

Hopi Indians

The Hopi lived in the Southwest of the United States and Northern Mexico. The name means peaceful and their rich ceremonies include dances and Kachina dolls.

500 Questions

What animals did the hopi Indians hunt?

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The Hopi Indians would hunt deer, rabbits, antelope and other small game that was in the area. The Hopi Indians grew a lot of their own and raised turkeys that they would also eat.

What kinds of ceremonies hopi have?

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the kind of ceremonies the Sioux were sun dance ceremonies.

How do you build a house for a school project?

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You can cut up old bottles to make windows for your house. Also use old scraps of paper to make grass or snow outside the house.

What location did the Hopi live?

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They live where they have always lived for the last 1100 years. It is on three finger like mesas on the southern end of Black Mesa. This in what is now Northern Arizona, about 140 miles northeast of Flagstaff. It is at about 5,700 ft in the high desert plateau area.

What were the natural resources of the Southwest Indians?

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The Miwok tribe used different resources depending on where they were from. There are five "tribelets" that have been identified based on locations of the villages. The Miwoks who lived near the Sierra Nevada Mountains, who are usually the more often thought of, used large rocks known as grinding stones to grind acorns and other nuts into meal (like corn meal). They used any other nontoxic roots, bulbs, seeds, and fungi as food as well. Grasshoppers and mussels were highly prized to those tribes to whom they were available (again, based on "tribelet" locations). The plains and mountain-dwelling Miwoks also used the trees around them (including cedar and redwood) to create roundhouses in the villages. They fished in nearby streams, as well. They hunted deer and elk for meat.

What region was the Hopi Indians from?

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  1. Generally, the Hopi live in the southwestern US, but more specifically in northwestern Arizona and northeastern New Mexico.

What games did the anasazi Indians play?

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The Anasazi were believed to have played games with a variety of small disk-like game pieces. They also, (possibly as part of ritual or as a type of game) smoked tubular pipes, blowing smoke plumes into the air, mimicking and attempting to solicit rain clouds in the sky.

What did the kachina dolls teach children?

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The Hopi's originally made kachina dolls to represent dancers in different ceremonies. Kachina's include runners, hunters, animals, monsters, hero's, priests, clouds, the sun, plantation, vegtables, and other aspects of everyday life. There are many websites out there that would tell you more details about individual carvings, seems to have alot of different dolls with alot of information on them, you can also try which has a reference guide of most kachinas.

The hopi's originally started making kachina dolls to give to their neices during ceremonies, and with time they started trading the dolls for necessaties, and today it has become an art!

What was the Hopi Indians main food source?

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The staple food of the Hopi is corn. They planted 24 different types of corn and sometimes made cornbread. Although they lived in the desert they were expert farmers and managed to grow all sorts of crops such as beans, carrots, roots, and much more crops you can think of.

Does the hopi tribe still exist?

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Yes, they definitely still exist in the same place in northeastern Arizona that they have lived for at least 1000 years. Their name for themselves is: Hopituh Shi-nu-mu, which means mannered or righteous or well behaved, or peaceful little ones. There are about 20,000 Hopi which is about as many as there have ever been. About 7,000 live on the Hopi Nation. About 75% speak Hopi which is in the Uto Aztecan family.

In 1582 there were reported to be 12,000 people in five villages. In 1910 there were 2,000 Hopi.

The Hopi Nation today is 2,531 square miles mainly on First, Second and Third Mesas which are on the southern edge of Black Mesa. Today there are 16 villiages. The annual tribal buget is about 21.8 million. The tribal economic development runs twelve businesses and gets coal mining royalties. They have repeatedly turned down the idea of casinos. There is a tribal website for some more information.

How were Hopi and Iroquois homes alike?

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The Huron and Iroquois people built their homes to change with the seasons.In the summer, they removed some bark off of the roof to provide ventilation.The doors were built low to keep in the heat in the winter. Extra poles or bark were added in the winter to keep out the bad weather. The roof was curved so that the winter snow would fall off the roof. The Huron and Iroquois people had many ways to change their homes to suit the weather.

How did Hopi Indians celebrate?

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Arrow Renewal, the Sun Dance, the Animal Dance, and the Scalp Dance

How did Hopi Indians hunt food?

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They were farmers. They grew their food. Mainly corn, squash and beans. After the late 1500s they grew peaches, melons, onions and chiles too. Some Hopi are are still farmers. Others have other jobs and buy food at the store.

Why did the hopi use dream catchers?

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They use them to catch the spirits and dreams that is why they are shaped like a net

How did the hopi indians make their tools?

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The technology the Hopi used was varied. They made adobe bricks for their homes. They also used wooden farm implements, spindles and looms for weaving cotton (and later wool), and pump drills for boring holes in turquoise and other beads.

Did the Hopi Indians have any allies or rivals?

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The Hopi people were generally peaceful people but they were often raided by the larger neighboring tribe, the Navajo.

How did the Hopi Indians adapt to the dry climate of the southwest?

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They farmed corn, beans and squash and cotton and turkeys and then later peaches, melons and chillies. They used stone to build their homes with log beams and clay plaster and mortar. The dug kivas and used stone and wood as beams and ladders for religious meetings. They still do in the same places to day. Today they also get royalties from coal mining.

What does the term three sisters mean?

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The Three Sisters are the three main agricultural crops of various indigenous groups in the Americas: winter squash, maize (corn), and climbing beans (typically tepary beans or common beans).

What are fringes on American Indian clothes for?

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They aid in shedding water, rain from the garment.


Decoration, possible ceremonial purposes or honor in battle.

They were also aesthetically pleasing, they had a kinetic effect in motion that appealed to the Native Americans and, leather fringe also served a useful function as handy strips of leather available to sew up a busted moccasin, a torn seam, or to tie things together when you were in the field.

What hunting tools did hopi use?

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The Hopi used stone tools and made pottery for their daily use. There is a stone known as chert which can be flaked off into very sharp points for projectile points and other cutting tools.

Are the hupa Native Americans nomadic?

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no they are settled

Is the Hopi matriarchal or patriarchal?

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The Hopi people have a matriarchal society that continues to exist today.

How did the Hopis location affect how the lived?

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The Hopi are a tribe of Native American People, who live on the Hopi Reservation in northeastern Arizona. They are highly skilled farmers, so the environment around them affects how they make their living.