

Leopards and Panthers

Leopards (also sometimes referred to as 'panthers' along with jaguars and mountain lions) can currently be found in sub-Saharan Africa, Indochina, Sri Lanka, China, Malaysia, Indonesia and parts of the Indian subcontinent, with largest population being found in sub-Saharan Africa. These solitary felines are the smallest members of the big cat family.

500 Questions

Why do leopards live in the mountains?

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Leopards are very adaptable animals - They can live in almost any environment. They live mountainous areas because they are good climbers and there are plenty of places to hide,. Some of their favourite food (dassies & baboons) also live in mountains.

Is a leopard smarter than a chimp?

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Parrots and chimpanzees share many common features, such as the ability to comunicate in context(use words/sign language and know what they are saying) In certain cases parrots in general, spcifically the African grey parrot exceeds the chimpanzee in intelligence. An African grey parrot can be taught that words are made up of different parts that can be rearranged to form new words while its believed that chimpanzees don't have that kind of understanding of the language.

Do leopards have an endoskeleton or an exoskeleton?

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Endoskeleton. (inside bones)

Birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians and mammals have endoskeletons although there is the odd exception to the rule which has both. However no mammals have true exoskeletons.

How old is a baby leopard when its parents leave?

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Usually, cheetah cubs will leave their mother at 15-24 months old. Male cheetahs will travel away from their parents to set up their own territory. Females stay closer and may even overlap territories with their mother.

Are there more female leopards than male leopards?

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yes an no female leopards come from a spices where leopards are living good and protected tere is many baby leopards made there beacuase ,many females live there wait e no humans live there its called the city

and females are there to make babies

Is a leopard solitary or found in groups?

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yes, except for brief times during mating and when the female is rearing her young, the leopard leads a solitary life within a defined territory. they mark their territories with urine, and those of males tend to have large areas that overlap those of several females', but males territories never overlap over other males.

Do leopards have live young or do they lay eggs?

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YES! They are mammals so of course

What zoo has a black panther in California?

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I know the Memphis zoo had one last time I went a few years paced back and forth over and over

What is the defense mechanism for a panther?

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first panther move slowly to their haunt and they directly attack to other animals ans eat them.

What are the causes of the extinction of panther?

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Leopards are far from extinct! They are one of the most common and adaptable of the big cats, and live throughout most of Asia and Africa. The Amur leopard is endangered, and a couple other races may be threatened, but as a species leopards are not endangered.

What is the Asian leopard cat's habitat?

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They eat hares,grass,poultry,aquatic prey,mammals,lizards,amphibians and insects. AND YOU rats are also part of there diet and they are one of the main things Asian leopard cats eat..
The Asian Leopard Cat's diet includes rodents, small birds, amphibians, fish, insects, reptiles, eggs and small mammals including small deer. Occasionally they also feed on fallen bats and swifts near caves.

The lepord doesn't change his spots?

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No, the leopard doesn't change its spots. This is a metaphor for change that cannot be expected in a person.

Which animal was native to the New World?

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zebras are native animals and they live in the zoo and africa

Why does dionysus were a leopard skin?

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Because Dionysus is the god of wine thus crazy, like being drunk. Other times, like in Percy Jackson, he is said to be lazy, like the leopard. The leopard sits around all day, and Dionysus sometimes does the same thing.

What type of ecosystem does a black panther live in?

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They live cities and shape shift into people

Why do leopards carry their food up into trees?

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snow leopards are not the only leopards that klimb trees. African leopards take there food up trees to.The reson behind this is leopards take the there meals in trees to protect it. From preditors such like these lions,hyenas,vultures and somtimes cheetahs. For the snow leopard the potect it from mountain lions, and onther birds of prey like eagels and hawks

Can a wolves kill a leopard?

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That is not confirmed, seeing as there is no solid proof that werewolves even exist.

Are there wild leopards in Florida?

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No, there are no leopards in Florida. The Florida panther, a subspecies of the cougar, does occur there as well as bobcats. The Florida panther is actually not a true panther (genus panthera) but is a member of the genus puma.

What helps the leopard take down large prey?

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leopards are swift and are expert climbers. Leopards will sometimes be waiting in a tree where an unsuspecting monkey might be. They will also go up in the trees when the monkeys are asleep. Most of the time, monkeys have a watch guard, that is to say, some monkeys in the group will stay awake and look out for predators.

Were do Asia leopards live?

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There is a big debate as to how many leopards still roam Europe. However it is certainly not true to say that there has never been any. There are various species of leopard that roamed far eastern europe (turkey armenia etc).

The anatolain leopard (turkey) is seen very rarely (last confirmed sighting was 1974, though tracks were seen in 2003).

Look at the website below for more details

The near eastern leopard which roams Armenia Georgia and Azerbaijan, although admittedly in low numbers, is still very much alive in the wild. Below is a WWF website giving details of a conservation project for this species.

While big cats are not well known in europe, up to 100AD there are accounts of spanish lions taking horses. There were also tigers that survived in eastern european countries including turkey, up until the 1970 (the caspian tiger)

What is the conflict and what's the compromise of testing makeup on animals Please you need info for a school project?

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The conflict is that animal testing is cheaper than other methods however Many people argue that it is morally wrong and that it is cruel and unnessacary. A compromise could be to create much stricter laws on the welfare of the animals, or even better, raising awareness of the public, and making the companies use other methods

How are cheetahs and jaguars are alike and different?

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Cheetahs are big cats and jaguars are big cats.Cheetahs and Jaguars are mammals and have sharp teeth.
The difference between a cheetah and a jaguar is a jaguar has a more square face and more muscle's. And a cheetah has less muscle's and a more circular face.

What animals hunt snow leopards?

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Only humans set out to hunt snow leopards. They are apex predators so nothing hunts them for food. Wolves might if given the chance, but a snow leopard would be likely to hurt a number of them so they would be unlikely to try. Also snow leopards tend to live further up the mountains.