



Gardening is a hobby that can be enjoyed inside or outside your home. There are many subtopics under the gardening topic you can ask questions about. Example: How to start and get organized in a particular garden project including watering,fertilizers,containers,equipment you will need to get started.

500 Questions

What is the fastest growing cucumber?

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The Armenian cucumber, also known as snake melon or yard-long cucumber, is considered one of the fastest growing cucumber varieties. With the right growing conditions, this cucumber can reach maturity in around 50-60 days.

Is it possible to speed up plant growth?

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Yes, plant growth can be sped up by providing optimal growing conditions such as adequate sunlight, water, nutrients, and appropriate temperature. Additionally, using plant growth regulators or hormones can also help stimulate growth.

What are the 4 charicteristics of plants?

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  1. Autotrophic: Plants can produce their own food through photosynthesis.
  2. Multicellular: Plants are composed of more than one cell.
  3. Cell walls: Plants have cell walls made of cellulose.
  4. Chlorophyll: Plants contain chlorophyll, a green pigment that helps in photosynthesis.

In this sententence what does the word mushroom mean When she saw them her fears began to mushroom?

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In this sentence, the word "mushroom" is used figuratively to indicate that her fears started to grow rapidly and intensify. It suggests that her fears began to expand or multiply quickly, similar to the way a mushroom grows rapidly in size.

What is the annulus on a mushroom for?

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The annulus on a mushroom, also known as the ring, is a structure that helps protect the developing gills and spores. It is formed by a partial veil that covers the young gills as the mushroom grows. The annulus eventually breaks away from the stem as the mushroom matures.

Can you roast honeydew seeds?

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Yes, you can roast honeydew seeds just like other seeds. Simply clean and dry the seeds, toss them in oil and seasoning, and bake them in the oven until crispy. They can be a tasty and nutritious snack.

Why is the ground not cover with mushrooms?

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Mushrooms prefer specific environmental conditions to grow, such as moist and dark environments. The ground may not be covered with mushrooms due to factors like lack of suitable growing conditions, competition with other organisms, or the presence of natural predators that consume mushrooms. Additionally, mushroom growth can be influenced by factors like soil quality, temperature, and the presence of organic matter.

What do plants do to fertility?

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Plants can improve soil fertility by extracting nutrients and minerals from the soil, thus increasing nutrient availability for other plants. Some plants also have symbiotic relationships with beneficial soil microorganisms, such as nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which can contribute to soil fertility by fixing nitrogen from the atmosphere and making it available to plants. Additionally, plant residues from leaves and roots can decompose and enrich the soil with organic matter, enhancing its fertility over time.

Where can you play mushroom kingdom fusion online?

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"Mushroom Kingdom Fusion" is not officially available to play online due to it being a fan-made game using copyrighted material. It was taken offline after a cease and desist order from Nintendo. You may find unofficial versions or downloads, but it is not recommended to access these, as they may violate copyright laws.

Give three conditions which would cause water loss from a plant to increase?

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High temperatures, low humidity, and windy conditions can all increase water loss from a plant through transpiration. These factors can lead to faster evaporation of water from the plant's leaves and an increased demand for water uptake from the roots.

What name is the study of plant?

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The study of both plants and animals is referred to as Biology.

that can be also narrowed down to botany for plants and zoology for animals.

How many seeds are in a pickle?

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Typically, there are no seeds in a pickle. Pickles are cucumbers that have been pickled in vinegar or brine, which does not involve keeping the seeds.

What is it called after a seed begins to grow?

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After a seed begins to grow, it is called germination. During germination, the seed absorbs water and nutrients from the surrounding soil, swells, and eventually sprouts a root and shoots.

What is indirect seeding?

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Indirect seeding is a method of planting seeds in containers indoors before transplanting them to an outdoor garden. This process allows for better control of growth conditions and protection from adverse weather, pests, and diseases before the plants are established in the garden.

