


In the Christian faiths there are individuals that have been called to serve the church, but do not move into full ordination. This choice may be made due to not having a desire to complete formal education requirements, or a desire to serve in specific missions. These individuals apply to the church for the designation and are subject to the restrictions of clergy in many respects.

500 Questions

Do deacons pay taxes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Being a deacon doesn't exempt a person from paying taxes, to the government or any other kind of tax.

Some relevant verse in the Bible:

Matthew 22:17-21 Tell us, therefore, what do You think? Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?" .........................................And He said to them, "Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's."

Romans 13:1-7 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God...............................................Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience' sake. For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God's ministers attending continually to this very thing. Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.

What was the saying Deacon Doubleday closed hi show with?

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Asked by Wiki User

"...up country and down city." Was the closing of his noon program. He closed his morning program with the noise of a farm gate slamming shut while he said" Grab it, slam it and we'll see you in the morning".

Is dappy Adam Deacon?

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Asked by Wiki User

no, they just look similar, dappys real name is Costadinos Contostavlos

Why do some deacons run off the pastor when they don't agree with him even when its in the bible?

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Asked by Wiki User

stuff like that happens,

Not every person in church is a true Christian that actually comes to church to worship God. Some come to get a date , some use church as a social club, some come to hold positions of power. Not everyone's motives for going to church are "good". Churches try to pick "righteous" people to serve in jobs like being a deacon and we can only go by what we hear people say, or how they appear to us. Only God knows the intent of a persons heart, so churches try to pick Godly folks but we can't read minds. Often times the title of deacon goes to a person's head and when they don't agree with the doctrine of the pastor, don't like the pastor, or there may be a real problem with the pastor, then pastors can get run off. If a church is very open in it's business then the people should be informed of issues between deacons and pastors, it should never be behind closed doors. Going to your churches business meeting may help you get these answers. Some pastors choose to stay and fight, but some just decide to leave because they are tired of fighting with people that don't use the Bible as the rule of law instead of their own desires. The Bible should always be the true doctrine, not the deacons or pastors opinions....

How many deacons in the Catholic Bible?

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There were seven men chosen by the early Church as deacons.

How long training for deacon?

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Why is the deacon important?

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What is the Catholic Church's teaching on ordained deacons who leave to get married?

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They are not accepted to talk a homily during the mass.Their vow of Holy Order is not banished and he is not allowed to take the sacrament of Matrimony.

What country is Adam deacon family from?

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Asked by Wiki User

He's Greek

Where does ben deacon live?

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under Connor Wharfe bed where he has been chained up, and used as a sex slave

Who is the counterpart of the deacon?

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Asked by Wiki User

The office of the Deacon outlined by Paul in 1 Timothy, has no counterpart. Perhaps you are asking about women in that office today known as Deaconess.

How do bishopspriestand deacons carry on the works of Jesus?

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Asked by Wiki User

they follow jesus they carry on his works they pray and respect him they will always believe and never stop believing in jesus that is how priest deacons and bishops respect jesus and carry on his works

Can Emeritus Deacons vote on the Deacon Board?

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Asked by Wiki User

Emeritus - (revision September 13, 2005) The Emeritus Deacon category was

adopted in 1987 to honor those deacons who have given outstanding, meritorious,

and loyal service to the church and to the board of deacons, and who have attained

the age of 75 years. The current deacon chairman, the pastor and three of the most

recent deacon chairmen nominate Emeritus Deacons. If approved by the board, the

nominees are presented tot the church for approval. Emeritus Deacons would not

have the right to vote, but Emeritus Deacons would be eligible to serve as a

Rotating Board Deacon through the established deacon nominating process and, as

such, would be entitled to vote.

Is Adam deacon in ndubz?

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Asked by Wiki User

No , that's Dappy . Lolol

Can orthodox priests and deacons work regular jobs or own companies?

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Asked by Question2828

For some of the jurisdiction it is not a question of possibility but it is a matter of need, since priesthood is not paid for.