


With only three living species, monotremes are a relatively small, unique group of egg-laying mammals. Questions and answers about monotremes, which are native to Australia and New Guinea, can be asked and found here.

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The reproductive system of a monotreme empties into the?

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The reproductive system of a monotreme (such as the platypus or echidna) empties into a cloaca, which is a single opening for excretory, digestive, and reproductive functions. The cloaca is found in both male and female monotremes, serving as the common exit point for waste and reproductive fluids.

Are otters Monotremes?

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No, otters are not monotremes. Monotremes are a group of egg-laying mammals that include the platypus and echidnas. Otters are classified as carnivorous mammals in the family Mustelidae, which also includes weasels, badgers, and martens.

What animal lays eggs but is not a mammal and it does not fly?

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Animals that don't lay eggs are called Mammals, as they give live birth and have hairs. But, as Mother Nature can be contrary, the echidna and the platypus, though mammals, lay eggs!

Give an example of an animal that fertilises its eggs in the same way as a human being does?

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One example of an animal that fertilizes its eggs in a similar way to humans is a chicken. Fertilization occurs internally when a rooster mates with a hen, and the sperm fertilizes the egg within the hen's reproductive tract.

What are the only three living species of monotremes?

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The only three living species of monotremes are the platypus and two species of echidna (short-beaked echidna and the long-beaked echidna). Monotremes are egg-laying mammals found in Australia and New Guinea.

What is a monotrem?

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A monotreme is a type of mammal that lays eggs instead of giving birth to live young. The platypus and echidna are the only existing monotreme species. They are unique in the animal kingdom for their combination of reptilian and mammalian characteristics.

What is the Scientific name for monotreme?

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The scientific name for monotremes is Monotremata. This group of mammals includes the platypus and echidnas, which are unique because they lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young.

Which two mammals reproduce by laying eggs?

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The only mammals that reproduce by laying eggs are the monotremes, and these include just the echidna and the platypus.

The platypus and the short-beaked echidna are native to Australia. There are two species of echidna: the long-beaked echidna and the short beaked echidna, both of which are found in New Guinea.

What country is home to the only known egg laying mammals in the world?

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There are three countries which are home to the only known egg-laying mammals in the world.

Australia is home to both the platypus and the short-beaked echidna.

Papua New Guinea is home to the short-beaked echidna and the long-beaked echidna.

Indonesia - that is, the part which occupies the western half of the island of New Guinea, is also home to the long-beaked echidna.

Do mammals lay their eggs in the water?

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Of all the thousands of species of mammals, only three lay eggs. The two species of echidna and the platypus are the only egg-laying mammals (monotremes).

Echidnas lay their egg directly into a pouch (really just a flap of skin) which they develop only during breeding season.

Platypuses lay their eggs in a chamber at the end of a burrow dug into the side of a riverbank or creekbank.

What is a list of monotremes?

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There are only three monotremes: the platypus, the short-beaked echidna and the long-beaked echidna.

There are three sub-species of the long-beaked echidna: the Western long-beaked echidna, Sir David's long-beaked echidna and the Eastern long-beaked echidna.

Mammals that lay eggs are termed as?

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Actually, not all animals that lay eggs are mammals, and not all mammals give live birth. Some snakes have livebirth(reptile), and the platapus(mammal), lays eggs. But, to answer your question, animal that lay eggs are called reptiles, amphibeans, fish, and birds.

What don't female monotremes have?

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Female monotremes are the only mammals which do not have nipples for the young mammals to suckle from. Monotremes, which are the echidnas and platypuses, feed their young on mothers' milk which is exuded from modified sweat glands, rather than from well-formed teats.

Female monotremes also do not have two external openings. They have just one external opening, the cloaca, for both waste elimination and for reproduction. The cloaca leads to the urinary, faecal and reproductive tracks, all of which join internally, and it is the orifice by which the female monotreme lays her eggs.

Is a gorilla a placental or monotremes?

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Marsupials, monotremes, and placentals are all types of mammals. To qualify as a mammal, an animal has to be warm blooded, have hair, and produce milk for its young. Alligators do not fit any of those criteria, because they are reptiles, not mammals. So they are not marsupials, monotremes, or placentals.

What are the three species of monotremes?

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There are just three species of monotreme: the platypus, the short-beaked echidna and the long-beaked echidna. Of the three species, the long-beaked echidna is the largest.

What bird is a mammal that lays eggs?

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There is no such thing as a bird that is a mammal. Mammals are one classification, and birds are another. All birds lay eggs. Most mammals do not lay eggs. The only exceptions are the monotremes, which include just the platypus and the echidna.

Is the tarsier hatch an egg or are they mammals?

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Nope - Tarsiers are mammals.

What are the 3 mammals that lay eggs?

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There are only three egg-laying mammals, which are known as monotremes: the platypus, the short-beaked echidna and the long-beaked echidna.

There are three sub-species of the long-beaked echidna: the Western long-beaked echidna, Sir David's long-beaked echidna and the Eastern long-beaked echidna.

Are birds monotremes?

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No, birds are strictly avians. Mammals that lay eggs are considered monotremes.

Name of the mammal that lays eggs and has scales?

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There is no mammal which lays eggs and has scales.

The only egg laying mammals, or monotremes, are the platypus and the echidna. The platypus has fur, and the echidna has fur and sharp spines.

The group of mammals that reproduce by laying eggs and generally have more primative traits than other mammals are what?

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Egg-laying mammals are called monotremes. However, the belief that they are more primitive than other mammals is a fallacy, and an outdated belief. Scientists no longer regard monotremes as "primitive" mammals.

What kind of creature is monotreme?

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The classification of monotremes is as follows:

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Subphylum: Vertebrata

Class: Mammalia

Subclass: Prototheria

Order: Monotremata

Why are plancetals more successful than marsupials and monotremes?

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Because placentals are the largest number of mammals.

Where do monotremes originate from?

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There are just three species of monotremes, or egg-laying mammals.

The natural environment of platypuses and short-beaked echidnas is located in Australia. The long-beaked echidna is found in Papua New Guinea.

What about what was the mammal that lays eggs?

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The only egg-laying mammals are those in the order Monotremata.

There are just three species of animal in this order, and they are the platypus, short-beaked echidna (both of Australia) and the long-beaked echidna (found in New Guinea).