sore tablets from the doctor to get rid of it.. so i say yes you can get cold sores in your eyes .

Can you get herpes in wounds and cuts?

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NO, herpes doesn't spread through blood only by skin contact with the sores.

How dangerous is herpes?

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It's not exactly a dangerous infection. It is however a very common one with 1 of 6 people infected here in the US. It does cause very painful and itchy sores during an outbreak. Also women who are pregnant with Herpes my be required to opt for a c-section delivery.

The most challenging issue with Herpes is what it may do to your sex life. It can be difficult to inform future sexual partners.

Can you have cold sores on genitals that are not herpes?

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Cold sores are the symptom of a herpes infection. If you're not sure what you're looking at is a herpes infection, get a culture of the sores when they show up, by visiting your primary care provider, urgent care, family planning office, or department of health.

Can you have a herpes outbreak on your scalp?

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Yes, you can get chickenpox on your scalp; it's a very common location. You can get them ALL over your body, even in one's mouth and down one's throat. Don't pick off the scab it will leave a scar.

Why is it important for a distinction to be made between a canker and a cold sore?

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The two sores can usually be distinguished visually and there are specific diagnostic tests for herpes infection.