


Labor and Birth

Arm yourself with information before you have that first contraction. Ask questions here about the delivery process, signs of labor, procedures done during labor, medications given and safety precautions.

2,365 Questions

The process of giving birth is known as?

The process of giving birth is known as labor and delivery. It involves contractions of the uterus to push the baby through the birth canal for delivery.

When you are giving birth what is a centimeter?

A centimeter in the context of childbirth refers to the measurement of cervical dilation. It indicates how much the cervix has opened in preparation for the baby to be born. Fully dilated at 10 centimeters is typically when it's time to push and deliver the baby.

What rock formations hang from the celing of some caves?

Stalactites are rock formations that hang from the ceiling of caves. They are formed by mineral-laden water dripping from the cave ceiling and depositing calcite or other minerals over time, creating pointed structures that point downward. Stalactites are common in limestone caves and can vary in size and shape.

Which latin American country has the longest life expectancy?

Costa Rica has the highest life expectancy in Latin America, with an average of around 80 years. This is often attributed to the country's strong healthcare system, high literacy rates, and access to clean water and nutritious food.

Does walking really help you to go in labor?

Walking can help ease some discomfort during late pregnancy, but there is limited evidence to suggest that it directly induces labor. However, staying active can promote good circulation and fitness which may help prepare your body for labor. It's always best to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise routine.

What is PEG-40 Hydrogenated caster oil?

PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil is an ingredient commonly used in cosmetics and personal care products as an emulsifier and surfactant. It helps to blend oil-soluble and water-soluble ingredients together, allowing for a smoother texture and more stable formulation. It is derived from castor oil through a process called hydrogenation.

What two spinal curvatures are obvious at birth?

The thoracic and sacral curves are the primary curves, as they are obvious at birth. The cervical and lumbar curves are secondary as they are modifications on the foetal position.

What is the average number of children born in the US each year?

In recent years, the average number of children born in the US annually is around 3.7-3.8 million. This number can vary slightly year by year based on factors like population trends, economic conditions, and social changes.

Food during labor?

During labor, it is important to consume light and easy-to-digest foods to maintain energy levels. Options may include broth, fruit juice, popsicles, crackers, and clear liquids. It is best to follow your healthcare provider's recommendations and avoid heavy or greasy foods that may lead to discomfort during labor.

Help to go in labor but only 34 weeks and 3 days. need methods.?

It's important to follow medical advice and not try to induce labor before 37 weeks, as the baby's organs are still developing. If you have concerns or signs of preterm labor, contact your healthcare provider immediately. Rest, stay hydrated, and practice relaxation techniques to help manage discomfort.

Meaning of term astro?

Astrology is the person who studies the personality of the person and makes astrological predictions about their life. Astrology provides the right guidance to deal with the troubles coming in life.

If you are 35 weeks pregnant and 2cm dilated and about 50 effaced will walking and going up and downstairs help you go in to labor?

Walking and going up and down stairs can help with regular contractions and promote optimal positioning of the baby for labor, but they may not necessarily induce labor if your body is not ready. It's important to listen to your body and consult with your healthcare provider before engaging in any activities to try to induce labor.

How much does a human arm weigh?

The total arm mass is given as mean 3.216kg with a standard deviation of 0.464kg

in Clauser, "Weigth, volume, and center of mass of segments of the human body", 1969, p.45


More details in Chandler, "Investigation of Inertial Properties of the Human Body", 1975, p.72-79


come the following data:

Upper arm (right): mean 1.843kg s.d. 0.218kg.

Upper arm (left): mean 1.888kg s.d. 0.299 kg.

Forearm (right): mean 1.113kg, s.d. 0.271kg.

Forearm (left): mean 1.088kg s.d. 0.185kg

Hand (right): mean 0.400kg s.d. 0.091kg

Hand (left): mean 0.374kg s.d. 0.062kg

That gives a total mean arm mass of 3.35kg (for right and left).

What are the hormones involved and what are their specific roles?

Some of the main hormones involved in the human body include insulin (regulates blood sugar levels), adrenaline (triggers "fight or flight" response), estrogen and testosterone (regulate reproductive functions), and thyroid hormones (regulate metabolism). Each hormone has specific roles in controlling various bodily functions and maintaining homeostasis.

How was a baby pachycephalosaurus born?

Baby pachycephalosaurus were hatched from eggs laid by their parents. The parents would create nests to protect the eggs until they hatched. Once they hatched, the baby pachycephalosaurus were on their own to fend for themselves.

Why is it difficult to get aroused after child birth?

After childbirth, hormonal changes, physical and emotional stress, lack of sleep, and body image concerns can all contribute to difficulty in getting aroused. Additionally, the physical trauma that can occur during delivery may also play a role in decreased arousal. It is important to give yourself time and patience as your body recovers and adjusts to postpartum changes.

How can you help your self go into Labor?

Some natural methods to potentially help induce labor include staying active, having sex, eating spicy foods, and trying acupuncture or acupressure. However, always consult with your healthcare provider before trying to induce labor on your own.

I'm almost 39 weeks my doctor said the baby's head is not engaged but he can feel it He measureg you 39 twice for two weeks and only at an half centimeter how can i progress the labor tired of hurting?

You can try walking, doing pelvic tilts, and sitting on a birthing ball to help encourage the baby to engage further. Stay active and maintain good posture. If you are experiencing significant discomfort or have concerns about your progress, speak with your healthcare provider for guidance.

Your doctor says your cervixs is 2 centimeters open and 1 centimeter shortened you are almost 36 weeks does that mean ill deliver really soon?

An open cervix and shortened length at 36 weeks indicate that your body is preparing for labor, but this doesn't guarantee immediate delivery. It's important to continue monitoring closely with your healthcare provider to assess any further progress or changes. Delivery may still occur soon or it could potentially be delayed.

Is the human eye fully developed at birth?

No, the human eye is not fully developed at birth. Newborns have blurry vision and gradual development of visual acuity occurs over the first few months of life as the eye and visual system mature. It can take several months for a baby's vision to fully develop.

If your 1cm dilated how much time will it take until you dilate enough to be in active labor?

Dilation progress during labor can vary greatly among individuals, and being 1cm dilated does not provide a definite timeframe for when active labor will start. Factors such as the efficiency of contractions, the position of the baby, and individual differences in labor progression can influence how quickly dilation occurs. It's best to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance on your labor progress.

Why do humans need to give birth?

Human reproduction involves giving birth in order to continue the species and pass on genetic material to the next generation. Pregnancy and childbirth are essential for the survival of the human species and ensure that offspring have a chance to grow and develop outside the womb.

What senses are developed at birth?

At birth, babies have developed their sense of touch, taste, and smell. They are also able to hear sounds outside of the womb. Their sense of sight is not fully developed yet and continues to develop over the following months.

How many babies born every day in Pakistan?

On average, around 14,000 babies are born every day in Pakistan, according to recent population statistics.

What is a prefix word for before giving birth?

The prefix word for before giving birth is "ante-" (for example, ante-natal).