



A free and open-source family of operating systems first started in 1991 and named after its creator, Linus Torvalds.

500 Questions

What is the Linux boot process?

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The Linux boot process can be divided into six steps which are as follows: # Kernel loader loading, setup, and execution: In this step, the bootsect.s file is loaded into the memory by the BIOS. When the bootsect.s file sets up, it loads the rest of the kernel into the memory. # Parameter setup and switch to 32-bit mode: When the kernel has been loaded, the boot.s file sets up a temporary IDT and GDT and handles the switch to 32-bit mode. # Kernel decompression: The head.s file decompresses the kernel. # Kernel setup: After the kernel is decompressed, the real GDT and IDT are created by the head.s (second file). # Kernel and memory initialization (main.c): In this step, the kernel sets up all memory constraints and virtual memory is completely set up. # Init process creation (main.c): In the final step of booting, the init process is created, which switches a Linux computer to different run levels. Ref:

What are the common issues discussed about the windows Linux and mac operating systems?

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Windows is often considered buggy, and the registry system is inefficient and dangerous. Linux is stable and nearly bug-free, but often requires more knowledge to operate than the other two. Mac OS X has very few problems, but Apple ignores it's security because "mac's don't get viruses".

What commands will list the files in the working directory in their reverse alphabetical order?

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Asked by Wiki User

ls | sort -r

Use ls command to list all files, in the present directory. Then pipe '|' the output of the ls command to sort -r. The -r option will reverse the sort.

What is a Linux distribution?

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Asked by Wiki User

A Linux Distribution (distro) is lika a flavour.

For example:

You can go to a dairy bar and ask for ice cream, but you need to specify which kind of ice cream. Chocolate ice cream, strawberry, bubble gum, etc...

You can run Linux, but you need to pick a specific type of Linux such as Ubuntu, OpenSuse, Fedora Core, Gentoo, Debian, Slackware, etc..

Different distros are generally suited for different things.

There are desktop distros like Ubuntu and Mint, that are focused on end users and doing your day to day stuff like browsing the internet, writing a report for work or school or MSNing your friends.

Some Linux distros are meant for running servers. These would be things like RedHat, Debian and Slackware. These will run your company website or an email server.

What command in Linux do you use to return to the root directory?

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Asked by Wiki User

"cd /" will move the user to the root directory, assuming the user has permission to move to this directory, and the user has not been chroot'ed to a specific directory (which will cause "cd /" to move the user to that named directory, instead of the system's root).

What is the main goal of Linux?

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The initial main goal of Linux (as a kernel) was as a hobby and for fun. Even today as a kernel and operating system family, it still predominantly targets hobbyists and enthusiasts in the consumer sector while in the enterprise industry it's gained a major following for being one of the most reliable Unix-like operating system families.

What license is Linux?

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Unlike Microsoft Windows, you don't need a license to download, use, copy or give away Linux or the many distributions associated with it. Linux is actually the kernel (the heart) from which many distributions of open source operating systems radiate outwards. Ubuntu, Linux Mint, are just two of many popular operating systems that are entirely free.

What does ICON represent?

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Icon is not an abbreviation or initialism. An icon, in the historical sense, was an object used to represent something else, usually a god or spirit. In today's usage, an icon is a representation of a program or file in a GUI (graphical user interface).

What is the current standard for Linux file systems?

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There is no official standard, but currently most Linux distributions use either ext3 or ext4. Btrfs is looking to be the next de facto standard filesystem for Linux, but seems to be trapped in a very slow development cycle.

Where can one gain more information about how to use the Linux terminal?

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At the command prompt, type 'man [command]' (removing the brackets and substituting the command for which you need information).

What are the drawbacks of FTP?

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The only disadvantage there would be is the write and read speed. Most of FTP is based on networking so your network connection would be the most focused part on FTP servers. Otherwise it's the drive and you want an SSD for a file server because it will read faster but not get used as much as writing to the disk.

How do you identify the working directory in Linux?

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The command 'pwd' will identify the full path of the present working directory.

