

Eye Floaters

Eye Floaters are tiny spots, specks, or spiderweb-looking objects in our eyes. They move around slightly like jelly. They do not do any harm to our eyes. Ask questions here about types of eye floaters, and treatments for them.

349 Questions

Is it normal for a 9 year old to see lots of eye floaters?

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Asked by Chermfeng

Not usually unless it is in their genes. If their parents have eye floaters, it is most likely that this would happen.

What are Floaters Is it somthing i should be concerd over?

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Asked by Wiki User

Floaters are spots that appear in your vision when you move your eyes. Floaters can be a cause for alarm, especially if they increase or you start seeing flashes of light.

Why is NaC1 in eye drops?

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To clean the eyes.

What would make the eyes appear glazed over?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well, being totally drunk would.

Also slightly raising your eyebrows, subtly showing your top set of teeth and not blinking while not taking away eye contact would work.

Can the eye floaters be treated?

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Asked by Wiki User

The term “eye floaters” is very common now. The number of patients seeking treatment for eye floaters is increasing gradually. What is an eye floater? It just means “Something that floats”. The patient experiences small dark objects – dots, webs, strings, thread, etc. in front of the eyes. It is not fixed, but moving. It darts away when the patient tries to focus on it. So, the name – eye floaters.

Simple eye floaters in a small level is harmless. It is seen in without any visual impairment or any other serious symptom, especially in senile people. But eye floaters are seen as a symptom in many other severe ophthalmic pathologies such as chorioretinopathy, macular edema, high myopia, retinal detachment, vitreous detachment, macular degeneration, etc. In hypertensive retinopathy and diabetic retinopathy also, patients may experience floaters. So, a differential diagnosis becomes absolutely necessary to proceed with treatment.

Can you have floaters in the eyes at early age?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you can have eye at a early age.

What would cause both of your eyes to feel a lot of pressure and see lots of brown 'floaters' for a few weeks then have only 1 'floater' in one eye with blurry vision and dryness in that eye for days?

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  • Glaucoma causes an increase in eye pressure, but one doesn't usually notice it ... If you are still having problems I urge you to call an eye doctor as soon as possible. Although it might be nothing to worry about don't take unnecessary risks by delaying professional consultation.
  • It's possible you may have 'dry eye' and need to see a Ophthalmologist for a proper eye exam to be sure you do not have a Retinal Detachment. floaters (even children as young as 12 can have this) that can be sperm shaped; brown to black spots gives the appearance of dark specks in the tear film of the eye. A dysfunctional meibomian gland are likely to have this, but ocular allergies or even wearing contact lenses can cause this problem. To decide what can identify from the two the individual can quickly blink and the debris in the tear film will move quickly with a blink while floaters are unresponsive. Only an Ophthalmologist can detect a true diagnosis.

How do you care for your eye if you have a tear in it?

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do you mean tear as in tair, or tear as in teer??

In tear as in tair, a bandage might help.

In tear as in teer, i recomend wiping your eye with a tissue, but not too much, or your eyes will go red

What causes the floating dust in the eye?

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Asked by Wiki User

The floating dust you are asking about is called myodesopsia or more commonly referred to as "eye floaters." It is a perfectly common thing to experience. They are caused by specks of debris floating in the vitreous fluid (the liquid that makes up most of the eyeball). People start to notice more and more as they get older because the vitreous fluid starts to solidify (like jello) as you get older and the debris floats at a slower pace.

Can a black floater in your eye go away on its own?

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I have several floaters in my right eye. I have seen an eye doctor who says that most of the time they are caused by stress. I have seen a reduction and have had several more show up depending on how stressed I seem to be. they can check for the floaters in a normal eye exam if it bugs you too much.

I have had this in both eyes for at least a decade. It does get slightly better in less stressful times. Apparently, this can be caused by very scary problems as retina detachment as well as general health issues like yeast overgrowth in the body. Since I tend to eat more sweets during stressful times, I have the feeling the floaties are yeast related.

Black floaters are sometimes tiny vessel hemorrhage ( mine being due to diabetes They never really go away They will pop up at any time My worst time is morning The black spot settle in the while you are laying flat.I was told to sleep in recliner sitting as straight as possible This does not let the spot float to the bottom when you get up there will be little if none temporally

Everyone has a string-like jelly substance in their eyes. Those strings sometimes get clumped together making a "floater". Most floaters are normal, but if you notice a lot of new floaters or see flashes of light, you should contact your Optometrist immediately. Flashes of light could be the early signs of a retinal detachment and the only way to save most of your vision is to get it taken care of immediately. You will have to go see an Ophthalmologist for laser surgery if that happens. The only way to actually get rid of normal floaters is to have a surgery where they suck out all of the jelly-like substance from your eye. It sounds seriously disgusting, but completely true. I have worked with Optometrist for 2 years now and I hear some nasty stuff.


Floaters are generally cellular debris floating around in your eye near the retina where they cast a shadow and your eye projects these magnified shadows into space. We only notice these shadows if they float near the macula. If they float away from the macula we gradually loose site of them.

What is the hard lump on the inner corner near eye It is NOT on the eyelid just near the corner of the eye?

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What it is is called milia. It is a keratin filled cyst. It is actually underneath the skin, so you can't pop it like a normal pimple. I've had two, both in the exact same spot. What is suggested is that you have it extracted (essentially popped) by a dermatologist. However, I did it at home using a sterile needle and clean hands. This could incur scarring or an infection, so I am not necessarily recommending home treatment. Also it hurts pretty bad and, honestly, it's hard to get the needle in the right spot since the skin on top is so tough. But it worked.

Prevention methods include mild exfoliation, less make-up (or better for you makeup and like products), and less sun exposure.

Causes include heredity, sloughed-off skin, sun exposure, and clogs due to oil, make-up, and the like.

In other words, it's harmless. You don't have cancer or any sort of disease. You basically have an annoying pimple.

Are Eye Floaters bad to have at age 13?

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Asked by Wiki User

You need to see an optometrist for an eye exam

Another answer

No, eye floaters are not bad, a lot of people have them, they usually won't remove them.

Seeing jagged shapes in front of your eyes?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'd call up your optometrist pronto.

Should you be scared if there is a gray particle inside my eye ball?

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Asked by Wiki User

I should say so! I would go to a eye doctor if I were u. Unless you've had it sense you were born.

Floater in the eye?

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Floaters are where bits of the vitreous humor glob together. When this happens, they appear to be little bugs or specs wandering around in your vision. They are completely harmless.

What is the meaning of outer canthus of the eye?

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The outer canthus is the area where the upper and lower eyelids meet to form a 'V' on the side towards the ears (temporally). The inner canthus is the V at the nasal side.