



About 8,240 species of reptiles in the world. They inhabit every continent except Antarctica. Cold-blooded or Ectothermic, these creatures became the first vertebrates to live on land seeking the warmth of the sun. Frightening to some, this category will fascinate you, so slither on in and ask your questions.

500 Questions

Banakon snake is a king cobra or a black mamba?

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Banakon resembles a Black Mamba more than a King Cobra in terms of physical look. In contrast to King Cobra, who has a thicker body than Banakon, Banakon has a thinner and longer body. Moreover, the Banakon moves faster than a King Cobra. I hope this species will be the subject of additional research. There are other rumors that Banakon is not a native of the Philippines but originated from the other country. Accidentally brought here by the grass straw plant, which was introduced for the purpose of feeding livestocks.

Do you hurt snakes when you hold them?

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No, you don't hurt snakes when you hold them. If they are in pain though, or are annoyed, the snake will crawl and squirm away from your hold. Also, wait 24 hours or more to hold a snake after a he eats. Snakes have slow digestion so trying to pick him up will cause him to either get upset or vomit his food.

Most of all, be gentle with a snake. They can sense fear and a tense person.

How do you keep snakes out of your garage?

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Approach slowly, talk softly, place a chair nearby and sit quietly as you continue talking. Each time, bring soft (canned) kitten food with you, nicely broken up in a low bowl. Put the bowl next to your chair, stand up, and walk away; leave the kitten to eat in peace.

Twice a day, take him food and water. Each time, put both next to the chair. But, over many days, don't stand up and leave as soon as you did the last time. Food always wins, eventually. Trust is always greatest with the one person who feeds an animal.

Note: If the kitten is over 6 weeks old and was never touched by humans, he may already be feral (a bit wild). Don't give up hope--it is possible to gain the trust of a feral kitten and eventually make a pet. But trust must not be broken, or you'd be back at square one. So always feed near the same time, same spot, same behavior (yours), and same soft approach with your words, tone of voice, and your actions.

Another Answer

If you wish an easier and faster way then just go to your local animal shelter or pet shop and purchase an inexspensive live trap for small animals, these traps resemble wire cages and they allow you to place food inside at one end and the other end is open,when the animal enters and goes to the end to get the food the door closes and humanely traps the animal alive the trap close to where you hear the kitten and just leave it, check the trap everyday, hunger will eventually force the animal to enter the cage.

Is a kangaroo a reptile?

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neither. it is a marsupial.

Who studies reptiles and amphibians?

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There are so many types of scientists in the world. Herpetologist is the scientists that study the amphibians and reptiles.

What is a summary of a rabbit and a turtle?

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it is about a turtle and a rabbit that race each other then the turtle wins.

Habitat for two headed snake?

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There is no particular habitat. Two-headed snakes are not a species. They are an abnormailty that can happen in a variety of species in different habitats. A two-headed snake usually does not live very long.

Are tortoises warm blooded?

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No, tortoises are cold blooded, as their body temperature fluctuates with their environment.

What are some characteristics of reptiles?

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Some characteristics of reptiles include having scaly skin, being cold-blooded, laying amniotic eggs, having a three-chambered heart, and being predominantly terrestrial. They also typically have claws, scales, and breathe with lungs. Reptiles have adapted to various environments and exhibit a wide range of sizes and physical features.

Used crocodile tears in a sentence?

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Asked by Wiki User

Here is an example in a sentence:

The beautiful woman cried crocodile tears when the policeman tried to give her a ticket for driving too quickly.

It means: sad emotions that are not real.

greetz, Jesseuh.

What are the different types of alligators?

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Alligators are members of the family Alligatoridae, which is broken up into 2 genus. There are true alligators, of which there are 2 species, the American Alligator and the Chinese Alligator, and the Caiman, which there are 6 species, the Black Caiman, Spectacled Caiman, Broad Snouted Caiman, Yacare Caiman, Cuvier's Dwarf Caiman and Schneider's Dwarf Caiman

What colors can water moccasins be?

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The general color of a Water Moccasin (also called Copperhead and other names) is brown, gray, tan, yellowish love or black to suit it's ground cover. The dorsal banding is staggered and brighter in color, but as the snake ages the colors conform to olive brown, gray/brown or black. The belling is white/yellow/white or tan marked with dark spots. Water Moccasins are venomous, but unbelievable as it may seem they would rather give a warning of standing straight up in the water to an intruder (such as a human) rather than bite. The bite of a Water Moccasin is venomous, but if help is nearby antibiotics, etc., are given and the person will survive. Another unusual thing is a Water Moccasin can lash out and give what they call a 'dry bite' meaning they have not excreted venom into their victim.

I don't know who answered this question but whomever it was is stupid if they think that a water moccasin and a copperhead are the same thing. A water moccasin will kill you and a copperhead will only make you sick or cause a finger or toe to be amputated.

How wide is a fully grown anacondas mouth?

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The average size of an anaconda is a width or girth of 12 inches. They can also reach up to 29 feet in length.

How do water snakes survive in the winter?

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south east USA

How To Help A Snake Recover?

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Asked by SnakeKid

Well, I don't really know... I would take it up with a veternarian. They might heal him, or tell you how to. Sorry I can't answer it... Good Luck!!

How do you know when a snake is going into a shed?

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You can usually tell when a snake is going to shed when there is a dull looking film over the eyes of the snake. Most of the time a snake will not eat when it is getting ready to shed it's skin, and there may be flaky, dry skin on it's back. Once it sheds, it's scales will have a different appearance. The snake will have a smoother appearance, and the eyes will be very clear and lose the dull appearance.

Do snakes run out of venom in their whole lifetime?

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Yes they can run out of venom but not for their whole lifetime.. If the snakes does run out of venom, they will make more but it takes a while

What is the name of a snake with 6 letters?

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python, reptiles

Are anacondas blind?

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*Are* all snakes blind?

Well, I'm not sure who told you that all snakes are blind because it's not true. There are species of blind snakes but not all snake species are blind.

Why do reptiles normally live in warm countries?

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Because reptiles are ectothermic - which means they are cold blooded and they really on other heat sources to increase their body temperature in order to survive. Reptiles are slow unless they've been basking(lying in the sun) to increase their body temp. They will also struggle to digest their food if they are not at the right temperature and the food can rot inside them.

What are American alligators daily habits?

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