


Ptolemy was an Egyptian mathematician and scientist. He lived from 90 to 168 AD.

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What was Ptolemy's theory?

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Ptolemy's theory was a geocentric model of the universe, where the Earth was believed to be at the center with the planets and sun orbiting around it in perfect circles. This theory held influence for centuries until heliocentrism was proposed by Copernicus and later confirmed by Galileo.

Who contradicted Ptolemys geocentric model?

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The heliocentric model proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus contradicted Ptolemy's geocentric model. Copernicus suggested that the Sun, rather than the Earth, was at the center of the solar system.

What where claudius ptolemy's quote?

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One of Claudius Ptolemy's well-known quotes is "I know that I am mortal by nature, and ephemeral; but when I trace at my pleasure the windings to and fro of the heavenly bodies, I no longer touch the earth with my feet: I stand in the presence of Zeus himself and take my fill of ambrosia."

What nationality was Cleopatra?

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Cleopatra was of Macedonian Greek descent but ruled as the last active pharaoh of ancient Egypt.

How did Cleopatra's brother die?

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Cleopatra's brother, Ptolemy XIII, drowned in the Nile River during a battle against Caesar's forces in 47 BC. The exact circumstances surrounding his death are unclear, but it is believed that he either drowned or was killed during the conflict.

What artifacts did archaeologist find to prove Cleopatra vii was alive?

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Archaeologists found artifacts such as coins with Cleopatra's image, statues, and inscriptions with her name to prove Cleopatra VII was alive. They also uncovered items related to her palace and possessions, offering indirect evidence of her existence. Additionally, her burial site and artifacts related to her relationship with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony have also been discovered.

What geometric arrangements did ptolemy use to explain retrograde motion?

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Ptolemy used a combination of epicycles and deferents to explain retrograde motion in his geocentric model of the solar system. Epicycles were small circles that planets moved along while also moving along a larger circle called a deferent. This complex system of circles was used to account for the observed planetary motion from Earth's perspective.

Who developed ideas that contradicted Ptolemys geocentric model of the universe?

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Scientists such as Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei developed ideas that contradicted Ptolemy's geocentric model of the universe. Copernicus proposed a heliocentric model with the sun at the center, while Galileo's observations through a telescope supported this idea, leading to the eventual acceptance of the heliocentric model.

Who developed ideas that contradicted Ptolemy's geocentric model of the universe?

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Copernicus and Galileo were two major figures whose ideas contradicted Ptolemy's geocentric model. Copernicus proposed a heliocentric model with the Sun at the center of the solar system, while Galileo used observations through a telescope to support this view and challenge Ptolemaic beliefs.

How ptolemy's book impacted Columbus?

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Ptolemy's book "Geography" provided Columbus with outdated and inaccurate maps that underestimated the size of the Earth, leading Columbus to believe he could reach Asia by sailing westward. This misconception ultimately played a significant role in Columbus's decision to explore the New World in 1492.

How many 40 caliber mk 4 series 80 government models were made?

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There is no specific number available for the total production of the 40 caliber mk 4 series 80 government models. Production numbers for firearms can vary widely and may not be publicly disclosed by manufacturers.

What was ptolemy's country?

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He Was Born In Egypt

Where can you find artifacts that archaeologist found to prove Cleopatra vii was alive?

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Artifacts related to Cleopatra VII can be found in various museums around the world, including the British Museum in London, the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. These artifacts may include statues, coins, tomb inscriptions, and other relics that provide evidence of Cleopatra's existence.

Why was Ptolemy's idea of the universe accepted so well by the church?

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It was ptolemy that gave the assumption on the use of devices in the system of the universe

Who told king Ptolemy that there is no royal way to learn geomertry?

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The philosopher Euclid is traditionally attributed with saying, "There is no royal road to geometry," to King Ptolemy I of Egypt. This statement emphasizes that geometry requires diligent study and cannot be mastered through shortcuts or privileged treatment.

What is queen Nefertiti's date of birth?

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Queen Nefertiti's date of birth is uncertain. It is believed that she was born around 1370 BC.

Who was ptolemys wife?

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you are a ideot dumb one

Did Ptolemy have siblings and parents?

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If you are referring to Ptolemy VIII, yes, he did. It was his sister and co-ruler, Cleopatra.

What did Ptolemy contribute to the scientific revolution?

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He published Geometry books and came up with a way to calculate astronomical movements.

What did Claudius Ptolemy believe in?

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Ptolemy developed several mathematical models to describe the motions of the sun, the moon, the planets and the stars. The book that describes these models is called "The Almagest" or "Ptolemy's Almagest". The models all assume:

1. The earth is stationary.

2. All objects travel with uniform speed on a perfectly circular orbit.

However, a model that placed the earth in the centre of the orbits of all other objects would not work because it does not account for various anomalies, including the varying length of seasons, the irregularity of eclipses of the moons and the retrograde motion of the planets. Ptolemy used two mathematical devices to deal with the anomalies: eccentricity (an offset from the centre of a circle) and epicycles - circular orbits whose centre (or eccentric) itself traveled in a uniform circular orbit.

Much of the material in The Almagest was already known to Greek astronomers. Ptolemy's contribution was to consolidate all known results, make large improvements to the models, and to write it all down in a way that became a standard for the way to present the results of scientific enquiry.

His book was the standard text book for astronomers until his models were ultimately improved by Copernicus, Kepler and Newton.

Ptolemy also wrote a treatise on Astrology, based on his deep knowledge of the motions of the heavenly bodies. This work is called The Tetrabiblos.

How did Ptolemy XIV die?

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Ptolemy XIV died around 168 AD by drowning during battle with Julius Caesar by the weight of his gold breastplate.

Is Ptolemy the geographer related to Cleopatra?

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Ptolemy XIII was Cleopatra's brother and also her first husband.

Ptolemy XIII was Cleopatra's brother and also her first husband.

Ptolemy XIII was Cleopatra's brother and also her first husband.

Ptolemy XIII was Cleopatra's brother and also her first husband.

Ptolemy XIII was Cleopatra's brother and also her first husband.

Ptolemy XIII was Cleopatra's brother and also her first husband.

Ptolemy XIII was Cleopatra's brother and also her first husband.

Ptolemy XIII was Cleopatra's brother and also her first husband.

Ptolemy XIII was Cleopatra's brother and also her first husband.

How did Ptolemy prove his model?

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Galileo explained the backwatds motion of the planets