

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a type of anxiety disorder that occurs after a traumatic event such as a natural disaster, war or assault.

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Is Post traumatic Stress Disorder a mood disorder or anxiety disorder?

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Asked by Wiki User

PTSD is an emotional disorder brought about by unresolved trauma, both physical and emotional. It is possible that there are somatic issues as well, but this is still under investigation. For now, it is what the name implies: a disorder that makes it impossible for people to live normal emotional lives without treatment.

What is Post Traumatic Stress?

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Asked by Wiki User

PTSD is a psychological disorder that involves a maladaptive reaction to a traumatic event. People with this disorder usually have a continuous problem of adjustment, even after several years after the traumatic event has passed. Symptoms are avoiding anything that reminds them of the event, traumatic flashbacks, depression or severe anxiety, difficulties relaxing , and difficulties feeling strong emotions. Common suffers of PTSD are people that have AIDS, cancer, or were once in combat.

Where does PTSD come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

PTSD comes from being in traumatic situations, like in combat. it comes from being separated from your loved ones whilst being in combat, or as equally traumatic place and time. it is not somehing to be joked about and if not treated properly can lead to all kinds of downfalls for the person afflicted. it is not something that happens to just "weak willed people" it can and will take down the biggest and toughest..

my personal opinion of how it comes about is by sticking someone in that kind of place after being told your whole life that is against god to kill someone, having to kill or be killed... watching your buddy die in front of you, losing a family member while they were there in combat to a roadside bomb... wondering everynight if you are going to make it home again. lack of sleep and proper food while you are there, people trying to make life harder..

also soldiers are jacked up with all kinds of vaccines, who knows what the hell is in them or how they will react with each individual.. most vaccines contain mercury and hello that will effect your brain....

i don't know if there is one pinpointed answer for this one.. If you do know someone afflicted with PTSD, my only advice for you is to try to love them even more, as they really need it. they need your support and to know that you are still proud of them.

that would be a good first step to help them handle it.

It is caused from someone experiencing a traumatic event, like serving in a war zone. Also known as shell shock. It can also happen from something like a horrific car accident where there are friends or family killed.

Did the movie shutter island have any PTSD related in it?

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No non of it is real... At the time if you notice there was really no scary movies... So the producer knew he was goin to make big money. And plus its not even scary my 9 yr. old daugher watched and didnt think it was scary.

How a leader should act?

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a leader should be a good listner,

a leader should be a student

a leader is a person who will respect others and their thoughts

a leader should be ladder to success

Will PTSD cause you to get discharged from the army?

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The determination of this will depend upon the individual soldier's direct chain of command. They will take into consideration, utilizing regulations that are available to soldiers in book form through their S-1/personnel office, performance, medical requirements of their MOS and/or combat readiness (if applicable). There are different medical and psychological discharge sections, as well as specific procedural guidelines that must be followed, so it is best to learn about them as soon as possible, and to be aware of one's own medical/psychological and/or profile status. Do not assume that the guidelines are being followed by those making the determination - always double check. Mistakes and oversights do occur. Being one's own advocate is key.

PTSD what can I do so my family knows about my ptsd and knows that I hsve bonderies and when I say stop or no I mean it so I dont go in to the figjt or flight mode?

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Asked by Jas1974

If you are struggling to cope with posttraumatic stress disorder, talk to your GP. You don’t need to keep feeling like this. Effective treatments are available and you can get better.

mmjdoctors com /medical-marijuana-treats-ptsd-guide/

You have ptsd can you own a gun for home protection?

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PTSD military veterans "can" face difficulties getting gun permits. BUT, I am an OIF war vet from 2003/2004, and I have been diagnosed wit PTSD, and own firearms. The certain question on the form when purchasing a firearm is meant mainly towards mentally disturbed individuals that are or have been hospitalized against their will to a mental hospital, or on depression medication for depression, and so on and so forth. You can ask any veteran (most likely working at a gun shop or VFW and American Legion) about this also.

Another thing you need to pay attention to, is that a lot of Law Enforcement Officers are also diagnosed with PTSD whenever they have to use their firearm or other forms of protection in the line of duty, and yet, they are still allowed to carry and use a firearm. Why not a veteran soldier who has put his or her life on the line and probably fired his or her weapon more times than an entire police station worth of officers to end/protect lives? Ask yourself and others this.

Please comment.

Black dog chasing in dream what does it mean?

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This dream suggests that the dreamer is running away from trouble. If this is a recurring dream, it indicates that the dreamer is avoiding a problem in real life. It is time to stop running away and face the difficulty directly so it can be resolved.

---- It means that bad luck is chasing you.

What is wrong when you blank out and you don't remember things?

