


Native American Spirituality

Native American Spirituality refers to the teachings, traditions, rituals and stories of the First Peoples of North America. As these teachings vary, between Peoples, generic answers sometimes can be misleading and answers should refer to the teachings of a particular People or group of Peoples whenever possible.

500 Questions

What kind of vegetables did Daniel eat?

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If the questioner is referring to the Daniel of biblical times, he and his friends would have most likely eaten meat (sheep and goat), fish, fruits and vegetables, and wine.

What were Comanches religious beliefs?

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Comanches like many Southern plains Indians practiced an earth-based

belief system sometimes referred to as shamanism. There is no particular name

for these practices. The Apache had a different way, the Sioux another.

Quanah Parker was the last of the Comanche chiefs. When he was introduced to the religion of the white, he founded the "Native American Church" It is nothing like the Christian church. Indians of different tribes may belong to it.

What is the cosmological argument trying to prove?

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Short answer: No.

It alleges that there is a problem that "anything that exists must have a cause, the universe exists, and therefore then universe must have a cause." and replaces it with a bigger problem: By saying that God is the first cause you are saying that God exists and therefore the argument applies to God and God must have a cause. This would then become infinite as whatever caused God must have a cause and whatever caused that must have a cause and so on.

The other big problem is that the argument doesn't even say that the first cause had to be God, it just says there had to be a first cause... That first cause could have been natural.


The above answer hints at something which atheist (and indeed theist) philosophers widely regard as false. If God is used as an explanation for the universe, then we do not need to apply arguments of cause to God. This is a mistake that many prominent atheists (notably Richard Dawkins) make when they say "God doesn't explain anything, because you can just ask who made God?"

A counterexample for the idea that explanations must be explainable is subatomic particles. We said there are protons and neutrons and electrons because they explained the behaviour of atoms, even though it turned the small question "why are atoms like that?" into a much bigger question "why are electrons and protons and neutrons like that?"

The reason why the cosmological argument is largely dismissed by philosophers is that it relies on a number of difficult assumptions (A-model of time, laws within the universe to apply to the universe as a whole, rigidity of logic outside of the universe, etc.) is highly speculative (we have no real evidence to push us either way) and any conclusion one way or the other would actually be meaningless. If we conclude that there does have to be a first cause, then what was it? It could be a scientific anomaly, a cosmic accident, any of the deities worshipped by the millions of religions throughout history, or one that none of them managed to find.

What type of religion was practiced by many northwest coast native American?

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Many of the NW tribes are related to plains and their traditional ceremony is Sun Dance. Many have converted to Christianity.

How many different Gods do the Indians have?

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yes, they do. there are so many of them. well actually almost all everything in the world is related to Gods and Goddesses. e.g books are related to God Vinayaka or Lord Ganesha. and cows are related to Lord Shiva and that is why Hindus don't eat beef. and so most hindus calculate almost everything as Gods or Goddessed

What are the samples of opening and closing prayer?

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Asked by Rykel

One User Said:

This would depend on the kind of class and the particular prayer you are looking for. Some examples are:

  • Lord, may all that we do this day, from morning until the end of our classes, begin with your inspiration, and continue with your powerful help. May our work this day be rooted in love and mercy, that we may love you, and love our neighbors, as perfectly as you love us. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Other Users Said:
  • In the USA, it is illegal under the establishment clause of the First Amendment for any employee of a public school to lead students in or require students to pray. Do not open your school class with a prayer.
  • The following opening prayer may be used in sectarian religious schools and in other schools if permitted by the education authorities, although individual children may require to be excused from participating in this ceremony. As there are legal considerations, express permission should be sought in schools other than religious schools: Dear God / Help us to cooperate when having a group activities / Guide us to listen to teacher attentively / This we ask in Jesus name.

What direction to hang a dream catcher?

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Hanging a dream catcher in a particular direction is not important. The important thing to understand is that the dream catcher is only a symbol of the magic within the dreamer.

What are some examples of native American good luck charms?

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A penny, a rabbits foot, a rock, a necklace, any coin can be consider to be a good luck charm.The four-leaf clover is the best known lucky symbol around the world and across many very different cultures. It is the most common yet the hardest to find. On average, there are 100,000 three leaf clovers for every instance of a true four leaf clover.

A written charm has the most power.

What is the Hupa Indian's religion?

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The Hupa roasted meat on sticks over an open fire, or buried it in the coals until it was cooked. They boiled food in watertight baskets by dropping in hot coals. Meat and fish were preserved by smoking. Acorns were ground into flour, and then boiled into a mush.

What were the religious elements in New England Puritanism the Native American religious that causes them to clash?

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Puritans saw Native Americans as sinful and irredeemable heathens. They had no interest in accepting other cultures and even less in respecting native religious beliefs or practices.

What kinds of tools did the Tigua use?

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The tiguas generally used bow and arrows to hunt and hide shields during war. Tiguas used bone hoes to stir up the ground for farming.


Where do mandalas come from?