How do you get rid of oyster plant in the garden?

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To get rid of oyster plant in the garden, you can manually pull it out, making sure to remove the roots to prevent regrowth. You can also smother the plant by covering the area with a thick layer of mulch or using a weed killer specifically designed to target broadleaf weeds like oyster plant. Be sure to follow instructions carefully when using any chemical treatments.

If you put a seed in your nose will it grow?

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No, a seed will not grow in your nose. The conditions inside your nose are not suitable for a seed to germinate and grow into a plant. Additionally, seeds require soil, water, and sunlight to grow which are not present in your nasal cavity.

Can you eat gourd seeds?

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Yes, gourd seeds are edible and can be roasted or eaten raw. They are high in nutrients like protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Be mindful of any allergies or potential digestive issues that may arise from consuming gourd seeds.

What is mineral deficiency in plants?

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Mineral deficiency in plants occurs when essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium are lacking in the soil. This can lead to stunted growth, yellowing of leaves, and poor crop yield. Correcting the deficiency typically involves applying fertilizers or nutrient-rich amendments to the soil.

What is the type of plant that reproduces without seeds?

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Many plants reproduce by seeds. This is the process of sexual reproduction whereby a sperm cell in one plant is transferred to the egg cell of another plant by many different methods of transportation. The wind, fruit, flowers that attract insects--these are all methods of transportation for the sexual reproduction of plants. Some plants reproduce asexually, by means that do not use seeds.

BulbsBulbed plants reproduce both sexually and asexually. Sexual reproduction is through normal flowers and seeds. Asexual reproduction is through a process known as vegetative reproduction whereby the bulb splits and creates multiple smaller bulbs called bulblets. These bulblets separate and sprout as new plants, though they have the exact same genetic code as the parent bulb. These bulbs include the kaffir lily, crinum lily, Persian violet, wandflower, wood hyacinth and firecracker plants. RhizomesA rhizome is a specialist stem that grows out from the base of a plant beneath the surface of the soil. It moves parallel to the soil for several inches. From this stem sprouts new roots and another plant grows up, sending up a base shoot. Plants that reproduce by sending out rhizomes include the Venus flytrap, purple nut sedge, hops, turmeric and Chinese lantern. SporesSpores are tiny reproductive cells which, it is believed, were once the primary source of plant reproduction. Now this method is used only by a few species. The plant lets loose many millions of these spores into the air where they are carried by the wind. They can withstand extremes of temperature and long droughts, and once the spore lands in a cool and wet environment, it has what it needs to split and form two cells. These two cells split again and so on until the basic root system of the plant has formed. Such plants include royal fern, male fern, floral fern, licorice fern, hair-cap moss, cushion moss and rockcap moss.

A method of planting crops that disturbs the soil and its plant cover as little as possible is called?

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Conservation tillage. This method helps to reduce soil erosion, improve soil health, and conserve water by minimizing soil disturbance during planting.

Does the taiga have fire tolerant plants?

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Yes, the taiga biome does have fire-tolerant plants such as coniferous trees with thick bark like spruce and pine, which are adapted to survive and even benefit from forest fires. These trees have evolved strategies to resist fire damage and regenerate after a fire, making them well-suited to the frequent wildfires in taiga ecosystems.

What did sae young plant in seedfolks?

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Sae Young plants beans in the vacant lot in the "Seedfolks" book in memory of her father. She hopes that by growing beans, she can honor her father's memory and find healing through nurturing the plants.

Are maple trees perennial or annual?

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Maple trees are perennial plants, meaning they live and reproduce for multiple years. They live for many years and go through seasonal cycles of growth, dormancy, and reproduction.

What is the most common plant in the savanna?

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Grasses are the most common plant in the savanna biome. They are well-adapted to the dry conditions and frequent fires that occur in savannas. Trees are also found in savannas, but they are often scattered and not as dominant as the grasses.