

Medical Schools

Medical schools offer varying advanced degrees in medicine. Highly competitive, medical schools require scores from standardized tests such as the MCAT prior to entrance. Typical doctors attend medical school for four years after a bachelor's degree and then go on to complete an internship and residency before they can practice.

466 Questions

What medical schools offer scholarships?

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Many medical schools offer scholarships to students, including:

Harvard Medical School: Numerous merit-based and need-based scholarships.

Stanford University School of Medicine: Financial aid and merit scholarships.

Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine: Full and partial scholarships.

New York University (NYU) Grossman School of Medicine: Full-tuition scholarships.

University of Pennsylvania (Perelman): Scholarships based on merit and need.

Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine: Full tuition scholarships.

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine: Various scholarship opportunities.

These schools provide substantial financial aid to alleviate the cost of medical education.

What are the top medical school in the Philippines?

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Some of the top medical schools in the Philippines include the University of the Philippines College of Medicine, the Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health, and the University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Medicine and Surgery. These institutions are known for their rigorous academic programs and high-quality medical education.

How demanding is Medical school?

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Medical school is very demanding, as it requires an intensive amount of studying, memorization, and clinical hours. Students often have to balance a rigorous curriculum with long hours of studying and clinical rotations, leaving little time for personal activities. The workload can be overwhelming at times, but with strong time management skills and dedication, it is possible to succeed.

What requirements are there to become a doctor in Germany?

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To become a doctor in Germany, you typically need to complete a six-year medical degree program, which includes practical training in hospitals. After obtaining your degree, you must pass the state medical exam (Approbation) to be licensed to practice medicine. Proficiency in the German language is also required.

What was first distilled at Montpellier medical school in 1300 AD?

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The first distilled alcohol known as "aqua vitae" was produced at Montpellier medical school in 1300 AD. Aqua vitae was believed to have medicinal properties and was used as a treatment for various ailments.

When is medical student sitting for post jamb?

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The timing for medical students to sit for the post-UTME (Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination) varies depending on the university and country. Typically, post-UTME exams are held after the UTME exams, so it would be advisable to check with the specific university or institution where you are applying for medical school for the exact dates and guidelines.

What do you say if the doctor says you have to accompany your patient to a procedure that may take up to 90 minutes?

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I would acknowledge the doctor's instruction and confirm that I will be there to accompany the patient during the procedure. I might ask for more information about what will be involved in the procedure and how I can support the patient during that time.

Where did sigmund freud attend medical school?

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Sigmund Freud attended medical school at the University of Vienna in Austria.

What is the average cost for cancer treatment per year?

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The average cost for cancer treatment per year can vary widely depending on the type of cancer, stage of cancer, specific treatment plan, and individual insurance coverage. On average, the cost of cancer treatment in the United States can range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. It is recommended to consult with healthcare providers and insurance companies for more specific and personalized cost estimates.

What are the paramedical courses in kerala?

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Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT) Course (b) Diploma in Radiological Technology (DRT) course (c) Diploma in Ophthalmic Assistance (DOA) Course (d) Dental Mechanic Certificate (DMC) Course (e) Dental Hygienist Certificate (DHC) Course (f) Diploma in Operation Theater Technology (DOTT) Course (g) Diploma in Cardio Vascular Technician (DCVT) Course these are the courses according to Kerala Paramedical Council propectus ,for further details visit

How many years does it take to become a medical assistant?

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The associates degree is designed as a two year program of study as a full-time student provided the student takes the degree as prescribed by the college, and provided the student does not require prerequisite coursework as a result of basic skills testing. There are some programs of study that may take a bit longer depending on the number of credits required. Usually these are programs within the health related fields. In addition, for students who require developmental course work as a result of basic skills testing, it would take longer. How much longer would depend on the extent of the developmental courses they are required to take. Evidently, those individuals who attend college on a part-time based would also extend their time in school. How much longer would depend on the credit load carried each semester. Typically, an associates degree takes between 60 and 64 credits to complete depending on the specific school, program of study, and state mandates.

Can you get into medical school with these gcse qualifications?

