


Includes questions related to the research, preparation and composition of academic outlines.

500 Questions

How do you outline a question?

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Asked by Wiki User

To outline a question, you can start with a clear and concise statement that clearly presents the main topic or issue you want to inquire about. Ensure that the question is specific and focused, with supporting details or context included. Lastly, consider different perspectives or angles that could be explored within the question to make it more comprehensive.

Can you give me the example of subtopic outline?

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Asked by Wiki User

Certainly! A subtopic outline is a detailed breakdown of the main topics within a piece of writing. For instance, if your main topic is "The Benefits of Exercise," your subtopic outline might include headings like "Physical Benefits," "Mental Health Benefits," and "Social Benefits," each with bullet points outlining specific details under each subtopic.

Can i use asking question to reader in an essay?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you can use questions to engage the reader in an essay. It can help stimulate critical thinking and make the essay more interactive and thought-provoking. However, be cautious not to overuse questions and ensure they are relevant to your essay's content.

What statement tells what a conclusion does?

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Asked by Wiki User

A conclusion summarizes the main points of the argument or discussion and provides a final thought or insight. It serves to bring closure to the topic and leave a lasting impression on the audience.

Can you give me an example of a topic outline?

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Asked by Wiki User

I. Introduction A. Background information II. Main points A. Point 1 1. Subpoint 2. Subpoint B. Point 2 1. Subpoint 2. Subpoint III. Conclusion A. Summary B. Closing thoughts

What are the differences between intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligences?

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Asked by Wiki User

Intrapersonal intelligence refers to self-awareness and self-understanding, whereas interpersonal intelligence refers to the ability to understand and interact effectively with others. Intrapersonal intelligence involves self-reflection and introspection, while interpersonal intelligence involves empathy, communication, and cooperation with others.

What would be an appropriate topic for a personal essay?

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An account of your personal difficulty and eventual triumph in learning to draw with charcoal

What are the advantages of objective test?

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Asked by Wiki User

Objective tests provide clear and quantifiable assessments of knowledge and skills. They are typically efficient to administer and grade, making them suitable for large groups of test-takers. Additionally, objective tests are less prone to examiner bias compared to subjective tests.

What does outline your answer mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Outline your answer" means to provide a brief summary or structure of your response before delving into the details. It helps organize your thoughts and makes your answer more coherent and easy to follow.

What is Sam's purpose in writing this essay?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sam's purpose in writing this essay is to present a persuasive argument, provide evidence to support their claims, and ultimately convince the readers of their viewpoint or argument on a particular topic.

Can you give me a thesis statement for how the treatment of prisoners reflect on a country's honor?

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Asked by Wiki User

The treatment of prisoners reflects a country's commitment to justice, morality, and human rights. Poor treatment, such as abuse or neglect, tarnishes a country's reputation and undermines its claim to uphold honor and dignity. A nation that values respect for all individuals, even those incarcerated, demonstrates its true commitment to honorable principles.

What is a three-prong thesis in an essay?

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Asked by Wiki User

A three-prong thesis in an essay is a statement that outlines the main argument or points that will be discussed in the essay. It typically consists of three key ideas that support the main thesis statement and provide structure to the essay. Each prong serves as a separate focus of discussion within the essay.

Should people aim for moderation in all things?

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Asked by Wiki User

Striving for moderation in all things can lead to a balanced and fulfilling life. However, there may be instances where extremes are necessary for personal growth or achievements. It is important to find a healthy balance that promotes well-being and happiness.

What does topic statement have to inclue?

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Asked by Wiki User

A topic statement should clearly identify the main subject or issue being discussed in the writing. It should be specific, concise, and provide a clear sense of direction for the reader to understand the focus of the content.

How do you make a sub-thesis?

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Asked by Wiki User

To create a sub-thesis, identify a specific aspect or argument within your main thesis that you want to explore in more detail. This sub-thesis should support and contribute to the overall argument of your main thesis. Develop a clear statement that outlines the focus of your sub-thesis and how it connects back to the main thesis. Structure your sub-thesis around evidence or examples that help strengthen and elaborate on your main thesis.

How do you write a debate outline?

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Asked by Wiki User

First, introduce the topic and provide background information. Then, list key arguments for both sides of the debate, including evidence or examples to support each point. Finally, outline a conclusion that summarizes the main points and makes a final argument to support your position.

What is the most important reasons for limiting the number of main ideas in an outline?

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Asked by Wiki User

Limiting the number of main ideas in an outline helps maintain focus and clarity, making it easier for readers to follow the structure and key points. It also prevents overwhelming the audience with too much information at once, ensuring that each main idea receives adequate attention and elaboration.

How do you end a comparison Essay?

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Asked by Wiki User

To end a comparison essay, you can summarize the main points of comparison between the two subjects, restate your thesis statement, and offer a concluding thought or insight on the significance of the comparison. Additionally, you can leave the reader with a thought-provoking question or a call to action related to the comparison.

What are the causes and effects of kaingin system?

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Asked by Wiki User

This is a way that the environment is being destroyed. It is the process of burning down trees and will cause landslides and flash floods in many area.

Do you put all three of your main ideas in your opening paragraph or do you just give one and introduce the second main idea in the end of your first main idea paragraph and so on?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is typically more effective to introduce all three main ideas in your opening paragraph to provide cohesion and a clear roadmap for the reader. This approach helps establish the structure of your argument or discussion upfront, making it easier for readers to follow your line of thinking.

How do you write a high school magnet program admissions essay topic about why do you think that you would succeed in this environment?

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Asked by Wiki User

When writing the admissions essay for a high school magnet program on why you believe you would succeed in that environment, focus on highlighting your specific skills, interests, and experiences that align with the program's offerings. Be sure to showcase your passion for the subject matter and your willingness to participate actively in the school's academic and extracurricular activities. Emphasize how the program's environment can help you achieve your academic and personal goals.

If you were outlining an essay using the sentences bellow which one would you use as your thesis statement?

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Asked by Wiki User

The thesis statement should be a clear and concise summary of the main argument or point of the essay. Without the sentences to choose from, I can't determine which one would be the best thesis statement.

Ideas on an argument to write an essay on Hobbes and Locke?

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Asked by Wiki User

You could argue that while both Hobbes and Locke advocated for a social contract theory, their ideas on the role of government and individual rights differ significantly. Hobbes believed in a powerful, centralized government to maintain order, while Locke favored a limited government with a focus on protecting individual rights and property. Comparing and contrasting these two perspectives can highlight the fundamental differences between their philosophies on governance and human nature.

Which of the following sentence from the essay would you say is the thesis statement?

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Asked by Wiki User

Polite questions may seem unnecessary,but they actually represent a kind of social bonding that has existed for as language has beenm spoken.

Could you give me a Thesis for nectar in a sieve?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sure! A possible thesis for "Nectar in a Sieve" could be: "The novel 'Nectar in a Sieve' explores the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity, highlighting the importance of perseverance and hope amidst challenges such as poverty, modernization, and loss."