


Rhubarbs are often used for cooking for desserts because of their relatively sweet flavor.

500 Questions

Why is your rhubarb very tart?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes.But if it is not raw than it is very bitter

Why aluminum pots darken when rhubarb is cook in them?

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Asked by Wiki User

The oxalic acid in the rhubarb acid reacts with the aluminium

Are rhubarb and celery related?

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Asked by Wiki User

Not closely. Celery belongs to the parsnip family, and rhubarb belongs to the buckwheat family. Celery is an annual, while rhubarb is not. They do visually seem like they should be more closely related though.

How do you make rhubarb red?

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Asked by MALABRA

You don't make rhubarb red, that's the way it naturally grows. When it is grown and ready to be picked it is already red...

Sorry but that answer is incorrect, some are red some are green.

Is there a way to change it to make a green plant grow red ??

Sure next year we can pick a reddish crown ?? but what about now whilst it is growing large ??.. Mal

When were rhubarb and custard boiled sweets first made?

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Asked by Wiki User

Jim Banard a sweet factory worker at John Bull Rock Factory created the sweets.This was over 50 years ago and the sweets are still very popular to this date, there even was a children's cartoon named after them, 'The Rhubarb and Custard Show'. Jim is still alive and healthy and has took up a career as a solo singing artiste.

Can babys eat rhubarb?

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Asked by Wiki User

Best not to and avoid any problems, it can cause diarrhea and dehydration

What is the phylum of rhubarb?

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Rhubarb is a member of the same family as buckwheat, the Polygonaceae family.

Do you peel rhubarb?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is not necessary to peel rhubarb although you may with to pull away any 'strings' along the length

Why isn't your rhubarb red?

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Asked by Wiki User

not all varieties are red or your plant may not be ripe as yet

When did rhubarbs come to America?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the 1820's, entering the country through Maine and moving on with the settlers

When is rhubarb safe to eat?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rhubarb actually comes in several color varieties; from green to speckled pink to ruby red. It is safe to eat the stalks of green rhubarb, but never eat them if they have been frostbitten, and never ever eat the leaves of the rhubarb plant, as they are poisonous.

What are the physical characteristics of the Western rhubarb plant?

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Asked by GaleEncyofAltMed

It puts out smaller feeder roots in early spring that develop into long thick stalks that grow from 1 - 3 ft (about 30 - 90 cm) in length with one very large spade-shaped leaf that has curled edges.

How do you harvest seeds from rhubarb?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends, if your going to harvest the stalks, (fruit of the plant). For the harvester, when the plant blooms, it is considered "Bolting" and is thought to waste a lot of the plants energy which could be used to produce edible stalks and storing carbohydrates.

If your harvesting this vegetable, you need to prune the flowers.

If your not harvesting, flowering (bolting), is part of the plants life cycle to propagate.

How long do you cook rhubarb pie?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are several variants such as temperature and stove used, but a rule of thumb is at 400 degrees Fahrenheit, cook the pie about 40-45 minutes or until the crust becomes golden brown and the fruit is bubbly and the bubbles do not burst quickly.

How many cups is 8 stalks of rhubarb?

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Asked by Wiki User

4 pounds

Is rhubarb grown underground?

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The edible part of the rhubarb grows above ground.

Can you eat green rhubarb?

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Yes. It is possibly the best thing to do with it. But keep in mind that it has medicinal use as a laxative so be careful about the quantity you have.

What is the name of the acid found in rubarb?

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Asked by Wiki User

Oxalix acid, in the leaves

Which months do rhubarb grow?

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What are some differences between rhubarb and Swiss chard?

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rhubarb can be poisonous if not properly prepared

rhubarb is more of a fruit, the stems only, leaves cannot be used they are poisonous. Rhubarb tastes sour and needs lots of sugar when used for pies.

Swiss chard is a vegetable , green top leafs, red stems, tastes like spinach. Usually the leafs are cooked and stems discarded.

Should you plant raspberries near rhubarb?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, and they all will pollinate each other.

This information is incorrect. I work at a nursery. Black and red raspberries should not be planted near each other. They need to be at least 700 feet apart. The black raspberries contian a virus that is harmless to them, yet is destructive to the red raspberries.

Which state is the largest producer of rhubarb?

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Asked by Wiki User


Wrong. WASHINGTON is the correct answer.

Are the leaves of a rhubarb plant poisonous?

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Asked by Wiki User

  • All* materials are poisonous if ingested in sufficient amount. After all, water itself is toxic if one imbibes enough of it to dilute the blood thus disturbing electrolyte distribution which, in turn, affects the heart's rhythm. But to get to the original question, rhubarb leaves contain oxalic acid which is a skin irritant.
Oxalic acid - as in the rhubarb leaves - should not be eaten either as there have been cases of poisoning from ingesting the leaves.