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It depends on the university you want to apply for, considering that medicine is a competitive career you most probably need a minimum of 5*. However some universities are nicer and if you do extremely well in a levels then they won't mind so much about GCSE's. the most important GCSE's you have to concentrate on are biology, chemistry, maths. It would be best to get a* in them, it takes the pressure off at a level.

What are the high school requirements to be a doctor?

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The answer will always be: As good as you need to get to the next level of education.

The first question you need to ask yourself is: What kind of grades will I need in HS to get to College/University?

For example, if you need a 87% average to get into a Heath Sciences program at University, this is the "kind of grades" you need in high school to become a doctor.

From College or University, depending on the Med school you apply, you will need a combination of things including grades, which may be averaged over 1, 2, 3 or 4 years. You might have to do a MCAT, letter of intent, volunteer work, experience in the field, interviews etc.

Medical schools won't look at your grades in HS.

How much is tuition at Mount Sinai medical school?

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According to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), the average educational debt of indebted graduates of the class of 2009 was $156,456.

Another answer:

The average tuition and fees at public medical schools was $14,557 per year.

At private medical schools tuition and fees reached an average of $30,960.

Do you have to go to medical school to get a Ph.D in psychology?

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A psychologist is not a physician and therefore cannot prescribe medication. A psychiatrist is a physician with a specialty in psychiatry and can prescribe drugs and medication.

A psychologist is not a physician and therefore cannot prescribe medication. A psychiatrist is a physician with a specialty in psychiatry and can prescribe drugs and medication.

A psychologist is not a physician and therefore cannot prescribe medication. A psychiatrist is a physician with a specialty in psychiatry and can prescribe drugs and medication.

A psychologist is not a physician and therefore cannot prescribe medication. A psychiatrist is a physician with a specialty in psychiatry and can prescribe drugs and medication.

A psychologist is not a physician and therefore cannot prescribe medication. A psychiatrist is a physician with a specialty in psychiatry and can prescribe drugs and medication.

A psychologist is not a physician and therefore cannot prescribe medication. A psychiatrist is a physician with a specialty in psychiatry and can prescribe drugs and medication.

Do veterinarians have to go to school longer than medical doctors?

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Prospective veterinarians must graduate with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M. or V.M.D.) degree from a 4-year program at an accredited college of veterinary medicine and must obtain a license to practice. There are 28 colleges in 26 States that meet accreditation standards set by the Council on Education of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). The prerequisites for admission vary. Many of these colleges do not require a bachelor's degree for entrance, but all require a significant number of credit hours-ranging from 45 to 90 semester hours-at the undergraduate level. However, most of the students admitted have completed an undergraduate program. Applicants without a bachelor's degree face a difficult task gaining admittance.

Preveterinary courses emphasize the sciences. Veterinary medical colleges typically require classes in organic and inorganic chemistry, physics, biochemistry, general biology, animal biology, animal nutrition, genetics, vertebrate embryology, cellular biology, microbiology, zoology, and systemic physiology. Some programs require calculus; some require only statistics, college algebra and trigonometry, or precalculus. Most veterinary medical colleges also require core courses, including some in English or literature, the social sciences, and the humanities. Increasingly, courses in practice management and career development are becoming a standard part of the curriculum, to provide a foundation of general business knowledge for new graduates.

In addition to satisfying preveterinary course requirements, applicants must submit test scores from the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), the Veterinary College Admission Test (VCAT), or the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), depending on the preference of the college to which they are applying. Currently, 22 schools require the GRE, 4 require the VCAT, and 2 accept the MCAT.

In admittance decisions, some veterinary medical colleges place heavy consideration on a candidate's veterinary and animal experience. Formal experience, such as work with veterinarians or scientists in clinics, agribusiness, research, or some area of health science, is particularly advantageous. Less formal experience, such as working with animals on a farm or ranch or at a stable or animal shelter, also is helpful. Students must demonstrate ambition and an eagerness to work with animals.

