

Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear fusion is the phenomenon in which multiple atomic nuclei combine to form a single, larger nucleus. Fusion mostly occurs under extreme conditions, due to the large amount of energy it requires. Thus, examples of fusion tend to be exotic; such as stellar nucleosynthesis, the creation of new elements, and thermonuclear weapons.

500 Questions

How does nuclear fission related from nuclear fusion?

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Nuclear fission is the process of splitting a large atomic nucleus into smaller ones, releasing energy. Nuclear fusion, on the other hand, is when atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, also releasing energy. Both processes release enormous energy but in different ways, with fusion being the process that powers the sun and stars.

Nuclear fusion powers the sun what elements are fused together in the sun?

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In the sun, hydrogen atoms are fused together to create helium through a process called nuclear fusion. This fusion reaction releases a tremendous amount of energy in the form of light and heat, which powers the sun and sustains life on Earth.

Is nuclear fusion better than fission?

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Nuclear fusion has the potential to be better than fission because it produces more energy, generates less radioactive waste, and uses abundant fuel sources like hydrogen isotopes. However, fusion technology is still in development and faces challenges in achieving sustainable reactions.

How does helium help us?

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Helium is used in various ways, such as in cryogenics to cool superconducting magnets, in diving to reduce the risk of decompression sickness, in medical imaging like MRI machines, and in balloons for celebrations due to its lightness and non-flammability.

What are drawbacks of nuclear fusion?

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Some drawbacks of nuclear fusion include the high cost of research and development, the challenge of controlling the fusion reaction at high temperatures and pressures, and the potential risks associated with radioactive materials and waste management. Additionally, the technology is not yet commercially viable for large-scale energy production.

Differentiate nuclear fusion from nuclear fission using diagram?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nuclear fusion involves combining atomic nuclei to create a heavier nucleus, releasing energy in the process. In contrast, nuclear fission involves splitting an atomic nucleus into smaller fragments, also releasing energy. In fusion, more energy is released compared to fission under the same conditions, but fusion reactions are more difficult to initiate and control.

What is a major disadvantage of using nuclear fusion reactors?

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One major disadvantage of using nuclear fusion reactors is the challenge of controlling and sustaining the extreme conditions required for fusion reactions to occur, such as high temperatures and pressures. Additionally, the technology is still in the developmental stage and has not yet been deployed on a large scale for energy production.

Distinguish between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion?

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Nuclear fission is the splitting of an atomic nucleus into smaller parts, releasing energy. It is the process used in nuclear power plants and atomic bombs. Nuclear fusion is the combining of two atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, also releasing energy. It is the process that powers the sun and hydrogen bombs.

Nuclear fusion on the sun changes hydrogen into?

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Nuclear fusion on the sun changes hydrogen into helium. This process releases energy in the form of light and heat. It is the source of the sun's power and the reason for its brightness and warmth.

How does fusion release energy?

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Fusion releases energy when two light atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus. During this process, a small amount of mass is converted into a large amount of energy following Einstein's equation E=mc^2. This energy is released in the form of electromagnetic radiation such as gamma rays and kinetic energy of the particles involved.

What is the process called when hydrogen atoms fuse together to form helium?

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Nuclear fusion. This is the process the sun uses to radiate all that light and heat.

Is nuclear fusion used in the military?

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Nuclear fusion has been researched for military applications, such as developing fusion-powered weapons or propulsion systems. However, there are no known operational military uses of nuclear fusion technology at present.

What happens to the matter that is consumed in nuclear fusion?

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The matter that is "consumed" is converted into energy, according the the equation E=mc2.

The original matter mostly becomes the final matter, though a small amount is converted into heat. The amount converted into heat is small enough however, that the larger subatomic particles are all accounted for.

We could take as an example a fusion reaction in which a deuterium atom and a tritium atom are fused into helium. Deuterium and tritium are both isotopes of hydrogen, 2H and 3H respectively. The 2H nucleus consists of one proton and one neutron. The 3H nucleus consists of one proton and two neutrons. Each atom also has one electron. The total before fusion is two protons, two electrons, and three neutrons.