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Asked by Wiki User

1) If you just recovered or experienced a concussion...

2) If you feel tired and you want to fall asleep...

3) Get queezy and you just don't know where you are at...

4) Cannot think well enough...

How do you find the best psychiatrist in your area for PTSD?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can phone any hospital and get this information or phone the Mental Health Clinic in your area and they will put you on the right track. Unfortunately, unlike our other doctors, there are no real records kept on psychiatrists (this should be changed in the next few years.) It's tough to know who is good and who isn't. The best thing you can do is "interview them!" If you don't feel right with them then move on to another one. You will know the right doctor by the way they ask you questions and if they show signs of understanding any problems you may have.

Good luck Marcy

Psychiatrist aren't the only ones who can treat PTSD, if you are specifically looking for a Psychiatrist in your area I would look for one based on what your needs are. The first step is start with your insurance company, they might have a list of Psychiatrist that you can see. Second I would check out there years of practice, based on your needs what do they "specialize" in? Most Psychiatrist only prescribe medication, so seeing a psychologist might be better. Psychotherapy is the use of psychological techniques to change behaviors, feelings, thoughts, or habits. It's used to relieve symptoms of emtional or behavioral dysfunction or distress. It's used to help people achieve greater self awareness and more forward with life. There are wide varieties of psychotheraputic approaches ( behavioral, congnitive, psychodynamic)Psycotherapy is for people experiencing depression,anxiety,anger, not feeling in control of your life. Relationship problems, PTSD. It's something that can really be life changing. It helps. You can call your insurance company, or talk with your primary care doctor about getting a referral. If you don't have a primary care doctor I would start with a support group in your area. There is depending on your area a group for mental health that will have area doctors. Check out the links to the right, those might help :)

Psychologists can be extremely helpful also in treating PTSD. Look for one under the category of "anxiety disorders."

If you have trouble finding a therapist in your area, you can look online, they have many qualified therapists who specialize in PTSD.


You need a medical professional to diagnose you for PTSD. Start with your insurance and look for board certified professionals.

Why would a doctor Rx a pt that has been diagnoised with ptsd depression and bi-polar provac and depakote isn't bi-polor manic depresive you are one or the other is not stable?

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These things don't usually exist on their own.

PTSD symptoms are often found in combination with other conditions. So it is quite common to find someone with PTSD who also has Bipolar or even a personality disorder.

Bipolar disorder can be either manic or depressive and medication is often the first choice to treat it. Specific meds are used to control the mood swing element and mood stabilizers are usually used to help the depression. Prozac (fluoxetine) is often prescribed for the more impulsive and depressive symptoms but there are a range of drugs used for bipolar disorder, anti psychotics and mood stabilizers such as Lamotrigine.

What happens to the amygdala in people with PTSD?

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The amygdala is the part of the brain that processes fear, threats and anxiety. The amygdala is involved in the assessment of threat-related stimuli and is necessary for the process of fear conditioning.

It has been found via PET/neuroimaging studies that the amygdala is hyperresponsive in PTSD .

Also when people are presented with personalized traumatic stories,combat sounds, combat photographs and trauma-related words the amygdala also shows signs of being hyperresponsive.

The amygdala is involved in the assessment of threat-related stimuli and/or biologically relevant ambiguity and is necessary for the process of fear conditioning.

In PTSD neuroimaging studies suggest that the changes that occur lead to a shift from a brain where:-

- the stress, reward, and self-reflection systems operate in learning mode. This allows people to investigate and enjoy the world around them. This allows them to obtain and remember knowledge that enhances their life

-to a brain operating in survival mode. This means that one becomes defensive and prone to negative emotional, cognitive, and behavioral reactions.

I hope this helps.

Diana McAuliffe

What is acute senses?

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Acute senses apply mainly to the heightened perception and receptivity of the five senses + , sometimes can manifest as Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. A person who is acute in senses at strongest point also may experience extra sensory perception phenomenom. The senses are hyperactive resulting from arguable causes. One is the effects of chronic stress, and post traumatic stress which can create a loop of fight/flight survival response relating to many different scenarios and thus the human has senses of an animal in the wild relying on what most humans do not need to survive. Unfortunately for the most part it is intolerable for a human to develop acute senses as their systems are not used to it and the smell of solvents or even the chemicals found in perfumes and laundry products can trigger off a whole myriad of physical and neurological symptoms earning todays becoming popular label of MCS - Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. Lights can appear to bright and other visuals intolerable, certain foods are intolerable too depending on the individual response and gluten is usually a culprit found in the digestive and immune response. Pain too can be present physically as the brains pain receptors are also in hyper arousal. The sensitivity applies throughout the system and the human brain is very complex and not fully understood just as extra sensory perception isn't.