


Native American Spirituality

Native American Spirituality refers to the teachings, traditions, rituals and stories of the First Peoples of North America. As these teachings vary, between Peoples, generic answers sometimes can be misleading and answers should refer to the teachings of a particular People or group of Peoples whenever possible.

500 Questions

How much does a handmade dream catcher cost?

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A dream catcher does not cost much. Some fall in the range of $22.00 to over $40.00 and more, and some can be had at discount or import stores for just $3 to $4 and up.

What were the Sioux beliefs?

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The Sioux believed that they were from the sacred land just like the animals and plants and they felt as if the land was their mother.

So if they ploughed the land it was as if the ripped of their mother's breast.

What role did nature play in many native American religious beliefs?

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Native Americans recognized what they termeds the great Spirit. Nature played a big role in their beliefs and practices. How one worshiped however was up to the individual for there was no assembly for worship services. Animals were considered a gift from the Great Spirit and were not to be killed unnecessarily. The primary Spiritual leader among early Americans were the medicine men or Shaman. Some on occasion gives record of Holy men or Holy Women who were thought to be better able to communicate with the Great Spirit. Some Native Americans held animal life to be symbolisms the Spirit communicated through. Some, when slaying an animal for a necessary purpose would then apoligize to the animal, explaing why it had to be killed.

How many gods did the Indians have?

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Indians have 330 gods but im not sure about the native Indians

What is Cheyenne Bottoms and where is it located?

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Cheyenne Bottoms is in northern Barton County in Kansas and is a natural depression from prehistoric times. It is a birding attraction on the Cnetral flyway and is on the RAMSAR list of wetlenads of international importance.It ocvers 41,000 acres totally.

Do the Ottawa tribe believe in god?

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No, most North American first nations had either a pantheon of gods or were pantheistic where "gods" or spirits inhabited everything. The Algonquian tribes in the area had the concept of Gichi-manidoo or Great Spirit which the early Christian missionaries seized on as meaning the equivalent of the Christian god as they (the missionaries) felt the role of creator god had to be filled somehow in all religions (The same happened in Norway etc where Odin was seen as the Christian god equivalent). The roles were not the same but the misunderstanding of the term continues.

Who kept the money after Judas Iscariot's death?

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A:There are two quite different explanations of the disposition of the money. They both have Judas Iscariot dying a horrible death, although in markedly different circumstances.

Matthew 27:3-5 says that Judas repented of what he had done and took the thirty pieces of silver back to the Temple and cast them down at the priests. He then went away and committed suicide. The priests spent the money on buying a field to use as a cemetery.

In Acts of the Apostles, Judas was no doubt pleased to be suddenly rich, and purchased a field with the money he had received. Unfortunately for him, he fell down and died, his bowels gushing out. He had already spent the money, and we are not told what happened to the field. It would be usual for it to pass to his family members.

How many types of IM accounts is there?

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How many types of Kobele I.M. accounts are there

What events did they do at the Lumbee pow wows?

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The Lumbee tribe was invented in 1957 after they chose to call themselves Croatan then Cherokees but were not associated with the cherokee tribe at all because they were unsure of their ancestry .The lumbee never were federal wards or part of any reservation of sovereign indian tribe they were basically individuals that felt they had some part indian ancestry and didnt no longer want to be identified as Mulatto or black and white mixed,the lumbee have no real indian culture but have recently copied western powwow cloths and dances.They have been refused federal recognition over the last 100years because of contraversy of the origins and recently sought a casino with a las vegas gambling firm.No group of historian or scientist have come out to proclaim any real proof of lumbee indian ancestry other than Lumbees themselves and lumbee websites.

I am picking up my fathers ashes tomorrow should you do sage burning prior to bringing him home?

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Yes. A combination of sage / cedar would be in order.

Sage: Cleansing, balancing, banishing the negative and strengthening.

Cedar: Calming, comfort, purity and protection

What was the caddos religion?

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what is the caddo religiongs