After the fusion takes place, the product is one helium atom, of the isotope 4He, plus one free neutron. The 4He atom has two protons and two neutrons, plus two electrons. Thus, the total of particles after fusion is two protons, two electrons, and three neutrons. In this case, however, the helium atom and the neutron are both very, very hot.

So the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons is the same after the reaction as it was before.

The equation on converting between energy and mass is E=mc2, as you know. The amount of energy released in the fusion example above is the difference between the mc2 before the reaction and the mc2 after the reaction. While this difference in mass is so small that it is not reflected in the counts of large subatomic particles, it is nonetheless there.

The masses, in Atomic Mass units, of the atoms and the neutron are:

at the beginning

2H - 2.014102

3H - 3.016049

which add to 5.030151

at the end

n - 1.008665

4He - 4.002602

which add to 5.011267

so the difference between the masses before and after the reaction is 0.018884 atomic mass units, which represents the amount of mass converted into energy in the reaction.

3 advantages nuclear fusion has over nuclear fission?

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  1. Nuclear fusion produces significantly more energy per reaction compared to nuclear fission.
  2. Fusion fuel sources are more abundant and easier to obtain than fission fuel sources.
  3. Fusion reactions do not produce long-lived radioactive waste like fission reactions do.

What is triple fusion?

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Triple fusion is a process in plants where three individual nuclei from the male gamete (pollen) join together with two nuclei in the female gamete (ovule) during fertilization. This results in the formation of a triploid cell which eventually develops into the endosperm of the seed, providing essential nutrients for the growing embryo.

Describe how nuclear fusion generates the suns energy?

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In the sun, nuclear fusion occurs when hydrogen atoms combine to form helium. This process releases a large amount of energy in the form of light and heat. The immense pressure and temperature at the sun's core enable this fusion reaction to occur, sustaining the sun's energy output.

Is nuclear fusion cost efficient?

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Currently, nuclear fusion is not considered cost efficient compared to other energy sources like fossil fuels or renewables due to the high costs associated with research, development, and construction of fusion power plants. However, ongoing advancements in fusion technology aim to reduce costs and make it more competitive in the future.

Which of these is a challenge related to nuclear fusion reactions?

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It is technically challenging to create these reactions safely and efficiently.

Nuclear fusion releases energy in what form?

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Nuclear fusion releases energy in the form of heat and light. This occurs when the nuclei of two atoms combine to form a new, heavier nucleus, releasing a large amount of energy in the process.

Where to get fusion available for karn in breath of fire?

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In "Breath of Fire," Karn's fusion ability becomes available after unlocking the ability to fuse with Gobi. To do this, you have to recruit both Gobi and Mote into your party and then talk to Mote in the Shamans' town. This will trigger a series of events that eventually unlock the fusion ability for Karn.

Is heat produced by nuclear fusion causes stars to glow true or false?

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Asked by Wiki User

True. Heat produced by nuclear fusion in the core of stars causes them to shine brightly and emit light and heat into space.

What is intertransverse fusion?

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Intertransverse fusion is a surgical procedure where the transverse processes of two adjacent vertebrae are fused together using bone grafts or implants to stabilize the spine after injury or degeneration. This fusion restricts movement and can help alleviate pain in certain spinal conditions.

Which gas is produced by nuclear fusion?

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The primary gas produced by nuclear fusion is helium. In the Sun, hydrogen nuclei fuse to form helium nuclei, releasing large amounts of energy in the process. Helium is a byproduct of this fusion reaction.

What was the main purpose of the hydrogen bomb?

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The main purpose of the hydrogen bomb was to create a much more powerful and destructive nuclear weapon than the atomic bomb. It was designed to release energy from nuclear fusion reactions, which is many times greater than that of nuclear fission reactions used in atomic bombs.

What element is used in nuclear fusion and in what forms?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hydrogen is the primary element used in nuclear fusion. In fusion reactors, isotopes of hydrogen - deuterium and tritium - are typically used as fuel to create the high temperatures and pressures necessary for fusion reactions to occur.