


Rocks and Minerals

A rock is a compound composed of two or more minerals. It is classified into three types based on how it is formed – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. Meanwhile, a mineral is grouped in classes based on its chemical properties.

500 Questions

What mineral group is pyrite in?

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Pyrite belongs to the sulfide mineral group. It is composed of iron and sulfur, with a chemical formula FeS2.

What determines the mineral grain size in an igneous rock?

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The rate of cooling of the magma primarily determines the mineral grain size in an igneous rock. Rapid cooling results in fine-grained rocks, while slow cooling allows for the formation of coarse-grained rocks. Additionally, the composition of the magma and the presence of nucleation sites can also influence the final grain size.

What material do scientists believe makes up a large part of the upper mantle?

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Scientists believe that the upper mantle is primarily composed of peridotite, a rock made up of minerals such as olivine and pyroxene. This composition is based on studies of seismic waves, rock samples from the mantle, and experimental research under high pressure and temperature conditions.

List of igneous rocks?

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Some common igneous rocks include granite, basalt, andesite, and rhyolite. These rocks form from the solidification of molten magma beneath the Earth's surface or from volcanic eruptions. Igneous rocks can be classified as intrusive (plutonic) if they cool slowly beneath the surface, or extrusive (volcanic) if they cool rapidly on the surface.

If a mineral can be scratched by a fingernail but not by a pocket knife what does that tell us about the mineral?

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It suggests that the mineral has a hardness between 2.5 and 5.5 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. This can help in identifying the mineral based on its physical properties.

Do minerals have definite chemical and physical properties?

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Yes, minerals have definite chemical compositions and crystalline structures, giving them unique physical properties such as hardness, color, cleavage, and density. These properties are used to help identify and classify minerals.

What are three visible properties of minerals?

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Three visible properties of minerals are color, luster (appearance of the surface in light), and crystal shape or habit.

What is the boiling point of silicon carbide?

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Silicon carbide does not have a boiling point because it sublimes directly from solid to gas at around 2700°C (4892°F) without passing through a liquid state.

Is pyrite rare?

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Pyrite is not considered rare, as it is one of the most abundant sulfide minerals found in nature. It is commonly found in sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks around the world. Despite its abundance, pyrite is valued for its resemblance to gold and its industrial uses in sulfur production.

What materials form Metamorphic Rocks?

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Metamorphic rocks can form from the transformation of pre-existing rocks under high temperatures and pressures. Common parent rocks include shale, limestone, and granite. The minerals present in the parent rocks determine the types of metamorphic rocks that can form.

What are the three ways that igneous rocks form or differ?

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Igneous rocks can form through cooling and solidification of magma, either underground as intrusive rocks or on the surface as extrusive rocks. They can differ in texture based on the rate of cooling, producing fine-grained or coarse-grained rocks. Compositionally, igneous rocks can vary in mineral content, such as felsic (rich in silica and aluminum) or mafic (rich in magnesium and iron).

Is dolomite water soluble?

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Dolomite is not very soluble in water, with a solubility of only about 0.3 grams per liter at room temperature. This low solubility is due to the insolubility of the mineral's main components, calcium and magnesium carbonates, in water.

What are the similarities and differences of minerals vs manufactuered minerals?

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Minerals are naturally occurring inorganic substances with a specific chemical composition and crystal structure, whereas manufactured minerals are created through industrial processes. Both types of minerals can be used in various applications such as construction, electronics, and cosmetics, but manufactured minerals are typically engineered to have specific properties for specific uses. One key difference is that minerals are found in nature and need to be mined or extracted, while manufactured minerals are created in controlled environments.

The rock type which results from metamorphosed shale is?

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Shale can metamorphose into slate, which can metamorphose into phyllite, which can metamorphose into schist, which can metamorphose into gneiss.

Is a rock a molecule?

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No. Rocks are composed of millions if not billions of molecules.

Additionally, rocks are different from minerals in that minerals are a nearly infinite repetition of the same chemical formula. Rocks are composed of diverse molecules in a relatively exact proportion.

Does calcite have metallic luster?

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No. It is transparent and does not contain metals.

Is ore renewable or nonrenewable?

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Ore is considered nonrenewable because it takes millions of years to form through geological processes. Once extracted and processed, ore reserves are depleted and cannot be easily replaced within a human timeframe.

What is the definition of a small rock?

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A small rock is a piece of solid material that is smaller in size than a typical rock, usually measuring less than a few inches in diameter.

Is granite a pure substance homogeneous mixture or heterogeneous mixture?

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It's obvious from a cursory visual inspection that it's hetereogeneous. Anything with swirls, or specks, or any pattern other than a solid color is hetereogeneous (the reverse is not necessarily true; being a solid color does not always mean that it's homogeneous).

Is it possible for a rock to be derived from clay?

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Yes, it is possible for rocks to form from clay. Clay is a type of sedimentary rock that is composed of very fine mineral particles. Over time, compaction and cementation of clay particles can lead to the formation of sedimentary rocks such as shale or mudstone.

Is dacite intrusive or extrusive?

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Dacite can be both intrusive and extrusive. Intrusive dacite forms when magma solidifies beneath the Earth's surface, while extrusive dacite forms when lava erupts on the Earth's surface and cools quickly.

How does sedimentary rock become a metamorphic rock?

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Sedimentary rock can be metamorphosed by: a) exposure to heat by close proximity to a heat source such as a plutonic intrusion; b) from deep burial pressures; c) from directed pressure and heat from mountain building processes; d) chemical changes from exposure to heated fluids, the fluids heated by a plutonic intrusion. Metamorphism of sedimentary rocks can result in a realignment of mineral constituents, recrystallization, or new chemical compositions.


Why do rocks move in different directions?

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Rocks can move in different directions due to various factors such as wind, water flow, gravity, and geological processes like tectonic activity or landslides. These external forces can shift rocks in ways that lead to their movement in multiple directions.

What color is Bedrock?

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Bedrock is typically depicted as a gray or light gray color in various representations, such as in geological diagrams or cartoons like "The Flintstones." However, in reality, the color of bedrock can vary depending on the minerals present in the rock formation.

Can sedimentary rocks be found in Hawaii?

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Yes, sedimentary rocks can be found in Hawaii. They are primarily composed of fragments of volcanic material (like ash and lava) and coral reef debris that have been compacted and cemented together over time. Examples include sandstone, shale, and limestone.