


A common occurrence for some, a major upheaval for others. Help can be found on how to pack and protect property whether it is a few doors down or across an ocean.

500 Questions

What kinds of things make an area a good place to live?

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Asked by Wiki User

Good places to live typically have low crime rates, good schools, access to healthcare, job opportunities, affordable housing, a sense of community, and proximity to amenities such as parks, restaurants, and shops. Additionally, a good quality of life is often associated with clean environment, cultural activities, and recreational opportunities.

Is Chamblee Georgia a good place to live?

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Chamblee, Georgia is generally considered a good place to live due to its convenient location near Atlanta, diverse population, and growing economy. It offers a mix of residential, commercial, and recreational opportunities for residents. However, like any city, it is important to consider factors like cost of living, crime rates, and quality of schools before making a decision to move there.

How much does it cost to move from North Carolina to Georgia?

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The cost of moving from North Carolina to Georgia can vary depending on factors such as the distance, amount of items being moved, and the moving company chosen. On average, it may cost anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000 for a long-distance move of this nature. It's recommended to obtain quotes from multiple moving companies to compare prices.

Is moving to a new city an example of eustress?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, for some people. Moving to a new city can bring about positive changes such as new opportunities, experiences, and personal growth, which can be considered eustress. However, it can also lead to stress depending on the individual's perspective and how they perceive the change.

Why is moving so stressful?

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Asked by Wiki User

Moving can be stressful due to the physical labor involved, the emotional attachment to your current home, the uncertainty of the new location, and the disruption of routines. Additionally, the logistics of planning, packing, and coordinating the move can contribute to feelings of stress and overwhelm.

What is the difference in the unmoved mover and the forms?

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Asked by Bkharn2

The unmoved mover refers to Aristotle's concept of a prime mover that initiates all movement in the universe without being moved itself. The forms, on the other hand, refer to Plato's theory of abstract universal principles or ideas that provide the foundation for all physical objects and concepts in the world. While the unmoved mover is a causal principle related to motion, the forms are metaphysical principles related to the nature of reality.

When 18 can your parents stop you from moving to Europe or anywhere else?

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Asked by Woomboo

In most countries, parents have legal authority over their children until they reach the age of majority, which is typically 18. However, once you turn 18, you have the legal right to make your own decisions, including where you choose to live. If you're over 18, your parents cannot stop you from moving to Europe or any other location.

Is illegal to move country alone under the age of 18?

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It varies by country, but generally, minors under 18 can face legal complications when crossing borders without parental consent or proper documentation. It is important to research the laws of both the current and destination country and ensure all necessary permissions and paperwork are obtained to prevent any legal issues.

Will I get in trouble if i dont let the landlord know that my boyfriend lives with me?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends on the terms of your lease agreement. Some landlords may require all occupants to be listed on the lease, while others may have restrictions on overnight guests. It's generally best to inform your landlord to avoid any potential issues or violations of the lease agreement.

What is the law for 18 year olds moving out of the parets house?

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In most places, at 18 years old, individuals are legally considered adults and can move out of their parents' house without parental permission. However, it's important to check local laws as they can vary. Additionally, it's advisable for individuals to have a plan in place for their housing, finances, and other essentials before moving out.

Can a family of 4 rent a 1 bedroom apt legally in NJ?

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Yes, a family of 4 can legally rent a 1-bedroom apartment in New Jersey. Under fair housing laws, landlords cannot discriminate against families with children when renting housing. However, it's important to ensure that the apartment meets local occupancy and health codes.

An 18 year old is moving out of her parents house and will not tell them where she is going How can they prove they are no longer responsible for her?

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The parents can provide evidence that they have no control over the 18-year-old anymore by terminating financial support, removing her from medical insurance, and contacting local authorities to report her as a missing person. They can also consider seeking legal advice to clarify their responsibilities.

How often does the average family in the us move or migrate?

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Asked by Wiki User

On average, families in the US tend to move every five years. However, this can vary based on individual circumstances such as job changes, housing market conditions, and personal preferences.

Conditions drive people from their homes?

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Conditions such as natural disasters, war, and economic instability can force people to leave their homes in search of safety, stability, and opportunity. This displacement often results in refugees seeking asylum in other countries or becoming internally displaced within their own country. It is a complex issue that requires humanitarian support and long-term solutions to address the root causes.

Do you have to change residency after you move to another state?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you typically need to establish residency in your new state by updating your driver's license, registering your vehicle, and updating your voter registration. Each state has its own requirements for establishing residency, so you should research the specific rules for your new state.

If you move how long do you have to declare residency in your new state?

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Asked by Wiki User

The time limit to declare residency in a new state varies depending on the state's laws, but generally, it's around 30-90 days. It's important to update your driver's license, vehicle registration, and voter registration within this timeframe.

What percentage of people live in the town in which they were born?

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Asked by Wiki User

According to some estimates, around 40-45% of people worldwide live in the town in which they were born. This percentage can vary depending on factors such as culture, economic opportunities, and migration patterns.

Can you claim residency in a state before living there?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, you cannot claim residency in a state before actually living there. Residency is typically determined by where you physically reside and intend to make your permanent home. There are specific requirements that must be met, such as living in the state for a certain period of time, before you can establish residency.

What changes in or to a neighborhood can effect the community?

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Changes such as new developments, transportation improvements, safety enhancements, and community programs can positively impact a neighborhood by increasing property values, fostering a sense of connection among residents, and improving overall quality of life. Conversely, negative changes like increased crime, commercial sprawl, or lack of affordable housing can lead to disinvestment and a decline in community well-being.

What is the law on moving out of your house when you are a 17 year old without your mother's permission in North Carolina?

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Asked by Wiki User

In North Carolina, a minor who is at least 16 years old can file a petition with the court for emancipation. This may allow them to live independently without parental consent. It's important to seek legal advice and guidance to understand the process and implications of emancipation in such circumstances.

How long does it take to Change State Residency?

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Asked by Wiki User

Changing state residency can vary in time depending on the state's specific requirements. Typically, it involves establishing a permanent home in the new state, updating your driver's license, registering to vote, and updating other legal documents. This process can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months.

Can you leave home at 17 in Louisiana with your parents being able to make you come back?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Louisiana, the legal age of majority is 18, so you cannot leave home without your parents' consent until you reach that age. However, if you leave home before 18, your parents can ask the authorities to bring you back home, as they are still legally responsible for you until you turn 18.

What is the cost of living in Florida?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you are going to travel in Florida then staying in Panama City Beach is budget friendly because Panama City beach Florida condos provide luxury vacation rentals and beautiful location at moderate rates.

Why did pioneers burn down their houses when moving?

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Pioneers sometimes burned down their houses when moving to prevent the spread of disease, get rid of pests, or to leave nothing behind for potential attackers or squatters. It was also a way to mark the end of their time in a particular place and start fresh in a new location.

How do you move an organ from one church to another?

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Moving an organ from one church to another requires careful planning and coordination. It involves hiring professional movers with experience in transporting delicate and heavy instruments, ensuring the organ is properly disassembled, packed, moved, and assembled at the new location. It is important to consider factors like the size of the organ, the distance between the two churches, and any potential logistical challenges that may arise during the process.