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The word maṇḍala (मण्डल) comes from the ancient Indian language Sanskrit, and means "circle." Maṇḍala refers to the sections of work of the Ṛgveda, and is also used to describe imagry in spiritual practice and meditation within the Indian traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism. An example of a maṇḍala from these religions would be the geometric designs called yantras.

One theory on the origin of maṇḍalas (particularly yantras), is based on the geometric patterns created by sound frequency. Each frequency arranges particles in a different pattern, as illustrated by sand on a drum or speaker. This suggests that maṇḍalas (yantras) may be linked with the concept of creation through sound - Speech (Sanskrit, vāk - वाक्) or Word (Greek, logos - λόγος).

The term maṇḍala is sometimes applied to similar imagry found outside of Indian religions, including Christianity (eg. celtic cross) and Native American traditions (eg. medicine wheels).

What do Native Americans wear and why?

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There are hundreds of Native American Cultures. They range from California to Maine and from Alaska to Panama. These cultures can be as different as African Cultures are from Inuit Cultures. If you want to learn about Native Americans and how they dressed you should pick a specific Native American Tribe to learn about and then another to compare to.

Here is a link to help you on your quest for information.

So, your question is "What do Native Americans wear and why?" I am wearing a hoody and jeans today because it's cold outside.

Can people morph into animals?

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Answer 1:

No. People cannot morph into animals. There were some rumors that, back in the early ages, people were able to morph into animals and there were various stories on that. Today, however, you cannot morph into an animal. Although some people claim that morphing into animals is possible, it is indeed impossible. Answer 2:

It is a belief among many tribal people that man can, or used to, have this ability, as: * Yes, and they are called "Navajo Skinwalkers" -- Yeenaaldlooshii in Navajo -- and they do exist. * I have read Native American stories that they used to morph into animals: the "Mothman" for example... I don't think people can do that... As a spirit, YES, but because they have no shape at all. * They can in the books "Animorphs." They are really good books for 12-year-olds. * Our friends the Vikings thought warriors could morph into bears during battle. These were the "Berserkers" (Bear shirts). * There's an amusing Cree (North Alberta Tribe) tale called "Deer Feces Woman," where a young man falls in love with a girl after being lost in the forest. By spring they have a baby -- then she turns back into a pile of deer scat.

Zeus, the Greek god, could turn into animals on demand. * In Hrolf Kraki's "Saga," a story written about the same time as "Beowulf," several of the characters turn into animals or part-animals. * We all have friends who turn into orangutans after a beer or few. * The only known case of this is that of the aboriginal people of Australia. Prior to colonization it was used as a traditional hunting method for Kangaroos and other flighty game. * When Australia was colonized the Europeans considered this to be a form of "devil worshiping witchcraft" and promptly put to death all known elders who were capable of carrying out this amazing feat. * It is rumored that the ability may not have been completely lost and that some aboriginal people living in the deep interior of Australia still use it as a method of hunting. Answer 3:

It is physically impossible for humans to change into animals, period.

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What chores did Native American children have on missions?

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Some native American chores where hunting with the father for the boys and helping in the kitchen with the mothers.

Spiritual meaning of a Red Tailed Hawk?

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The Hawk symbolizes strength, truth and intuition. The hawk is a messenger, the bearer of news. The hawk teaches us to scope out situations and focus on our talents. Hawk learns to see the big picture in order to understand the past, present, and future. The hawk asks us to be observant of our surroundings so we won't get distracted from our path by others.

What contrast is Chief Seattle making when he said - the Native American religion exists in the hearts of the people while the religion of the whites is written on table?

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Here is the quotation by Chief Seattle:

"Your religion was written on tables of stone by the iron finger of an angry God, lest you might forget it. The red man could never remember nor comprehend it.

Our religion is the traditions of our ancestors, the dreams of our old men, given them by the great Spirit, and the visions of our sachems, and is written in the hearts of our people."

What kind of vegetables did Daniel from the bible eat?

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While the other young people who had been captured, were being fed 'delicacies of the king', Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah all insisted on eating vegetables and water, and did MUCH better. (Daniel 1:11-17)

Are Native American religions best described as monotheistic polytheistic or monistic?

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The natives of North America were not a single bloc of spiritual belief.

Religions of the first nations peoples before the European conquest range from the monotheistic (Iroquois) to the ploytheistic (Aztec). There was also a fair amount of pantheism (god in everything)

One problem is that much of the initial descriptions of the spiritual side of thes peoples was written by the conquerors who has their own biased outlook. Aztec texts were burned, native spirituality was crushed. Pesent beliefs may be contaminated to some extent by borrowed pieces of Christianity.

How much does a handmade dream catcher cost?

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A dream catcher does not cost much. Some fall in the range of $22.00 to over $40.00 and more, and some can be had at discount or import stores for just $3 to $4 and up.

What were the Sioux beliefs?

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The Sioux believed that they were from the sacred land just like the animals and plants and they felt as if the land was their mother.

So if they ploughed the land it was as if the ripped of their mother's breast.