

Roller Skating

Roller skating is like ice skating but you’re on four wheels, not blades. You don’t need ice like ice skating, you just use any smooth floor. There’s only two basic varieties on skates: quad roller skates and inline skates, also known as blades, though some have experimented with a single-wheeled "quintessence skate" or other variations on the basic skate design.

500 Questions

When have the hooters girls ever wore roller skates?

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Asked by Wiki User

When did hooter girls wear skates

In the Phineas and Ferb DS game where is the roller skate?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well im pretty sure that you have to get the blonde fireside girl's gloves so she can shovel the snow and then u bring them to her and she will give u the rollerskates

Who is the best roller blader?

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Asked by Ilikered

Chris haffey

Where is the best no skate zone in skate?

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Asked by Wiki User

for me, the best no skate zone is the matrix plaza. its got alot of everything.

How do you bake skate at home?

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Asked by Wiki User

heat your skates with a hair dryer then place foot inside and do them up then heat again like before

Improved by Scappi 90 on 10/8/09

The above won't work at all. you need to use an oven.

Search here by typing in 'how to bake skates in an oven'.

Can you do jam skate on skorpion skates?

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Asked by Wiki User

No you cant jam skate on skorpion skates unless you want to brake something but you can jam skate in inlines and quads

Can you teach a cat to rollerblade?

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Asked by Wiki User

you can try but I'm sad to say i am pretty sure cats are made as house pets not monkeys on Rollerblades

Which is better bones red or ILQ-9 Bearings?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bones red are much better as ILQ-9 Bearings are basic and are made jd bug so are not the best bearings you can get which leads me to say bones reds are much better.

Where did roller skates replace ice skates?

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Asked by Wiki User

Roller skates are very popular to this day... Although I bet you that people decided to stay indoors in the winter, rather than go rollerskating somewhere nearby... They probably thought-

"Wouldn't it be cool if we could roller-skate on ice?"

And vola! Ice-skates were born!

Kinda a pathetic answer but hey! Hoped it helped!

Heelys are better then roller skates?

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Asked by Wiki User

Heelys are better

Is rachel piplica gay?

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Asked by Wiki User

yep ;)

What musical is performed on roller skates?

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Starlight express

Where did James Plimpton invent roller skates?

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Asked by Wiki User

America in 1863!

How do you roller skate?

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Asked by Wiki User

To learn how to skate on a skateboard, you need to have balance. Balance is a big part in skateboarding. Follow these steps:

1. Put your board on concrete, or a wood floor.

2. Put your running foot on the front of the board.

3. Push with the opposite foot.

( Make sure you are on smooth ground.)

Don't worry if you fall, everybody falls once in a while.

4. Keep riding...

You cant learn to do tricks without learning the basics.

5. If you want to learn tricks, go on the grass first.

6. HAVE FUN! Well, if you mean just gliding then you put one foot (back foot) on the rear bolts, and the other foot (front foot) 3/4 between the back bolts and the front bolts. If you mean ollieing (jumping) you have to put your back foot on the very tip of the rear lip and front foot in the middle of the board, and push down as hard as you can on your back foot. While pushing down, slide your other foot (front foot) quickly upwards in a controlled manner. For other information on ollieing/other skateboard tricks, look at

Can you roller skate in a buffalo herd?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, but you can be happy if you've a mind to. (Old song)


you can but it will hert if u get hit by the buffalo i tryed it.

(make sure u have life insurance if u try it)

Who have been the national roller skating queens?

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Asked by Ahgoldfarb

Karen Ross from Calif. was the National Queen in 1969

How do you adjust micro star 2500 roller skate?

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Asked by Wiki User

You have to replace the side cushions on the axles with either harder or softer cushions to ease the tension for turning of the trucks.

Where can you find information about the Riverview roller rink?

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Riverview roller rink
  • My friends and I skated there every Friday night, then went straight into the "Park" and went on rides until closing time, around midnight. Then we walked about two miles home up Clybourne Ave to the Projects where we lived. You could do that then.
  • My father worked as a guard at Riverview in the 60's until when it burned down. I have photos of the fire. I remember as a kid seeing the smoke from Horner Park while playing little league. We thought WGN was burning. After we drove to fire it turned out to be the rink. If there is interest leave a post. I'll send the pictures to the Hub web page. I also found some photos of the inside of the rink in my father's collection. Maybe they will put them on their web site. They do keep track of the yearly Hob, Axle Riverview reunion.
  • I grew up skating at Riverview every Thursday, Friday, Sat and Sunday night and every Sat. Sunday matinee. I knew Bill Rebel, Tim Buckwinkler and many others - Theresa and Cheryl (the twins)...anyone from the rink interested in communicating please let me know. I also have pictures of the fire courtesy of Tim Buckwinkler. Unfortunately I never had the chance to attend any of the reunions Tim ran - wish I had.
  • Yeah, I remember Riverview Roller Rink! I spent some of the best Fri and Sat nites of my life there in the late 60's. I remember the twins, Spanky, Bruce and Chick. I hung around with Judy, Kim and Isabelle. I believe Judy and Bruce got married after high school. Russ was the best organist EVER. I just loved listening to him play. Several years ago I had been in touch with his daughter.She was living in California. Unfortunately, we somehow lost touch and I haven't been able to find her again. She has tapes of her dad's playing his wonderful music.
  • There is a video tape available that has about 10 minutes of silent home film of the roller rink. It shows the outside of the rink, footage of people skating on the inside and of the fire.

I found it in my dad's collection along with some audo tapes labeled Russ Young. I assume it is recordings of him playing. I believe it is put out by Chuck Wlodarczyk. My copy is on beta. Maybe they have added more footage on the current version that is listed at 2 hours.

  • My girlfriends Nancy and Pam and myself used to skate the matinee's on Saturday and Sunday. Following on Sunday'a we were so called teachers that for an hour had four to six people in our group. We would teach dance steps. Such as the Fox Trot...Waltz...Romp and many more. There were many teacher's and you really thought that you were something else if you passed the test to become one. I remember you were something special if you were asked to skate by any one of the guards. There was also a rivalry between Riv and the Hub.
  • I started skating riverview since i was 4 years old, to the day it was burnt down. I started as a pain in the back side to the floor guards, so they all got tired of sitting on the bench. So they adopted me as my little brother. I skated there probly 5 times a week. I worked in the court room, skate room, the baby rink as a floor guard, then finally the big floor. By this time we were all family. Guys like Tim Buckwinkler, Mike Buckles, Al Rebel, Jody, Gary, Don, Steve, and many more. I new everybody at riverview. 33 years later, I can still walk to the bottom of the bridge, walk in the front door, know exactly where to pay to get in,walk down the isle around the organ pass the first aid room add back to the guards room.
  • There is a site that lists the parts of the Riverview organ parts that were integrated into a Wurlitzer in Mesa, Arizona. At least part of the rink lives on in sound.