

Dr. Pepper

A popular soft drink with 23 flavors, Dr. Pepper is just what the doctor ordered for some soda fans. Ask questions here about the history of the drink, calories and flavors.

500 Questions

The procedures of this science experiment does Dr Pepper lose its carbonation faster in hot or cold?

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In general, carbonation lasts longer in colder temperatures because gases are less soluble in warmer liquids. Therefore, Dr Pepper will likely lose its carbonation faster in hot temperatures compared to cold temperatures in a science experiment.

How many fluid ounces are in a diet Dr Pepper can?

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A regular 12-ounce can of Diet Dr Pepper contains 12 fluid ounces.

Why does soda explode in the frezzer?

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Soda cans explode in the freezer because liquid expands when frozen, putting pressure on the can. This pressure can cause the can to rupture or explode. Additionally, the carbon dioxide gas in the soda can also expand when frozen, further increasing the pressure inside the can.

Is pepper homogeneous or heterogeneous?

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Pepper is a heterogeneous mixture because it is made up of different components like peppercorns, seeds, and ground particles, which can be visually distinguished.

Why does dr pepper explode when you put a mento in it?

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When you drop a Mentos candy into a bottle of soda like Dr. Pepper, the carbon dioxide gas in the soda attaches to the rough surface of the candy, causing rapid release of bubbles. This creates a fizzing reaction that forces the soda out of the bottle in an explosive manner.

What are the chemical properties of Dr. Pepper?

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Dr. Pepper contains carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, caramel color, phosphoric acid, natural and artificial flavors, and caffeine. It has a unique blend of flavors that gives it a distinct taste profile compared to other soft drinks.

Why is phosphoric acid in dr pepper?

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Phosphoric acid is included in Dr Pepper to provide a tangy flavor and act as a preservative. It also helps enhance the overall taste profile of the drink by balancing the sweetness of the sugar and other flavors.

PH of Dr. pepper?

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The pH of Dr. Pepper is typically around 2.5 - 3.5, making it acidic.

Why will diet pop float but regular will not?

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Diet pop contains artificial sweeteners that are less dense than sugar, causing a lower overall density in the liquid. Regular pop, on the other hand, is denser due to the presence of sugar, causing it to sink in water. This difference in density makes diet pop more buoyant and likely to float, while regular pop will sink.

To whom did Burlington Resources sell The Glacier Park Company?

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Burlington Resources sold The Glacier Park Company to National Park Service in 1992.

How much is a huffy special edition Dr Pepper bike worth?

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I have the original frame of the Dr pepper bike and when I put a motor on it the value of it is going to go up I received it from a long time friend..... Thanks and GOD BLESSED 🙏 🙏 🙏

What kind of soda gives you cancer?

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Widespread evidence indicates that sugar-sweetened and diet soda can contribute to weight gain, tooth decay, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular problems. Alternatives to soda are widely available. They include water, milk, coffee, tea, and even fruit juices in moderation.

Why is there a blue spot in the cap of diet Dr Pepper?

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Some cans have the Yellow dot while others don't. I still haven't been able to locate any official answer either. Maybe it's just an advertising campaign to get more attention due to consumer curiosity, maybe a quality control marking of the batch, or even a marker to quickly identify the facility the can was produced making for easier identification in case a recalls is issued.

Are there animal ingredients in Dr Pepper soda?

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Coca-Cola is carbonated beverage consisting of refined sugar, flavor syrup, purified water, concentrate and carbon dioxide. Taken directly from the Coca Cola bottling website and I quote "Coca-Cola contains no animal products or by-products".

What soft drinks contain fructose?

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Almost all soft drinks in the United States use high fructose corn syrup because domestic sugar subsidies make sugar more expensive than corn syrup.

Who is Dr.. Pepper?

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Dr. Pepper is a soda. Some believe it is named after Dr. Charles T. Pepper of Rural Retreat, Virginia.

Is dr.pepper good for your health?

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Asked by Mokey321

my mental health. yes.

What is Dr Pepper used for?

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Its used for, for people to drink

What problems did Charles alderton have?

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Charles Alderton was born in Brooklyn and attended school in England. He was a young pharmacist from Texas when he invented Dr. Pepper soda. He died in1941 in Waco, Texas. The cause of his death is uncertain.

What is In Soda Pop?

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Look on the back of the can or bottle and there will a 'nutrition facts' label.That will tell you it's: calories 140 or so fat-0, carbohydrates-LOTS, protein-0 content(in grams), saturated fat-0, sugars-LOTS, sodium,vitamin content(usually 0 or very little) also there should be an 'ingredients' or 'contents' list that consists of lots of types of sugars, chemicals, preservatives, and other stuff that is hardto pronounce. Basically.......very little or nothing good/ healthy, and lots of: calories in the form of simple, fast -acting sugars described by words ending in "ose" or "oce" like fructose,sucrose..etc, flavor and unknown chemicals. ENJOY!!

Where are peppers originally from?

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The black pepper plant is a native of India.

How much is 100 milliliters in a cola?

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50p for a can of cola

Is Dr pepper owned by coca cola?

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I am looking for work.Do you have work for phone number is 832-873,8412. I need to pay mortgage.I work at dr Pepper before. I would like to work in the warehouse. pleaseBaba God bless you

Does Dr Pepper make your semen taste bad?

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not unless u bathe in it