

Custody Documents

Custody documents specifically refer to records pertaining to the custody or guardianship of a person whether an adult or a minor. It prescribes the rights and maintenance of the person who is in one’s care.

500 Questions

Is it illegal for your mom to keep you away from your dad at the age of 13?

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Asked by Wiki User

If she has full custody, she has the say. You are approaching the age where you could inquire as to the reasons - which are probably more serious than her not liking him - and ask to visit on a supervised basis. You do not have rights of emancipation yet, so the decision is hers to make. If your dad has custody rights, he could go to court, but it is generally better for everyone to talk and come to an agreement outside of court.

Can you get full custody if im living with a felon or plan to marry one right now i have joint?

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Asked by Wiki User

Being married is not necessarily a reason the judge would take away custody from the other parent if they have found that living with both parents is in the child's best interest. Being a single parent can also be considered a stable home. Whether it matters if he is a felon or not depends on what he has done.

What is a child in need of care motion?

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Asked by Wiki User

It addresses the need of a child whose home situation is unsafe or does not meet minimum standards of living.

What if you never signed the birth cirtificate and never had a DNA test can you still have child support?

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Yes. The court requires a DNA test be done before granting child support. If you are not willing to give one the mother can ask for a court ordered one. That will prove paternity and also give you parental rights as petitioning for visitation or custody as well as paying child support.

If your parents are divorced and your dad has partial custody would his consent be enough for an underage marriage?

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Asked by Wiki User

That depends on the state. In many states, if both parents have equal custody, then both signatures would be required.

Can you take your children and just leave with no warning if you have joint custody?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends on whether you mean permanently or simply for a vacation. First, you cannot violate a visitation order without the consent of the non-custodial parent, preferably in writing. You do not require the court's or non-custodial parent's permission to leave the state for a vacation but the non-custodial parent should be notified and visitation time should be made up if missed.

You do need the non-custodial parent's consent to leave the country for even a short vacation. In fact, you would encounter problems leaving the country, entering another country and returning without an official consent. You cannot leave either state or country permanently or for an extended period without the consent of the non-custodial parent and a modification of court orders. Doing so could result in your losing custody.

How does the law stand on a father showing his child court papers?

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There is no law regarding a father showing his children court papers. However, if the intent is to alienate the child against the other parent it can affect custody and visitation rights if brought to the court's attention.

There is no law regarding a father showing his children court papers. However, if the intent is to alienate the child against the other parent it can affect custody and visitation rights if brought to the court's attention.

There is no law regarding a father showing his children court papers. However, if the intent is to alienate the child against the other parent it can affect custody and visitation rights if brought to the court's attention.

There is no law regarding a father showing his children court papers. However, if the intent is to alienate the child against the other parent it can affect custody and visitation rights if brought to the court's attention.

How does a 14 year old in ohio get his grandparents as his legal gaurdian?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you parents give up their rights or their rights are taken away and the judge gives it to the grandparents after they apply.

Can a parent take custody from their underage son if he is a dad?

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Only the court can grant him custody and if they have done so you can not go against it unless he is unfit. The laws vary a bit between the states depending on how old the minor parent is but in general they have the same rights as adult parents.

What are the parental rights when the child has been given legal custody to the grandparent from CPS?

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Asked by Wiki User

Legal Custody is different than Parental rights. The courts decides child visitation, etc. and parents could pay child support to grandparent. It is all up to the courts..

What can i do my husband signed divorce and custody papers from me by cheating?

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The best thing to do is to seek legal counsel from an attorney .

What can you do if your spouse refuses service on divorce and custody papers in NC?

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Asked by Wiki User

Your attorney should know what to do. If you don't have an attorney, you should get one.

However I just answered a similar question about parent being served. Please click on my name to read a detailed answer about serving a parent.

What is court appointed guardian enlighten?

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Asked by Wiki User

A "guardian ad litem" is someone who is appointed by the court to represent the interests of someone in a single court action/lawsuit. Guardians ad litem are often appointed in divorce and custody disputes to represent the interests of minor children (similar to a disinterested parent). Guardians ad litem can also be appointed to represent the interests of mentally ill or disabled persons. Essentially, these guardians are attorneys or volunteer advocates who assert the interests of those who may not be able to fully advocate for themselves.

What is an attorneys conference before hearing does the discussion have legal merit?

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Asked by Wiki User

Quite often attorneys will try and see where they are at in regards to settling the matter without the Judge having to decide on behalf of the parents.

In some places, this may be called a Settlement Conference in hopes to avoid taking a hearing all the way to a trial.

What does ss mean in Essex ss?

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Asked by Wiki User

SS is a Post Code Area in the UK, England, County of Essex. It stands for Southend-on-Sea.

A Post Code Area is made of smaller Post Code Districts, each representing a town and its immediate environs.

What are grandparent rights in Idaho?

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Asked by Wiki User

They can get visitation. Read more in the link below.

What to do if custody papers are in the wrong name?

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Asked by Wiki User

Get your lawyer to make the changes.

Who is responsible for medical bills if not stated in court custody papers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Both parents share the responsibility of the child. Therefore, work with the other parent to split the bill.

If you don't have income and reside with the child you can use child support and ask your former lawyer for assistance.

Is a document that is required to be notarized and is not a legal document?

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Asked by Wiki User

A signed, notarized document is a legal document.

A signed, notarized document is a legal document.

A signed, notarized document is a legal document.

A signed, notarized document is a legal document.

Can 15-year-old move in with her grandmother without legal documents if she has her single mother's permission?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well, yeah, if Mom is the custodial parent and she gives permission for it, then you can move in with Grandmother. But, if Grandmother does not have some type of 'legal document' such as temporary guardianship, then there are going to be potential difficulties that Grandmother will face. For example--enrolling you in school, consenting to your medical care, etc.

What should you do if your ex husband knows the judge and was granted custody when he has never had a relationship with your daughter?

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Asked by Wiki User

Go back to your lawyer and start the process again. The judge has to do his job and should have behaved proffessionally. Make sure you get lawyer for child who will act in the best interests of your child. Keep records of all conversations and visitations your child has with the Dad. Good luck!!

Can a Custodial parent get full-Legal custody if the non-custodial parent has not seen his child in 3 years?

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Asked by OjitosBellos

This will depend on many factors. If you already have a court order, then you will want to have it changed, in addition, it will depend on why the non-custodial parent has not contacted the child, and even the age of the child.

Are there any temp child custody papers online your son can fill out and file?

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Is he needing custody of his child, or is this on himself?