Which is more vulnerable to a hacker attack a windows system or a Linux system?

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it depends if firewall setup correctly or not , but in general windows is more vulnerable than Linux

What is the command to create a user in Linux?

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su command is used to change the user.

What is the purpose of a shell script?

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A shell script is used to automatically enter a series of commands without having to make the user type them out.

What functions does Linux and or Unix provide in today business world?

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A majority of servers, including most of the Internet, run on Linux or other Unix-like operating systems. As a desktop platform, it is used in Mac OS X, and some (particularly Linux distributions) are mainly used by more technically savvy users or hobbyists. The wide range of distributions (or "distros") means that there is a flavor for everyone. Additionally, the Linux kernel is used in the Android mobile phone operating system.

How do you remove Linux from a dual boot setup?

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Asked by Wiki User

You could either: a) just ignore it or b) repartition the Linux partition and format it as ntfs so that windows can see it

AnswerYou'll need:

1. A windows98 boot disc (or windows xp recovery console) 2. A non-destuctive partition editor, such as partition magic or acronis disc suite (both for windows, not free, may not work, I lean toward Acronis) or Gparted (free, live-CD, I will explain the process using gparted, but they are all basically the same).


1. Make sure you have a windows98 boot disc or windows xp recovery console (I'll explain both), THIS IS CRUCIAL! (My mom thinks Linux is evil because I didn't have either).

2. After backing up really important data (only if you have any ;) ), boot from the gparted live-CD.

3. If everything works correctly you should have a screen with a multi-colored bar representing your harddrive and all partitions on it (if it's all grey, you need to select your harddrive from a drop down menu)

4. Select your Linux partition (HINT: it's probly formated in ext2 or ext3) from the bar and delete it (don't worry if you mess up, it hasn't been deleted yet). Do the same thing with the Linux-swap and extended partition.

5. Now everything the bar should be grey EXEPT for your windows partition (usually colored cyan). Make sure it's there, if it's not, hit the back arrow.

6. If everything looks good (and I mean EVERYTHING), apply your settings.

7. If you want to resize your windows partition you may want to do it now. Otherwise reboot and......NOTHING! GRUB ERROR! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW! (that's what happened to me)

8. If you're dumb like I was, call tech support and grovel, otherwise boot up your trusty win98 CD and enter the command "fdisk /mbr" (no quotes don't forget the space)


Go into your winxp recovery console and type the command "fixmbr"

9. If all went well, good times will be had by all. And if you used the win98 boot disk KEEP IT, those things are worth their weight in gold! As an IT guy, this is by far, my greatest tool EVER, and in some cases, the PERFECT GIFT!

AnswerOr you can just go to your fdisk command or whatever the NTFS command is and delete the ext3 partitions and leave the NTFS

What is the name of the main SSH server config file?

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In some distributions it can be in odd places like /etc/sshd_config, /usr/local/etc/ssh/sshd_config

What are some companies that offer Linux web hosting?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are many different hosting services but the one that was the most beneficial and cost-efficient for me was this one https ://yazing. com/deals/bluehost/paulson (just remove spaces, it's an affiliate link but it's a great deal with coupon codes)

Where can one learn more about Linux reseller hosting?

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There are many places where one can learn more about Linux reseller hosting. One can learn more about Linux reseller hosting at popular on the web sources such as Resellers Panel and Reseller Club.

What are the advantages of Mandrake Linux?

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None. Any distro branded "Mandrake" is long obsolete; the parent company renamed itself to "Mandriva" in 2005.

Can you install Puppy Linux on a USB Flash drive?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes. Puppy Linux only needs about four files to be on the drive. You can put any other files on the drive, space permitting. If you keep a FAT file system, you can even still use the disk under Windows.

What contains the Start button Quick Launch toolbar taskbar button area and the tray status area?

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Asked by Wiki User

Current versions of Microsoft Windows contain a Start button, Quick Launch toolbar, taskbar, button area, and the tray status area. So do various implementations of Linux distributions.