There is keen competition for admission to veterinary school. The number of accredited veterinary colleges has remained largely the same since 1983, whereas the number of applicants has risen significantly. Only about 1 in 3 applicants was accepted in 2004. AVMA-recognized veterinary specialties-such as pathology, internal medicine, dentistry, nutrition, ophthalmology, surgery, radiology, preventive medicine, and laboratory animal medicine-are usually in the form of a 2-year internship. Interns receive a small salary but usually find that their internship experience leads to a higher beginning salary, relative to those of other starting veterinarians. Veterinarians who seek board certification in a specialty also must complete a 3- to 4-year residency program that provides intensive training in specialties such as internal medicine, oncology, radiology, surgery, dermatology, anesthesiology, neurology, cardiology, ophthalmology, and exotic small-animal medicine.

All States and the District of Columbia require that veterinarians be licensed before they can practice. The only exemptions are for veterinarians working for some Federal agencies and some State governments. Licensing is controlled by the States and is not strictly uniform, although all States require the successful completion of the D.V.M. degree-or equivalent education-and a passing grade on a national board examination. The Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates (ECFVG) grants certification to individuals trained outside the United States who demonstrate that they meet specified requirements for the English language and for clinical proficiency. ECFVG certification fulfills the educational requirement for licensure in all States. Applicants for licensure satisfy the examination requirement by passing the North American Veterinary Licensing Exam (NAVLE),an 8-hour computer-based examination consisting of 360 multiple-choice questions covering all aspects of veterinary medicine. Administered by the National Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners (NBVME),the NAVLE includes visual materials designed to test diagnostic skills and constituting 10 percent of the total examination.

The majority of States also require candidates to pass a State jurisprudence examination covering State laws and regulations. Some States do additional testing on clinical competency as well. There are few reciprocal agreements between States, making it difficult for a veterinarian to practice in a different State without first taking that State's examination.

Nearly all States have continuing education requirements for licensed veterinarians. Requirements differ by State and may involve attending a class or otherwise demonstrating knowledge of recent medical and veterinary advances.

Most veterinarians begin as employees in established practices. Despite the substantial financial investment in equipment, office space, and staff, many veterinarians with experience set up their own practice or purchase an established one.

Newly trained veterinarians can become U.S. Government meat and poultry inspectors, disease-control workers, animal welfare and safety workers, epidemiologists, research assistants, or commissioned officers in the U.S. Public Health Service or various branches of the U.S. Armed Forces. A State license may be required.

Prospective veterinarians must have good manual dexterity. They should have an affinity for animals and the ability to get along with their owners, especially pet owners, who tend to form a strong bond with their pet. Veterinarians who intend to go into private practice should possess excellent communication and business skills, because they will need to manage their practice and employees successfully and promote, market, and sell their services.


Which subjects do you need to study at school to become a doctor?

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You need at least 5 subjects to be passed at a very high level, the main ones are:

Chemistry (compulsory)

Physics (compulsory/preferred)

Biology (preferred)

Mathematics (preferred)

English (preferred)

A modern language

Computing/technological studies

Physical Education

Can you major in psychology and the go to medical school to become a doctor MD?

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No, an MD is a medical doctor (physician). A PhD is doctorate degree but is a doctor of philosophy under which many specific programs of study fall.

Note: In High Finance and Investment Banking an MD is a Managing Director, but that's a management role and not a degree, however many of them have PhD degrees. "He's and MD or he was an MD", commonly heard on shows that deal with Wall Street and Capital Markets, Stock Trading, Etc.

Why do you want to go to medical school?

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If you want to be in the medical field I would recomend this job. It pays well and everything!

Does a psychologist have to go to medical school?

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A Psychologist takes an undergraduate course of study in psychology, then completes a graduate program (at least a Masters degree, but more often a Ph.D in psychology) in order to practice as a Psychologist. At this time (2014), there are some states which allow Psychologists to prescribe a limited number of medications, typically restricted to antidepressants, anxiolytics, antipsychotics and mood stabilizers, after additional pharmacology training. Most medication prescribing is done by Psychiatrists, however, which do go to medical school and complete residency training in Psychiatry.