



Liquors are alcoholic beverages made from fermented grains, vegetables or fruits. Liquors should not be mistaken with liqueurs, which are sweetened spirits with several flavors, extracts and oils. Brandy and whiskey are examples of liquor.

500 Questions

How do you tell if a decanter is lead crystal?

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Crystal and glass are the same thing. Crystal is glass that contains lead. When lightly tapped it has a sharp ring compared to plain glass.

Recipe for outback tropical relief martini?

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We asked for the recipe at Outback, and were denied. But the server told us it had Midori, Malibu coconut rum, mango and citrus juices. It's not a perfect recipe, but gives you a clue on how to concoct your own.

How much does everclear liquor cost?

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It may cost you your sight if you're not careful... 14.98 ---- 21.98 for a bottle.

Who is the actress in the Captain Morgan commercials?

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Gal Gadot, an Isreali model.

Does wkd contain vodka?

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4% but it's lush

What is the best way to determine if a person is legal age to buy alcohol?

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Most bars and stores have a policy of carding everyone under the age of forty. It is safer for them and flatters many people that they look young.

Are there any blue liquors beside curacao?

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Bombay Sapphire Gin is another example.

What is the sugar content of Southern Comfort?

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There are about 65 calories in one shot of Southern Comfort.

When was liquor by the drink made legal in Texas?

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It was created by the legislature as an "exercise of the police power of the state" in 1935, same as DPS. Originally named the Liquor Control Board ( LCB ) it was later renamed the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission ( TABC ). It was intended to be a small but elite criminal law enforcement agency whose primary purpose was to combat organized crime in the newly legal beverage alcohol industry, things like commercial bribery, extortion, prostitution, gambling, narcotics etc. It was also charged with regulating all phases of the production, transportation and sale of alcoholic beverages. It has never been adequately funded or staffed to deal with the minor offenses that local agencies can and are required by law to handle; things like underage drinking, sale and consumption during prohibited hours etc. In actual practice it does enforce those laws, but when it does so it is doing the local officers' job. There are currently less than 300 TABC agents throughout the state.

Why does beer freeze and liquor does not?

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Actually, liquor does freeze, only at far lower temperatures than water. That is because alcohol has a much lower freezing point, like the antifreeze we put in car radiators to keep the water from freezing in cold weather. Liquor does freeze but at a lot lower temperature than water, this is due to the alcoholic content. The higher the alcohol content the lower the temperature need to freeze it

How many calories in 30 mls vodka?

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A shot (30 ml) of whisky is about 70 kcalories

(compare with beer .. approx 150-170 kcal for a pint)

But don't link that to how fat you will be....

Reason for being fat is the level of insulin and fatness comes from carbs

Whisky has no carbs at all and will not drive the energy into the muscles .. sugar level will never rise, the liver will take care of the alcohol (with other effects).

Beer is a lot of carbs (sugar) ... big belly on way..!

sens moral .. avoid beer, sweet wine and cocktail drinks.. whisky is fine

Is ciroc vodka the best selling vodka?

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Smirnoff holds the market as the best selling vodka.

It should be Ver2 Vodka The ultimate party spirit

Do you multiply To determine the percentage of alcohol a liquor contains?

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The easiest way is to look on the bottle and take the manufacturer's word for it.

However, it's possible to test it if you're so inclined (and have a sufficiently equipped laboratory). The easiest way would be GC/MS, which on a modern instrument will tell you which peak contains the ethanol and how much of it there was. If you know the amount of liquor introduced into the system, then you can just divide the amount of ethanol by the total sample size and multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

If you don't have a GC/MS sitting around idle (they're not expensive by lab standards, but extremely pricey by household standards ... a few thousand dollars for a cheap used one), then you're into quantitative organic chemistry, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Who is the CEO of bacardi?

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The CEO of Bacardi is Seamus McBride

Do you supposed to drink liquor cold?

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About 99% of them are supposed to be drank cold. If you are spending less than $50 a bottle, get it cold!

What is the age requirement for liquor license?

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Believe it or not, 18*, since it's legal to sell at that age.

*Depends on the state. Some state requires at least 21 years old.

What is the worlds hardest drink?

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it could be a caraboo Lou or a long island ice tea both are really yummy and hit you hard

What alcohol is 180 proof?

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Yeh... Build a Mill..... Buy Crops.. Grain,Sugar cane, Sugar Beats, Etc... Run it through the mill.. about $1.50 or so a gallon and outcome of it? Alcohol,Co2, And Feed for livestock

Liquor bottle KY drb-230 119 74?

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Liquor Bottle KY drb-230 119 72 I was wondering what its worth is?

What is triple sec made from?

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By distilling the peels of bitter oranges.

What is the legal age to buy a shot glass?

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That depends on the region you live in and their smoking laws. For example, I live in Ontario where the legal smoking age is 19, so I would have to be 19 or older to legally buy a pipe.

Which is more harmful tequila or vodka?

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Neither is harmful if not abused. If consumed regularly and in moderation they contribute to good health and greater longevity than abstaining from alcohol.